Maraschino (A Modern Day Sleeping Beauty)
Synopsis: Hughbert and Ashleigh finally have their only child, Marachino (or Mary for short). She is blessed by her curteousy aunts Florence, Fawn and Stormy. Then, Ashleigh’s estranged sister and bitterest rival, Mildred, shows up to Mary’s baby shower and curses her, foretelling that the darling girl will suffer a coma at only 16. This eventually comes to pass through Mildred’s goons, Dorse and Thunk, who convincingly deliver the tearful news to Hughbert and Ashleigh. Only one person can bring her back to life, and that is Mary’s longtime love interest, Ernest, who is shy, but determined.
Hughbert Ricci:
Ashleigh Ricci:
Marachino ‘Mary’ Ricci:
Aunt Florence:
Aunt Fawn:
Aunt Stormy:
Aunt Mildred:
Winfred Junipero: (Mary’s best friend)
Aesop Stevenson: (Winny’s love/date)
Tad Collingsworth: (Ernie’s best friend)
Ernest Muholland: (our protagonist)
Dorse: (an actuary/bean counter and lackey of Mildred)
Thunk: (the same as Dorse and equally unintelligent)
Scene 1—A Miracle Child
Ashleigh: I can’t believe we actually have our own baby girl after all our trying, ailing and failing.
Hughbert: (kisses her forehead) So many false hopes…
Ashleigh: (getting teary eyed) No time to focus on the past, Hughbert. Marichino is here now, and she’s perfectly healthy !
Hugh: (stroking and petting her hand) You’re absolutely right, Ashleigh. Today is a day of unrivaled celebration for the Riccis !
(Many guests come in to see little Mary, cooing and fussing over her and how darling she is. Mary doesn’t make a lot of stir but she brightens even more when her curteousy aunts come in with their blessings.)
Ashleigh: Oh ! Aunt Florence, Fawn, Stormy ! I didn’t receive your RSVP. I had no idea you were coming ! Do you want anything ?
Florence: No, honey. Don’t you go troubling yourself ! (she laughs)
Fawn: That’s right. You should be recuperating. Adjusting to Marachino might take a while.
Stormy: Forgive us for coming unannounced. We brought gifts that we know would be practical.
Hugh: Go ahead and place them over on the table with the others, if you don’t mind.
Fawn: Certainly will, Hugh. (they place all their gifts on the table and join the line of eager onlookers. Many give their praise and a lot of them bask in the beauty Mary offers. She is an extremely happy and pleasant child.)
Florence: Look at you, how stunning you are. I can see you gained looks from both sides of the family. (places her hand upon Mary’s head) I grant you blessings of deeper beauty and empathy of the heart. May you be a friend to everyone you meet, but unafraid to be stern when the situation calls for it.
(Mary reaches forward to grab Florence’s pinky, which Florence allows her to hold. She laughs heartily.)
Florence: Kid’s got quite the grip ! (softly) Be a dear and let Auntie Flo go.
(Mary releases her, cooing at Fawn)
Fawn: Aw, what a little cutie patoot ! Snugger than a ladybug ‘neath a bayleaf. (touches her forehead) To you, I give song, music and the means to share your gift with thousands. (winks) Go little rockstar.
(Stormy approaches next, about to give her blessing to Mary. Mildred storms in, angrily.)
Ashleigh: (a bit perturbed) YOU ! What are you doing here ? You weren’t invited.
(Dressed in black, stunning, but imposing, Mildred is surrounded by her goons, Dorse and Thunk. She smugly smirks and approaches her sister.)
Mildred: I do realize that dear sister. Your mother ousted me far back after she died. The inheritance was to be for all of us.
Ashleigh: Not when you tried to poison her, Mildred.
Mildred: And now, this little whelp. This little turd (a bit apologetic, but sardonic) no offense, came along and the wealth will go to her. But if she’s gone…
Hughbert: (resolute) If you dare touch her, Mildred…
Mildred: Hughbert, relax. I mean no harm to your urchin. All I want is to bless her. (she chuckles a little. Approaching her, Mary begins to cry uncontrollably) Before her 16th birthday, she will be the victim of a carwreck, putting her in a coma. Hence forward, you will have to make a decision and turn family wealth and other Ricci assets into my capable hands as you should have done long after mother’s demise. (She begins to walk away) Oh, liven up ! It’s not like I said she was going to die ! What a dampener you plebeians are. (she saunters out of the room, followed closely by her mountainous entourage)
Stormy: (Sees that Ashleigh and Hughbert are getting teary eyed) Oh, darlings…That horrible sister of yours. I knew I wouldn’t put it past her to curse your little Mary. I can undo it.
Hughbert: (a bit disraught) Stormy, it’s only words…
Stormy: (Takes his hands into hers) Remember what prayer accomplished. Don’t underestimate the power of words. (She wipes both Hughbert and Ashleigh’s eyes of tears, pivots on her foot and walks toward Marachino, whom she comforts) It’s ok. Evil Aunt Mildred’s gone. For now. (places her hand atop her head) Though a coma you might go into, it can and will be broken by the unconditional love and true love’s kiss of your red thread.
Ashleigh: Sounds like a long shot, Stormy.
Stormy: (laughing) I thought you two being together was a long-shot when I heard it.
Fawn: Darn straight, Stormy. I never could’ve imagined a more unlikely pair.
Flo: We don’t know what the future will bring for Mary. All we can do is raise her, teach her well, and let her live as best she can.
Scene 2—Prom Is Around the Corner
Mary: Winny, I can’t believe it !
Winifred: What is it ?
Mary: (Shows Winny her note that she received) It’s from Ernie ! He wants to go to prom with me ! I was wanting to ask him, but I was fearing rejection.
Winifred: Mary, you’re the most popular girl in the entire school.
Mary: (chuckling) If you mean popular among the ‘ragtag crew’ of kids, then sure.
Winifred: You know what I mean.
Mary: (nudging her best friend in the ribs playfully) Who’s taking you ?
Winifred: (blushing) Aesop Stevenson. He’s in band. Plays a mean trombone.
Mary: (teasing her) Ooh, must be an incredible kisser then. (pauses) I’m certainly surprised that Ernie got up the courage to ask me. We’ve been together for a while and I can’t help but feel that maybe we’re supposed to be together forever. I know it’s silly to think, since we’re only friends.
Winifred: (scoffs in disbelief) I see how lovey-dovey you are. You can’t say that’s ‘just friendship’, Mary.
Mary: (blushes deeply) He’s quite the gentleman. He loves to steal kisses from me when he thinks others aren’t looking. I never expected I would be falling for him, geeky nature and all.
Winifred: (chuckles) Says the LARP nerd ! You’re such a dork ! Well, I’d better be going home. I have a few errands to run, but I’ll see you at prom !
(They hug and say their farewells.)
Mary: Catch you on the flip, sweetie. (They wave to each other and Mary starts driving her car home on the freeway. She is countered by Dorse and Thunk along the way. She’s playing ‘1,000 Miles’ and singing happily until she sees them.)
Scene 3—Bearing Bad News
(The thugs move in and ram her during ‘Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree’)
Thunk: (patting Dorse on the back in celebration) Little sports car go BOOM. (evil chortle)
Dorse: That it did, Thunk. Come on, let’s look at the damage we’ve done.
(The paramedics come and retrieve Mary’s body, which is in bad shape. Thunk and Dorse claim the accident happened so quickly that they had no idea what had happened. They were trying to avoid being pelted by a gravel truck’s debris. To dodge the incoming rocks, they hit Marichino’s car, and sent it into a rail. She tried to correct herself, but her vehicle flipped.)
Ashleigh: Does any of the doctors know when I can see our baby, Hugh ?
Hugh: They said they’re doing everything for her, but she’s been put into a coma.
Ashleigh: (getting emotional) Just like the prophecy back at the baby shower and christening. Oh, Hughbert…I was praying this day wouldn’t come.
Hugh: (holding her, stroking her shoulders) Ash, we both were aware it was probable and likely. We did what we could. Those two are responsible, but their story clears them of any wrongdoing.
Ashleigh: (buries her face into Hugh’s chest) Why do wicked men prosper ?
Hugh: (strokes her hair) It’s only temporary. We know Who’s light shields us. Have faith, my love.
(Soon, it’s reported that Mary’s condition is worsening and nothing less than a miracle can save her. Thunk and Dorse call their mistress, who is tickled at the news.)
Mildred: (driving in to the hospital, in a sing song voice) Soon I will have what belongs to me, altogether rightfully !
Winifred: I came as soon as I heard. Oh, Mary…Bless you.
Aesop: (a bit angrily) She’s only 16 ! How can this be fair ?!
Winifred: Aesop, please…It’s hard enough for all of them.
Scene 3—The Game Changer
(Ernie comes in with ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ playing softly behind him.)
Ernest: Don’t count out the power of love just yet. I put my car in drive as soon as I read a snippet in our local online newspaper.
Mildred: (laughs) You think you can do anything, boy ? You’re nothing. As you can see, she’s getting worse. I’d advise all of you to say your goodbyes.
Ernest: I love her, and I can’t picture living my life without her. I do realize I’m only one year older than she is, but there is no one else like her. She’s got the voice of an angel and a golden heart that truly cares for others. Oftentimes, she puts others in front of herself. (laughs) I’ll never forget when I first met her. We were younger then, but I knew Cupid had hit his mark when I saw her. She was standing up for a littler kid in the sandbox. She was all beaten up, bruised, and panting. I rushed to her side and pulled my first aid kit out of my lunchbox. I always kept it there for situations like that one. I patched her up and gave her a peck on the eyebrow, cheek, chin and her bleeding knuckles to help her. That time to show her just how much she means to me has arrived again. (he approaches the side of her bed, takes his hands into hers and kisses her deeply.)
(There’s a brief pause here until Mary opens her eyes.)
Mary: What just happened ? Why am I in traction ?! Aunt Mildred, what are you and your associates doing here ?
Thunk: Things go south quick, Dorse !
Dorse: No joke, Thunk. I think it’s time for us to make like bananas and split ! Mildred ! Double time !
Mildred: You don’t tell ME what to do, Dorse !
Dorse: Shut up. March.
(They walk out, and Mildred has ultimately been defeated. Everyone comes together to hug and tearfully welcome back Maraschino. It is a number of months until she is healed and we see the process of healing to ‘Your Eyes’ as we see Ernie by her side during the whole process.)
Scene 4—A Happily Ever After
Mary: (grinning) It took me far less time than I realized to heal fully. Thank goodness my legs mended in time for prom. (growls playfully) Lookin’ like a million bucks there, Ernie.
Ernie: (loops his arm around hers) Speak for yourself, princess. I never thought you would actually get that LED dress. It suits you so well, though !
Mary: You were quite the influence on me. I felt a little dopey at first, but now I can see it was an excellent investment.
Ernie: (sweetly) You are the most unique bell of the ball I have ever courted or seen. Shall we ?
Mary: Let’s shall.
(Aesop, Winifred, Ernie and Maraschino all dance to a remix of ‘Once Upon a Dream’, which will be using samples from the original Sleeping Beauty as well as a more 80s retro wave feel that makes it modern. Across the sky, we see a banner that reads in golden letters ‘And They All Lived Happily Ever After…Except Mildred.’ Near the end of the film, we see Mildred and her goons going back to their company and cursing their rotten luck, realizing that they got back the hand of bad karma they had dealt. Credits roll, bloopers and shown and a general thanks for everyone’s support is shown. I also throw in an animated ‘easter egg’ of Ernie and Maraschino in the near future, 5 years beyond today which shows the two married with their own children, learning of their parents’ love story and tucked into bed with ‘The End’ written on their toy box at the end of their bed.)
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