Childhood Inspiration

Synopsis: Aspiring children's entertainer Peter Jameson, stage name "Captain Pete", meets his idol (and the inspiration for his act), Herman Norman Reubens AKA Pee-Wee Herman. However, the chance meeting turns stormy and chaotic when a new dream fiend named Marion shows up! The Rangers, their auxiliaries from the multiverse, and Pete's pals joi forces to stop him.

‘Senpai noticed me !’--Many a fangirl, fanboy to having their favorite actor/actress pay them a compliment of some kind, leaving them starstruck.   

Chapter 1--A Live Benefit

Captain Pete, aka Peter Jameson, had never been able to ‘go big’ with his kids’ TV show.  He longed to become syndicated but the station simply didn’t have the funding to sponsor him so he had to find other means of keeping his show on the air.   The support came from well-meaning people that enjoyed the type of clean entertainment that Captain Pete could deliver. So few programs gave kids good morals, values and educational facts that they could use for the present and for the future.   

Today, Pete was having a live benefit to endorse S.T.E.A.M. courses as well as literacy within the community.   Thanks to his little program, more kids in the area were literate and mathematically prepared for the world that waited for them.   
‘It’s so reassuring to see that Pete’s doing something to give back to Angel Grove.’, Adam said, grinning.   Zack concurred.
‘Yeah.  Come to think of it, he’s raised quite a bit of money. Even the hospitals and Make A Wish foundation are benefitting from his venture.  It’s so uplifting to see.’
‘I wonder if he was inspired by some of my work.  I see a lot of similarities between our styles.’, Herman noted.   ‘Don’t look now, Herman but Pete’s looking straight at you like a starstruck Hollywood tourist.’, Kim pointed out, whispering in his ear.   Yvonne couldn’t help but giggle. Seeing someone mooning over her favorite person was actually very enduring.

Chapter 2--Like A Kid in a Candy Store  

Of course, Pete had to wait to see Herman after the Benefit had ended, Puppet Man had collected all the money and began counting it.   After all of that had been completed, Herman walked his way. He caught Peter’s eye, waving at him emphatically.    
‘Hey !  Pete ! Over here !’, Herman yelled, enthusiastically.  
'Herman Reubens ? Pee-Wee ?', Pete asked. Then he began to geek out. 'Ohh, my gosh! You were one of my idols at The Groundlings ! Your kids' show was the inspiration for my act I sometimes do at the Angel Grove Youth Center !'
'Really ? Why do you only do it there ?', Herman asked. 'Why haven't you made it a TV show to compete with mine from the 1980s ?', Herman asked.
'I lacked funds at the time.', Pete said sadly. 'Puppetman, one of my friends, is counting out the money we're making right now.'
‘Neat robot !’, Herman complimented.   He showed off his AI friends, especially Conky, his pride and joy.
‘OMIGOOOOOODNESS !’, he nearly flipped upon meeting his favorite robot ever.   Herman had to admit, seeing Peter so enthusiastic about getting to know Conky.  He had no idea robots could reproduce. Conky explained how that was possible, which got a blush out of Pete.
‘I guess we’re not so different in that aspect.’, Pete said with a grin.  

Chapter 3--Introducing Starry Screen

Pete had a brilliant plan.  He would use Herman’s idea and start filming his own children’s program.   
‘We could be your first guests.’, Yvonne suggested.
‘That’s perfect !  With such brilliant co-producers, there’s no way my show can possibly fail this time around.’, Pete said, full of inspiration and enthusiasm.    There was an old, abandoned TV station not far from where he lived. With help, he could renovate it and introduce the world to his latest creation, ‘Starry Screen’.    Starry had a few glitches to be worked out but he could be used in any setting.

Pete had always aspired to be a astronomer, working in the realm of physics.  He couldn’t even get a job as a meteorologist even though he had passed every test and done extremely well in his college courses.   The problem was that someone had always gotten the gig before he did and he was left finding another job. It was tough going but through perseverance and hard work had cinched him a spot at the community center through the help of eager volunteers.  Besides, the determination and grit had brought his dream to life. He was seeing that drive give ‘Captain Pete’s Childhood Connection’ new life.

In a few days, the show was ready and prepared to be filmed.  Everyone knew their lines and Starry Screen was turned on and working properly.    He had been processing all his information and was curious about everything, exactly like a newborn.    From the corner of his oculars, he could see Magic Screen. She was the most glorious creature he had ever seen.   Being the social butterfly he was, he made his introductions, awkward as they were. She didn’t mind. She found him quite alluring.    
‘Guys, we’ll have plenty of time for chatting later.   Get ready, take your places ! We’re making magic today !’, Pete said, full of vim and vinegar.   

Chapter 4--A Lesson Every Day

Today’s object of discovery was a chemical reaction between Mentos and Diet Coke.   Of course, the secret word elicited water getting thrown on people instead of screaming but the live audience had a ton of fun.    Puppetman still got Pete with a banana cream pie, which was a classic bit and always got a laugh.    He could indulge in that pie later, since it was his favorite.    All went well with the first episode and the audience went home to spend the rest of the day with their parents.   As for the Rangers, they started on their way back to HQ. Starry took a hold of Screen’s hand.
‘Wait, I still don’t know your name.’, he said, stuttering slightly.
‘I’m Magic Screen.  You can call me Screen.’, she answered, blithely.   Starry felt his RGB sensors begin to light up. He was clearly smitten by her.   He hoped he could see her again someday but he had to get back to helping Pete edit his video before today’s episode ‘Soda Volcano’ went on the air.    There were other lessons in today’s ‘chapter’ but they dealt with matters of common sense and etiquette. Most assuredly, the show had a promising future ahead of it.   

Chapter 5--Straight Outta Sombra

Marion, aka ‘The Nightmare King’ was bored.   Sombra was a peaceful, albeit dark and foreboding world.   He had subjects and a whole planet to himself but most of the power had been siphoned off due to overconsumption of TV shows.   
‘I need another source of power.’, he mused.   Using his mage abilities, he tuned into his TV and saw a planet, rife with beings called ‘earthlings’.   When he saw their fear he realized it could be used for power back on Sombra. His lips curling up into a mischievous, devilish smile, he cackled,
‘It looks like I know how I am going to spend my Saturday afternoon.”,
He then began to formulate his plan.    

The Nightmare King watched children being frightened by the stupidest things.  Adults weren’t that much different with their adoration of slasher and shock cinema.  Using his black magic, Marion could tap into this dread and use it for his own evil intention.  
‘A broadcast would be perfect to use my abilities.’, he thought, steepling his fingers sinisterly.   He caught Captain Pete on TV with his latest episode of ‘Children’s Connection’.    
‘This is definitely an interesting development.   Captain Pete, if I may, might I suggest an ‘uninvited special guest ?’, Marion said.   Being a powerful fearmonger, he prepared himself for the quantum jump to Earth. There would be plenty of negative energy there for him to grow exponentially, perhaps even to invincibility !  

Chapter 6--Magic Screen’s Date

After the show, Starry wanted to see Magic again.  He called her and asked if she was a free. There was a lantern festival this weekend, so he wanted to attend it with her.   He figured, she would enjoy something romantic, stirring and breathtaking like that.

That weekend, Magic dolled herself up and Starry put on a bowtie speckled with constellations.    He met her in his own car and brought her a bouquet of roses, which she positively savored. She was enamored of roses, particularly the gorgeous Mr. Burns ones.   She quickly placed the spellbinding flowers in a vase where their fragrance filled the room. She had told her friends she was going out for the evening, so no one worried about when she’d be coming home.


Marion had appeared on Earth via ethernet cables.  It had felt so odd to transport himself this way but the quantum world was endless when it came to ‘jumping’.   He linked the camera feed directly into the cauldron of his dark, brambled mind.
‘Pretty soon everyone will be terrified and no one will want to go anywhere.   Earth will belong to me.’, he thought.  The plan was foolproof, even if it did take a while.   

The lanterns drifted off so quickly it was incredible how fast they ascended.
‘I saw what you wrote on yours.’, Screen said, knowingly, as she nudged Starry in the side.  He couldn’t help but laugh. Being around Magic brought out the best in him and he only felt more smitten just being near her.   
‘So you always want to be a part of my life ?’, she said, as they held hands for the first time, watching the lanterns dance and mingle together, each with their own unique written message.   The music in the background swelled, just at the right moment. It was truly something to behold.
‘Of course I you.’, he said, thinking maybe the words were too soon, too fast, but he couldn’t hold back his emotions anymore.   Magic grinned and leaned forward, giving him the biggest smooch she could. They spent the rest of that evening making out until they both had to go home but it was the most incredible night either of them had experienced.   Their world would now no longer ever be the same.

Chapter 7--Something’s Amiss

Pete’s girlfriend, Alexia Rhodes thought she had locked the studio but clearly, someone had gotten past security.  
‘Someone has a very very sick sense of humor”, she remarked, her face twisted in disgust.   The last movie that had been playing was the reboot of IT was was far more terrifying than the original.   Worse films and truly haunting footage from video games and live executions were shown on live TV, and they felt the sensors going cuckoo bananas.   
‘There’s no way anyone could’ve gotten in….’, she began.
‘Unless…’, Pete added.
‘Unless they were a dark mage !”, Marion said, his cape billowing slightly behind him.   Even though he was dangerously handsome and debonaire, the man was so obscured and contaminated with evil there was no hope of even the tiniest fragment of light infiltrating his heart.   
‘Explain yourself !’, Pete said, irate.
‘I think that the broadcast does that for me.  So instead of being rude, why don’t you two lovebirds sit down, shut up, strap in and watch ?’, he said, waving a finger and tying them with rope to two metal chairs, forcing their eyes open to watch the scariest films known to man.   They were traumatized live in front of thousands, all the while, beckoning for the help of their friends, the Power Rangers.

To Be Continued…  


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