
Showing posts from June, 2019

Xylem, Squelcher of Joy

Synopsis: Continuing where Screen Slaves left off. The Rangers and team thought summer would be fun filled and fancy free but sadly, it isn’t anymore. One by one, all the ideas, concepts and simple enjoyments found at convenience stores, Cracker Barrels and so on start simply disappearing with the snap of a slender finger. ‘Let’s see them try to invent new things to do without their little toys, or their gadgetry !’, the evil overlord muses sardonically, nearly able to taste victory. ‘ Some people like to watch the world burn.’--Joker, Batman, The Dark Knight ‘Come to the dark side. We have cookies.’--Anonymous, Meme on the Internet, message on various items such as T-shirts and mugs Chapter 1—Awaken, Villainous Sleeper Xylem hovered over the dark abyss of Lacrimal Galaxy, looking for more despair, discord, malaise and depression to cause. It was his sole existence to sap joy, entertainment and energy from technology to fuel his desire to rule...


Coat of sable Black as night Eyes like fire Teeth that affright Melding into darkness Darkness becomes you You are the ultimate king of the jungle. 6-21-19

Screen Slaves

Synopsis: Continuing from "Pure Imagination, Pure Innovation, Screenslaver returns and she recruits the likes of Mr. Mind, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, Evil the Cat and Psycrow. She forms a new League of Super Evil. Vol tor , Dr. Frogg, Red and crew join the fight as well as Black Hat and his rogue group. Voltor realize s that they’re in way over their heads when everything starts going their way ! Can the Rangers and their friends stop him ? Chapter 1—Do You Have a Problem With Heroes ? Evelyn Deavor had been locked in solitary confinement too long. She despised every moment, especially the putrid, fetid cell she had been locked in. She didn’t have a cell mate, which was probably for the best. She longed to sway people into believing that heroes were actually the ones at fault. People relied to much on them, as if they were a crutch. ‘Take away the crutch and the person will no longer be able to stand upright.’, she thought evilly. The only issue ...

Pop Con 2019

Pop Con was absolutely INCREDIBLE !   There were more My Hero Academia cosplays than I should shake a proverbial sabre, wand, sword, keyblade (insert weapon/item here) at !   The kid who played Billy Batsen was there.   The voice of Tzu graced us with her presence.  She also voiced MiraJay (one of my friend's favorite characters) on Fairy Tail.   I honestly love Lucy and Levee the most, but MiraJay's pretty awesome too, I'd have to say.    I noticed she plays a lot of white-haired anime girls.  Coincidence ?  I think not.   I even saw a DOCTOR FLUG cosplay and almost lost my freaking mind because I am a HUGE Villanos fan.  If you know me well, you are aware that I love Demencia as well as Quico from Chavo del Ocho.   Yes, I'm a fan.  I'm not Latina but swear to God I relate so well to Quico around stupidity (shut up shut up shut up you're driving me CRAAAAZY !).  I plan on cosplaying as them both as well as Panchito P...

Fandom Queen

Synopsis: Coming from the planet Fanatica, Queen Fiona and King Feldspar rule in search of all things dweeby, geeky, obscure, couture, and downright nerdy. ‘I’d like to have a mango.’--Victoria to Abdul ‘Your Majesty, they are from India.’, Abdul to Victoria ‘Well, since I am Empress of India, I shall have one sent.’--Victoria, ‘Victoria and Abdul’ Chapter 1—Tis Good to Be Queen Planet Fanatica was a jewel of a planet in the Q77 sector of Axul Galaxy. They were highly advanced, knew magic and all sorts of knowledge from other planets. They lived nearly forever and had no trace of diseases. Amongst them coexisted such unusual creatures as the selkie, dragons, unicorns, alicorns, pegasi and the like. Technolgy and magic often co-mingled to create unusual hybrids like the sharkadon, which was basically a wooly shark with tusks. It was a gentle giant comingling with pilot and angel fish, and nothing to be feared. Even the pred...

Characters from Fandom Queen

Characters of Fandom Queen Fiona D’Fan Age: 18 Sex: Female Zodiac Sign: Scorpio with Aquarius Ascendant Loves: Most things nerdy, geeky and dweeby Hates: Dischord, violence, unnessary bloodshed Physical appearance: Lanky, svelte, poised but curvy, short light blue hair and dark blue eyes, enjoys wearing her crown at a jaunty angle. Doesn’t like to be taken seriously. Meyers Briggs Personality Type: ENTJ, aka ‘The Commander’. Women who are in this role are very rare, but much like Tony Soprano. In other words, don’t mess with them. She is, however, very jovial and a big kid at heart. Secret Talent: Can armpit fart the Fanatica National Anthem Favorite color: Purple Feldspar D’Fan Age: 17 Zodiac Sign: Taurus with Gemini Ascendant Loves: Building mechs, enchanted objects, swords, D&D (especially with Fiona) Hates: Rudeness, Ignorance (depends on Physical apperance: Like his wife, he is youthful, tall ...


Swirling and floating effortlessly Gossamer fuzz hovers above me Looking like snow in June Whiter than the moon The sidewalks seem enchanted It's the season of romance My heart is like and I swoon I soar, like cottonwood in June. 6-1-19