Xylem, Squelcher of Joy
Synopsis: Continuing where Screen Slaves left off. The Rangers and team thought summer would be fun filled and fancy free but sadly, it isn’t anymore. One by one, all the ideas, concepts and simple enjoyments found at convenience stores, Cracker Barrels and so on start simply disappearing with the snap of a slender finger. ‘Let’s see them try to invent new things to do without their little toys, or their gadgetry !’, the evil overlord muses sardonically, nearly able to taste victory. ‘ Some people like to watch the world burn.’--Joker, Batman, The Dark Knight ‘Come to the dark side. We have cookies.’--Anonymous, Meme on the Internet, message on various items such as T-shirts and mugs Chapter 1—Awaken, Villainous Sleeper Xylem hovered over the dark abyss of Lacrimal Galaxy, looking for more despair, discord, malaise and depression to cause. It was his sole existence to sap joy, entertainment and energy from technology to fuel his desire to rule...