Return to Universal Studios
Synopsis: The Rangers and their other universe allies are back in Universal Studios for some fun in Super Nintendo World.
Chapter 1--A Massive Birthday Surprise
Since robots age exponentially faster than humans do, little Omicron and Theta were experiencing their 10th cycle before the Rangers or anyone else could bat an eyelash. As a present, everyone kept this a secret from the fraternal twins. Omicron was the older of the two by a few seconds, not that it mattered, but if anyone could uncover enigmas, it was him. Keeping the massive fete a surprise was going to be more of a Herculean effort than they would have wanted, but they knew it would be worthwhile in the end.
As low-key as possible, Delta and Alpha were able to get Omicron and Theta into their massive minivan, the two being oblivious to the glee that was about to become reality.
‘Why are we whispering ?’, Omicron asked, rather innocently.
‘Because, Omni, it’s a surprise !’, Alpha responded, matter-of-factly. Theta giggled cutely and saw through their sneakiness, even though it was sneakiness for a good cause.
‘It’s for our birthdays isn’t it ?’, she said, her wit, sharper than steel.
‘Yes, but you still don’t know what it is, my darling, Theta.’, Delta said, sweetly. The two young ones couldn’t help but keep guessing about where the van was taking them and making bets on how long the trip would be. While they were chatting, they played games and laughed, engaging with the other robots merrily. Their friends still had to keep their lips zipped about Universal Studios and it was a task that proved almost too easy for them, being masters of secrecy.
Chapter 2--Amusement and Wonder
As the doors of the minivan opened, Theta and Omicron were stunned. Even the doors at Universal were fantastical, welcomed by its massive globe and the UNIVERSAL lettering; grandiose, magnificent, regal and enchanting.
Characters were walking around everywhere the twins looked.
‘Check it out ! Isn’t that Bart Simpson ?’, Omicron queried.
‘Yes, followed by the titular family from the animated series.’, Theta observed. They knew that the ‘characters’ were actually people in costume, walking around, acting happy, hugging people and making thrill seekers feel welcomed, accepted and loved.
‘I kinda wish these characters were the real deal.’, Theta pouted.
‘We are most certainly the real deal, birthday girl !’, Static Shock said, coming up to give Theta a fist bump. He was followed by Black Lightning, Blue Beetle, Supergirl, Cheetah, Catwoman, Arrow, Black Canary, Wonder Woman and the rest of the Justice League.
‘I can’t believe it ! How did you guys make it ?’, Omicron asked, curiously.
‘Magicians never reveal their secrets.’, Zatanna retorted, with a capricious wink. The whole League and the birthday bots enjoyed diversions of the carnival games and rides.
‘Hey, I just noticed something. Did you guys know that Universal just added a Super Mario themed park to this one ? It’s just a few blocks from here.’, Pasitea said. Morpheus’ eyes grew wide. It was awakening his inner gamer. He didn’t even have to say anything.
‘Of course, we’re all going. That’s part of the birthday surprise !’, Somnibot grinned.
Chapter 3--Pizza With Celebrities
Super Mario World had no shortage of eateries, but most notably there was a pizzaria called Goomba’s Pride that served New York or Chicago style. If you wanted a fusion pizza, you could have it.
‘Is that who I think it is ?’, Billy asked, adjusting his glasses. Neither he nor the rest of the Rangers could believe what they were seeing. Apparently, Mario and his friends were taking a much needed vacation. The whole situation on the moon was water under the bridge. It was unsure whether Mario and Pauline were a couple but none of that was important. All of them were too busy scarfing down pizza to care.
Even the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were kicking their feet back. They felt perfectly fine at Universal and people thought they were walk-a-round characters that were regulars at the park. Little did everyone else know that the turtles were the real deal.
Mikey took a huge bite out of his New York pie.
‘This is the most lit pie ever.’, he gushed.
‘Ya got that right, Mikey.’, Raph agreed. Venus De Milo was indulging, laughing and joking with her brothers. She might not have been an ‘original’ turtle to begin with but she was family and could kick as much butt or more than her brothers could. Even Splinter was enjoying himself. Mona Lisa, a fellow mutant, lazed about in the sun as lizards often did, soaking up the nutrient rich rays. She munched on breadsticks and finished off her meal of cinnabon balls, happy to be an ‘unofficial mutant’. She was the wild card. She, Venus and April hung out quite a bit. The Rangers wondered if there had been a portal that brought all these heroes together. They saw Rosalina with Mario and the gang. That was obvious. As far as the turtles and pals were concerned, that was a conundrum.
‘Hi ! Can I ask you a question ?’, Theta said, dazzling Mona with her cuteness.
‘How did you get here ? Are you in costume ?’, she continued. Mona laughed. It was more than one question but she didn’t correct her on that point.
‘By airplane like normal mutants do, I suppose. Oh, this isn’t a costume, little android. I’m the real thing, cold blood and all !’, Mona boasted. Theta was entranced, learning more about the young lizard girl.
‘Why don’t we all go ride some of these rides ?’, Omni prompted.
‘Ooo, that sounds like fun.’, Mona agreed. Venus nodded and followed along. While the group was losing themselves in diversion, Conky and SICO sneaked off elsewhere and amused each other, downloading rampantly. Being apart for too long had made them both amorous and they couldn’t stand it any longer. They came together in the most natural of ways in an abandoned part of the park where no one else went. When their lovemaking came to an end, they joined a queue for a Super Mario themed ride and none were the wiser.
Chapter 4--Topping Off the Day
No one had even seen Conky and SICO leave but they seemed even more jubilant than before. It wasn’t suspicious, not even to the more intuitive bots amongst them.
‘Let’sa go check that trampoline out…’, Mario suggested. It looked fun as well as unusual, with all its trampolines covering the area. Omnidirectional bouncing was now a possibility.
‘It’s like one of my dreams came to life !’, Pasithea squealed girlishly, having way too much fun bounding everywhere. The turtles reverted to little kids, not worried about Shredder or any of the Foot messing up their plans.
The day had soon come to a close and everyone was exhausted. The food and amusements had been tremendous and the company had been the icing on the cake. Their final stop was at an ice creamery named for Peach herself called Sweet Treats. The birthday bots got whatever they wanted on their sundaes and opened their presents, each of them smiling so wide their faces were tired from smiling.
‘I think it’s about time our birthday boy and girl headed home.’, Delta said.
‘Indeed. I’m enervated.’, Alpha agreed.
Most everyone was asleep in the van as they travelled back home. Each of the Rangers took turns driving as they drove back home. Delta carried Theta and Alpha toted little Omnicrom in his arms, schlepping them back to their recuperation pods.
‘I miss the turtles already.’, Delta lamented.
‘I’m certain we’ll see them soon enough. We may meet in the most unexpected of ways.’, Alpha stated, with a smile.
‘I swear sometimes I think you’re psychic.’, Delta said as she curled up next to her lover, friend and husband. Little did they know that Shredder was plotting something truly evil, working through the underground. His frequency modulator would turn technology against their owners or masters and follow him. He only needed to work the kinks out to enact this reality but for now, the crooked schemester slept in his lair, occluded from society.
To Be Continued…
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