The Actress and the Producer

Synopsis:  In the cutthroat world of media, Zelda Weiss is doing all she can (save for sleeping around) to get a role on one of her favorite programs.   She learns it’s not what you know (and she knows a lot and has the chops for acting) but who you know.   She accidentally spills black coffee  on the well-respected producer Stephen Gould’s well-pressed pea coat…

Chapter 1--It Could Be Worse

Zelda Weiss was a leggy, tall, platinum blonde with an hourglass shape and an adorable round tuchus.   She worked hard in tiny roles for commercials but her one aspiration was to work on Criminal Minds, NCIS, NCIS: LA, Scorpion or Bull.    No fortune had come her way, but Ms. Weiss never gave up.   She had a steely gaze and a brazen resolve.    It was a typical day and she was scheduled for an appointment for a script reading on Scorpion as an extra in a crowd.   It wasn’t what she wanted but at least she would be getting a minute or more of screen time where she was running away in a panic.    On her way there, she accidentally bumped into a prominent, renowned producer, spilling his black coffee all over his suit and pea coat.   

The bespectacled man grumbled but showed no sign of having his feathers ruffled.  He was cool, calm, collected and professional.   
‘I am so sorry and OH MY GOD, you’re Stephen freaking Gould !’, Zelda exclaimed, feeling a bit geeky around one of her favorite movie producers.   This was a man who was a true underdog.  When he had come into Hollywood, no one knew him.  He was from a small town that no one had heard of and no one cared or thought he’d make anything of himself.   Gould began as a printer and a shoe-shine boy but he worked his way up the corporate ladder until he caught the eye of his idol, who let him intern along his side.   When his idol saw he had moxie, he let him have the camera, and a star was born.    
‘It could’ve been worse.’, the dark-eyed, raven haired, bearded Stephen replied with a chuckle.  
‘I am so, so, so, so sorry.’, Zelda said, helping him clean up.  The stain would easily come out of his pea coat, but their hands touched and she felt lava stirring through her whole body.   She wondered if he felt it too.  She could only see a trace of a quirky smile when their skin brushed against each other by chance.  Steve grinned suavely.  
‘Don’t worry about it.  This stain will come right out.   Say, where are you heading ?’, Steve asked, knowing that the young actress in training was an admirer of his.   His eyes trailed to her killer gams.   He wondered what she looked like without her clothing on but shook those thoughts away with a sip of whatever coffee was left in his cup.    
‘I have an audition.’, she said, full of gusto and confidence.  Her posture was boastful, even brazen.   Even after she had dampened his suit, she hadn’t lost her luminescence.  
‘Come with me.   I’m gonna see whether you have the chops for my latest role.  Come on, this’ll be your chance of a lifetime, hon !’, he said, taking her hand.    His grip was firm, but it was loving, tender, gentle and electrifying.    She had never felt anything so unbelievable in her entire life.   Compelled, hypnotized, she followed Stephen, trusting him completely.

Chapter 2--Nailed It !  

Steve called CBS to tell them Zelda was going to audition for him.   They understood why she couldn’t make it and gave her the best of luck but in showbiz terms (breaking a leg in other words).    Zelda gave it her all, easily playing the role of The Little Match Girl.   No one had ever seen this character brought to the screen before.  Hans Christian Andersen’s match girl was beautifully tragic, reminding the viewers how ephemeral life was but had a message of hope even within its tearful prose.   
‘In this day and age, people don’t need sappy fairy tales.  They need something real, something relatable, and something that gives them meaning.’, Steve said.   Zelda had always known that Steve had been profound but had never comprehended his ability to convey and solve modern day problems on the silver screen.   
Zelda amazed the producer with her incredible acting chops, especially when it came to portraying the young protagonist.   He had the craziest idea.   He took her hands excitedly, maybe a bit too much so.    
‘I think you’re the perfect lead for Roxanne !’, he said.   She wasn’t sure how she would  respond but she accepted the part, called NBC and told them, smiling brilliantly, that her luck had magnified itself ten fold.    

Chapter 3--Chivalry Isn’t Dead  

As the days sauntered by, Steve courted Zelda gently and sweetly every day.  He held the door open for her wherever she went, held her close under his umbrella when it rained and walked her home when she had to stay late filming Steve’s modern day fairy tale, The Self-Sufficient Woman.   It was a tale of feminism, bravery and what true love looked like.   Stephen didn’t even feel jealous over the kissing scene because he knew Zelda had his heart only set on one man, and that was himself.   Her kiss lingered on his lips in his mind and his tan skin burnished bronze at the thought of it.  Oh, to hold and kiss her again.   He felt himself growing desirous as usual.    He had wanted to pin her down somewhere and make passionate love to her, but only of course, if she wanted to.    

Chapter 4--Hot and Heavy

It was a rainy May day and TSSW was almost complete but the rain was unrelenting.  
‘I could take you home but it’s cats and dogs out there.’, Steve remarked, seeing a flash of lightning rip through the sky.    Zelda yelps at the boom of thunder and finds herself in Stephen’s strong arms.   She has been comforted by him many times before and is no stranger to his kiss but this time the kisses are deep, sensual and intense.    She allows the feeling to wash over her as Stephen hoists her up on a prop countertop, luckily, steadily built for just about anything.
‘Remember the lovemaking scene ?’, Steve asked, raising an eyebrow seductively.    His gaze is playful but endearing.   He wants to please her in the worst of ways but he feels his wang begin to give him slight pain at being so hard, stiff and erect.   She can feel his schlong pressing against her inner thigh and she sighs pleasantly.  
‘I’ve never made love.  I’ve only acted like I was.’ she confessed.   Stephen too, was a virgin, and he grinned.  It was another thing they had in common.  
He began to unknot his white tie and take off his suit and fedora.  His breathing was ragged as he kissed her neck.  
‘I can’t control myself around you…’ he stated, undressing her.   Her body yielded to his hands, begging him to strip her bare.    Her hands danced all over him, driving him absolutely insane.   Her hands darted to his penis, holding him and massaging his balls in a clockwork motion.    Stephen grunted.  
‘Oh, darlin’, you know how to make me howl.’, he growled animalistically.   Hungrily, he kissed her neck and breasts, making her exclaim in ecstasy.    Her body arched underneath him.   She felt his hard member enter her.    She held him tightly.    She was surprised his large girth didn’t hurt her, and he pierced her hymen without trouble.     His movements were swift but tender as he penetrated her.  They tumbled and rolled long into the night, exclaiming, drenched in sweat until they plotzed in a heap, holding each other close.   

Chapter 5--Vulnerability
Zelda never thought she’d see someone cry, but Stephen’s emotions rose to the surface.   
‘It’s no sin to cry.  I always knew you were sensitive.  I think that’s what drove me to be attracted to your big heart.’, she said, gently, stroking his hair.   He was still inside her, removing himself only to gather her closer to his heart.
‘I’m too lucky.  Who would’ve thought a schmuck like me could land a dynamite Goddess like you ?’, he complimented.    He yawned, feeling terribly sleepy.    Zelda knew that sex usually made men extremely lethargic and it took all their energy to be intimate.   Before long, the producer fell into a deep sleep, murmuring Zelda’s name blissfully.   Zelda couldn’t help but grin.   He was the only person other that his parents he could be vulnerable with completely.   He couldn’t believe he had fallen in such a short amount of time.   He had made his decision.  Tomorrow, he would ask this scintillating woman to become his wife, for now and for always.  

Chapter 6--Tying the Knot

It was a crystal clear but slightly nippy April day.   The sky was cloudless and the sun shone brightly.   Birds were singing and flowers were in bloom.   The earth was wide awake, alive and aroused from it’s long winter slumber.   Stephen took Zelda to his favorite swing in a park nearby and sat next to her, grazing her neck with gentle kisses.
‘Keep doing that and we might end up in another one of your movie sets getting ‘creative’.’, she said, capriciously.    Stephen had to laugh.   He cherished her playful nature and felt nearly addicted to her whenever they were together.    
Covertly and surreptitiously, Steve reached into his pocket to pull out a velveteen black box with a ring inside.  It was the sign of infinity encrusted in extremely expensive diamonds.   Even if these had been cubic zirconias, Zelda wouldn’t have cared.   She immediately said yes and the two were launched into their wedding preparations not long after.

Being a well-known producer made the wedding rather complex but thanks to the help of their networking pals, the two were able to have an intimate ceremony on a remote island offshore somewhere around Fiji.   The honeymoon was pristine.   The weather was spellbinding as the two knit themselves together as one in a hammock.   It had been awkward but they had engaged in sex in trickier places than this.    Zelda was on top of Stephen, but he wasn’t a man to complain.   He loved this view of her.  Her willowy, white body, her pearly skin, the sun making her appear like Aphrodite risen from the sea.

His hand raked through her glorious blonde hair and she sighed.  ‘Take me, Steve.’, she begged, rocking back and forth against his groin.  He could already feel his manhood becoming engorged and stiffening.    He unzipped his khaki shorts and his long rod saluted her.
‘Good morning to you then.’, she said, lovingly, kissing his member and licking it.   He felt himself dissolve and groan with a near animalistic pleasure he felt was almost sinful, but they were married.   They could no longer hide their copulation habits; they had become love itself.   

Slowly Zelda teased him, undressing, gyrating her shoulders in a striptease.   She was soft, feminine, powerful and intense as she hoisted his pelvis to enter her cave of wonders.   She gasped lightly, still astonished that his large penis fit into her without difficulty.   He held her, smiling.  
‘Does it hurt ?’, he asked, a little concerned.  
‘No.   It feels unbelievable.’, she said, beginning to rock back and forth against him.  She held his gonads and played with them in her hand.   He felt like he was ready to burst any moment now but kept all his pleasure inside until they started to rock harder and harder, nearly pulling the hammock from its pegs.    Zelda exclaimed in French, nearly so everyone could hear her.   Teasing her, Steve clasped his hand over her mouth but then moved his hands down to her breasts to massage and cup them, tweaking her nipples.    Finally, he climaxed the hardest he had ever done, releasing his semen inside her.   He panted, not wanting to let her go and allowed himself to gather back his strength.   ‘That was unbelievable.’, he said, finally drawing himself out of her and keeping his arm wrapped around her lithe body.    There was something so entrancing about the curves she had that made him kiss her until he fell into a deep sleep.  Before he did, he wanted to pleasure her orally.   Positioning himself opposite her, he kissed down her chest, abdomen and mons until he found her labia and darted his tongue about her pussy deliberately, driving her insane.
‘I can’t control myself around you.  You just make me so incredibly hot I can’t help but kiss, lick and make love to you like a lunatic.’, Stephen admitted.   He could taste himself inside her and heard her moaning blissfully.    He felt her delicate lips wrap around his shaft and swallow him, grabbing his balls firmly but with such tenderness he nearly whimpered.   She had a magical way with her hands as she massaged his jewels until his ejaculate covered her face.  Delicately she cleaned him and he motorboated her vagina until she climaxed again.   The two of them laughed a good long while and cuddled as they fell asleep.   Life together certainly was sublime.   

To this day, the couple is still spicy, romping about the bedroom even though they have a full house.   The kids are fairly precocious but they love the fact that their parents are extremely in love with each other and complete each other on so many levels.    Stephen’s movie empire only grows stronger as it gives Hollywood a run for its money once he decided to ‘go rogue’ and become an independent movie producer.    He’s extremely well respected and in Cannes Film Fest, he’s heralded as a sort of genius god everyone uses as a yardstick.   Despite that, Steve is a humble man, a father of two gorgeous fraternal twins, Bailey and Bastien.    Life couldn’t be any sweeter for the two and they know they’ll get to see their love story reenacted someday for the silver screen but for now the two see action, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, romance and life played out in front of them, right in their own backyard.  

The End


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