Chimi & Changa: Here Comes Peter Ganga Tail
Synopsis: April Fools and Easter fall on the first day of the month. Unfortunately, they are all surprised by Changa’s friends, who are zonked out on mesquite and having a *very* bad trip… ~*~CAST~*~ Conchita ‘Chimi’ Lopez: Ferdinand Lopez: Bruno Lopez: (their son) Mariposa ‘Mary’ Lopez: (now a toddler) Lupita Chiquita: (her mom) Salvador Chiquitar: (her dad) Joaquin Chiquita: (her grandpa) Lori Chang: Li Chang: (her dad) Bluebell Chang: (her mom) Kabe Chang: (her grandfather) Fiona Chang: (her grandmother) Jake Junior: Rebecca Esther Rose: Officer Bill DeMayo: Officer Cincinnati ‘Cincy’ DeMayo: (his brother) Lieutenant Mauro Palladachi: Lieutenant Taliah Sarandon: Kabe Eli Cohen: Solomon Cohen: (Jake’s dad) Esther Cohen: (Jake’s mom)...