When Video Game Realms Collide

Synopsis: The Rangers, the Star Warriors, the Star Fox team, the G-Force team and the Justice League head back to Universal to talk to Mario and Peach. Apparently, this meeting of a lifetime could not have arrived at a better time, because the Mushroom Kingdom is under attack, this time by King Dedede, Kirby's sworn enemy and ruler of planet Popstar. Mario asks for everyone's help to save his beloved Peach's kingdom from this grave threat before it's too late.

Chapter 1--The Portal Opens

Dedede was fed up with Kirby always getting the spotlight.  He and Prince Fluff had become thorns in his side long enough.   
‘That’s IT !’, he bellowed angrily, throwing a spell book across the room, nearly smacking a hapless waddle dee in the face.   The waddle dee did nothing wrong, he just got caught in the line of fire dealing with Dedede’s wrath.    He felt bad for a moment and checked on the minion, noticing that he wasn’t hurt but didn’t want the other goons to see his momentary act of kindness.  With the minion all patched up, he gently pushed the adorable waddle dee out of the way and picked up the spell book.  
‘Open, open, open to me.
Multiverses all to see
Which one will it be, ah I wonder
Doesn’t matter, for all I will plunder
Select me now a Princess to find
One that is courageous, spunky and kind
I will usurp her from her throne
And after our marriage, her kingdom will own !’  
Once the incantation was made, a vortex popped open in front of him, whirling and twirling tantalizingly.   The vacuum was irresistible.   Before he knew it, he and a few select waddle dees were off into a world they had never seen or heard of before.  

Chapter 2--Super Mario World
When they emerged, they came through a pipe up through the Princess’ castle.   They learned her subjects were mostly toadstools, or ‘Toads’ as they were called in this realm.  She was as gorgeous as she was fair, but Dedede knew that she’d be no easy kidnapping victim.  He had, as usual, chloroform on hand and got right to work, knowing that the portal was actually bidirectional.  It would come straight back to Planet Popstar where he had begun this whole insane plan.   

Everything was running according to schedule and Peach was coming along unwillingly in her slumber.
‘Maybe having this Peach lady as my bride isn’t such a bad idea after all.’, Dedede thought to himself.    Little did he know that he had the intrepid Mario, Luigi and even the anti-hero Bowser hot on his tail, hoping to alter the timelines in their favor.   The reactions were about to transform the video game world as they knew it as all the timelines were beginning to overlap and intertwine.  Matters were becoming more and more confused.   There was only one place they could find themselves.

Chapter 3--The Funny Thing About Tesseracts

Wrinkles in time.   You can never predict them, let alone where they eject you.    This one had decided to spit everyone, good and bad, no judgment, into the cold, dark, heart of space.   Fortunately, Rosalinda saw what had happened and bubbled everyone in spheres for safety, not easily deciphering good from bad.    Dedede still had his princess and his goons.   Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Toad had all been separated from the group.   The Star Fox team had been stranded on another rogue planet without starfighters but with the power of manifestation, Rosalinda reassembled them from having been ‘scrambled’ from the crisscrossing timelines influence.   
'We've met the Power Rangers and their friends before. They can help us.', Fox stated.
‘Fox is right.  They’ve dealt with situations like this one before.   They can get us out of this pickle.   Mmm...I could go for some kosher pickles smushed between two beef patties, cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion and bacon right about now.’, Hunk drawled dreamily.  
‘Hunk, you’re drooling on me !’, Pidge complained.   Righting himself and wiping the drool from his lips and his friend’s pristine suit, he apologized and placed his hand behind his head awkwardly.    
‘I’ve got their hailing sequence.  I just hope they pick it up in time or we could be floating in space for a while.’, Joe said, tapping his wrist and sailing the SOS frequency out.   Jun bowed her head if praying but no one questioned it.   If anyone could strengthen a frequency by action of her positivity it was Jun.    

Chapter 3--I See Megazord !  

Off in the distance, Batman strained his eyes.   Pulling out binoculars he could see the Power Rangers coming at light speed.   
‘Ha ha !   YES !   They’re heee-eere !’, Harley Quinn sang merrily.   In no time, the Rangers were informed of what was going on.   They were surprised that Bowser, Mario and his beloved bro, Luigi, were all working together in this case.
‘It’s always Peach this and Peach that.   Just once I’d like some megalomaniac to kidnap me.’, Daisy whined over the clamoring of her friends.   
The Rangers knew what they had to do, seeing that they weren’t far from Planet Popstar.
‘I feel King Dedede’s energy increasing.  He might’ve been no one before but there’s something rather unusual, a pulsating vibration that I have never felt before.’, Zatanna described.   Dr. Fate could foresee Dedede overturning them all if the let the crystals rule him.  
‘We have to purify those crystals and quick.   Magic users, we’re going to work together.  Rangers, friends, find other ways to direct the energy elsewhere.  Think outside the box.’, Fate said, proactively.  Not wasting any time, the team got straight to work, each phalange doing its specific job.   All the while, Dedede grew in power and in size.   

Chapter 4--Kirby and Prince Fluff Help

'Alright, guys !', Tommy called.
'We need Zeozord power, now !', the Rangers said in unison.   Prince Fluff and Kirby, in their own native Popstar tongue, joined their starships together as a robot of their own.
‘WOAH, didn’t see that coming !’, Zach said, duly impressed.  In fact they both were.  Most likely it was Fluff’s invention and a reminder to everyone opposing him that he was no joke.   

Dedede wasn’t bothered by the Zords and simply laughed.   He didn’t laugh long though.  
‘Wait a minute...my power...it’s fading !’, he panicked.   The magicians of the group were sending the dark energy away to some entropic event horizon.   It would never return.  It might be reincarnated or reborn as a supernova and give rise to other worlds but it would never be negative ever again.    Dedede returned to his normal size and meeped weakly.
‘Can’t we just kind of talk about this like rational beings ?’, he said, anxiously.  ZeoZord simply picked him up and turned him over to the authorities.  
‘He’ll get the justice he deserves.   We’d love to stay but there are other creatures in the galaxy that could use us.’, StarFox admitted.   He gave a bold salute and left in hyperspeed with the rest of the starfighters.   Rosalina had given a graceful bow before leaving.  She hadn’t had any assistance in the good guys winning this fight, but she had overseen it and felt like doing some celebrating with her luma.   

Chapter 5--Returning to Angel Grove

The Justice League departed after having said their farewells.  It had been thanks to the magicians that made the victory such a slam dunk for the team.   Price Fluff and Kirby had been given plenty of plaudits for their incredible addition.  
‘Hey, anytime you happen into our universe, feel free to help out if you wanna !’, Keith complimented.    The G-Force had already said its goodbyes but not without thanking every last member of the team.   As usual, everyone had contributed their above A+ effort to defeating the pathetic King Dedede.   

Peach looked tentatively between Bowser and Mario.   Mario wasn’t about to dredge the past but Bowser did.  
‘So, why did you hesitate on the Moon, my darling ?’, he asked.   Peach pretended like the portal that had opened back to their own universe was pulling her back and she fell into it.
‘Bro, she completely ditched you.  Again.   Personally, I would get to know Pauline better.  She seems to dig you more, bro.’, Luigi offered.   Luigi might have been the more careful, nervous ‘little bro’, but he certainly had hit the nail on the head.   As they were all pulled back to their own realm, he knew that he, Bowser and the Princess were about to engage in a very long ‘chat’.   

Chapter 6--Meeting Omicron and Theta

Once back at Headquarters, Delta felt a sharp contraction.   Suddenly, a rivulet of oil started running down her legs.  Slightly embarrassed, but excited, she yelled, jubilantly,
'Guys, my oil is leaking !'
Everyone calmly began to escort Delta to the hospital.   The contractions were coming more progressively, stronger with every lamaze breath that she took.
‘We’re going to get there in plenty of time.  Just keep breathing, darling.’, Alpha said, holding his lover’s hand.    
Before long, Delta went into labor and after about 3 hours on intensive pushing, Omicron and Theta were born.   Omni looked much like his dad and had similar mannerisms and took a while to calm down.   Theta was the second born and resembled her mother.   She quieted as soon as she was handed to Delta.  
‘They are both precious.  Such beautiful, healthy little babes.’, Pepper said.  
‘I’ve never seen robot babies before.’, Jibo remarked.   All the new robots were impressed, awed and transfixed with how teensy their fingers and toes were and just how delicate their bodies happened to be.   
‘I did everything I could to make this auspicious occasion.  I might have missed the birth but at least I get to see the royal ones for myself.   Oh, how darling they are !’, Zordon crowed.   He had held many a child in his lifetime but holding these little ladybugs made him a bit teary-eyed.   It reminded him of a past that he rather not have dredged up.    He waved away the bad memories of having lost his wife and family since he had one of his own.   They wouldn’t replace the one that was so brutally taken from him but nonetheless, they were every bit as good.


Theta and Omicron would someday rule Edenoi but at this moment, they were resting, quietly, in their recuperation chambers.   With the chatter about the events of the adventurous day at an end, everyone was settled under their covers and sleeping soundly.   Conky and SICO were cuddling close together.
‘Seeing them like that, so blissful together.  It almost makes me want to have my own little bots…’, SICO began.   Conky blushed.  He had never thought that SICO had desires like that but he didn’t know if he’d be a good father.  He was so terribly nervous, a horrible hypochondriac, sort of a klutz and his manacles could be rough when gripping.   He sighed, knowing that eventually he would become a daddy someday because honestly, he wanted to be the next to experience fatherhood.   For now, he enjoyed the company of his gorgeous helpmate and companion, remembering her bravery, courage and rapid-fire skills in the heat of battle.   There wasn’t anything SICO couldn’t do.   She was simply too perfect.  

The End


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