The Sleeping Hedgehog King
Synopsis: Hypnotica attacks King Sonic by singing her lullaby and putting him into Eternal Sleep. If Sonic stays in this state too long, his energy will be completely depleted. It’s up to his queen, Amy Rose, to save him. Chapter 1—Who Are You and How Did You Get In ? It was a typical end of the year gala celebration at the castle. All sorts of animals from completely different walks of life had been invited. Since the dawn of Stardancer’s use, other multiple worlds had been opened to joining alliances with Mobius. Bronto had long pledged fielty to Mobius and had been honored to be invited to ring in the New Year with his friends. He had so much to catch up with concerning his old sage friend, Agnes. Holidays were not usually a time to shirk vigilance, but someone had gotten into the punch and many of the attendees were buzzed. Even the typically intrepid guards wer...