Mystic Mistletoe
Synopsis: A young horticulturist named Doctor Dahlia Lantana finds a way of making mistletoe spritz out a pheromone to anyone kissing under it but her ‘party gift idea’ takes a bad turn when everyone starts falling for each other. She luckily has an antiserum that contradicts the original pheromone cocktail and at long last finds a fellow scientist she can share the mistletoe in earnest with.
Chapter 1—Ah, Socializing !
Doctor Dahlia Lantana was slightly introverted, so being invited to the company Christmas party made her a skosh nervous. She had to bolster herself before the festivities, bringing her special mistletoe. Only weeks before she had been able to breed mistletoe with a special pheromone. Unfortunately, Dahlia hadn’t had a lot of time to test the effects of the pheromone when combined with the potency of mistletoe itself.
Dahlia knew how to act even if her nerves had become a bit frayed. She decorated the middle of the ballroom with her ‘party gift’ and winked at all her attending peers. She had no idea how memorable this evening was going to be. Dahlia though was too busy getting her attention distracted by another equally handsome scientist named David Yucovney. He was into horticulture, healing plants and holistic living just like Dahlia was, but she had never had the nerve to walk up to him and begin a conversation. All was going smoothly until the mistletoe released its concoction. The effects weren’t noticeable at first, but the naturally occurring attraction between David and Dahlia was obvious.
Chapter 2—A Real Life Saturnalia
Those who had found each other alluring for the longest time were getting the gumption, gusto, and courage (and most likely lust) to start chatting. Some of them were getting a bit frisky on the dance floor. David, like any of the other revelers, was a bit horrified but deftly defying the stirring of his loins.
‘Did you happen to bring that plant here as a sort of ‘gift’ ?’, he asked, beginning to sweat a bit. Dahlia shook her head up and down and laughed nervously. He couldn’t believe that she had brought a plant to run a bit of a social experiment. He had only thought the work she had done before would remain confined to the white lab rats, but it was clear to see that Dahlia had other intentions to carry out with it.
‘Firstly, when the board hears of this, they may revoke your privileges until you’ve learned to consult them first.’, David said, with some annoyance. She had the best of intentions but wasn’t considering the course of her actions. Seeing them run their course was enough to make her embarrassed and self-critical for her oversights.
Chapter 3—Before It Turns into an Orgy
The attendants were starting to bill, coo and engage in heavy petting. There were highly respected scientists in the community that were beginning to dry hump each other. One of the loftiest declared,
‘Anyone up for sex ?’, he questioned, wriggling his eyebrows lasciviously. A peer of his began to approach him, disrobing right in front of him. Faster than one could say ‘spores’, Dahlia jumped atop her coworker’s shoulders and shot the mistletoe full of antiserum. Sticking the landing as she came to the ground, the revelers gawked at her.
‘I didn’t know you could do that !’, David said. The effects of the mistletoe quickly waned and he saw her through the eyes of respect, love, admiration and pure awe.
‘Neither did I, but the situation was critical. I had to think fast.’, she said.
‘Would you, um, care to dance ?’, he asked, offering his hand to her.
‘Yes, but look up. Mistletoe !’, Dahlia said, cheekily. David grinned and held her close to him, smooching her very passionately.
‘If only you knew how long I have been waiting to do that, Dr. Lantana.
‘Oh I think I do, and I’m glad you did.’, Dahlia answered. DJ Cumberbund’s ‘Santa Number 5’ blared over the speakers and the two cut a rug, having the time of their lives.
Chapter 4—None of Them Will Remember But Us
Dahlia had packed a little ‘forgetfulness’ potion into the punch and made certain only the right people drank it (which was most of the party-goers). As for David and Dahlia, they would remember this incredibly weird night for ages to come as they grew closer together.
Christmas soon melted into New Year’s Eve and David and Dahlia were together again. They were a newly-minted ‘it’ couple but decided to take things slow even though they meshed perfectly.
‘Together again.’, David said, savoring another dance with Dahlia.
‘And it feels right. I should’ve said something years ago to you when you were new to the staff, but I simply wasn’t brave enough.’, Dahlia confessed. David laughed and kissed her deeply.
‘Better presently than never.’, he said, brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, making her turn a deeper maroon than her party dress.
The evening was spent with coworkers once more who had forgotten anything about the Christmas gala. All that mattered now was the year approaching them and reminding themselves they simply needed to be there for each other. Dahlia and David would be working closer together with horticulture and the like, but it was both of their decisions whether they would make any further moves to make their relationship permanent.
It was April when David surprised Dahlia with a ring he had hidden inside a rose. Not one peer or coworker had understood how he had managed something so clever, but Dahlia was delighted. To think, all it took was a near disaster to bring two hearts closer. Sometimes what seem to be the worst scenarios become the best catalysts to unite forces that were meant to be one.
The End
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