Giant Robot Forces vs. The Empire

Synopsis: A crossover for the ages, featuring the Power Rangers, Voltron Reboot characters, the Star Wars characters, the G-Force team and the Star Fox team. The team returns to Techtopia (based on Batou from the upcoming Galaxy's Edge land in Disney World) to celebrate the birth of Somnibot's newest twins, but problems occur when Alpha 5 is attacked, forcing the Rangers to place him in protective stasis (courtesy of Poison Ivy). Later, Jabba freezes Tommy and Han in carbonite, forces the droids into his service and sentences the Rangers and the other teams to be executed in the Great Pit of Carkoon, where a hungry Sarlacc awaits his own feast.

Chapter 1--A Little Capcom Fighters to Cool Nerves

It had been one long holiday season and the Rangers were a bit burned out on travel, visiting with their parents and friends, overeating and gift giving.   They had eaten sweets in moderation and had sat down to watch a tournament presently going on between Adam and Jason.   Adam was currently in the lead, using Doronjo to whip other players easily.
‘Come on, man !  Give me a chance to fight back, darn it !’, Jason said, unable to volley Adam’s rapid-fire moves.
‘Ha ha !   That’s what happens when you’ve been away from the controller, Jas !’, Adam stated, punching Jason in the arm in a friendly way.   
‘I think we should go to bed for now.  I’m exhausted.  Besides, New Year’s is coming up and I want to ring it in right.’, Kim suggested.   With that, everyone went their separate ways at HQ and tucked themselves under multitudinous blankets to stave off the late December cold.   

Chapter 2--The Tesseract

The mystical energy cube known as the Tesseract gleamed brilliantly in the darkness. Zarkon eyed the cube, wondering if Haggar knew how to use her energy to hack into it.
‘I could, M’Lord, but you do realize the kind of energy you’d be unleashing, do you not ?’, she poised, cautiously.   She never once questioned his authority but Zircon's bloodlust for genocide was getting out of hand.  He had once known of the Tesseract but only recently discovered it and knew the beings that had once protected it had long since died.   It was unguarded and vulnerable.
‘I know what I am getting into.   Just hack the cube, I cannot wait another millennia to get what I desire.’, Zarkon stated with urgency.  Not wanting to banter, Hagar obeyed against her better judgement.    Of course, the cube went bonkers and everything turned upside down.  
Voltron had been called into action by a distress signal from afar but it was too late.  The Tesseract had been breached.
‘Why are we here ?  There’s nothing we can do, though we could study the cube and repair it.’, Shiro stated, logically.
‘True, yes, but not in this barrage !’, Corrin noted.  There were thousands of enemy ships swarming them from species, all bellicose, they didn’t recognize.    Then came a bright flash of two lights and two mechs rescuing them.
‘Ah, good they’re waking up.’, Gatchaman leader, Ken Washio said, observing them.   An unusual anthropomorphic fox was studying them as well.
‘I have no idea how we all ended in the same place at the same time.  I know the hacking of the Tesseract is responsible.   It is light years from us and we apparently, have no real hope of repairing it.’, Star Fox sighed, morosely.
‘Fear not, there’s always a way, Captain.’, Hawk reassured him, placing his hand on his shoulder.  
‘First of all...Why am I the only one freaked out by the fact there are talking animals around us ?’, Hunk poised.   The rest chuckled for a moment, thankful for his offbeat humor.
‘I know some heroes that can help us.’, Trip chimed in.  He was part of the Power Rangers’ Time Force and such entities as the Tesseract Cube were not foreign to him.   He, as well as Billy and their bots could repair the cube, that is, as soon as they could relocate and warp to it since their galactic positioning systems had been a bit mucked up after tussling with Zarkon and his goons.   

Chapter 3--Brave Volunteers

Having come away from the armada was one thing but descending to Earth in their slightly broken condition was another.  The landing had been slightly rocky at best but everyone made it to Earth in one piece.   The lions, the mechs, all of the machinery would and could be fixed no sooner as Trip had explained their situation to some old, familiar friends.   

‘Then what are we standing around gabbing’ for ?   If I know villains, this Zarkon dude sounds like a tough nut to crack.’, Zack surmised.
‘Oh, he’s that.’, Lance added.
‘And worse !’, Keith inserted.   
‘Let’s get going, no time to waste !’, the Condor rallied them.  Typically it wasn’t the Condor who would go about this task, but it broke the tension and he was naturally second in command to Ken.   With no more words spoken, the brave fighters rallied and blasted off together to space with their bots in toe, wondering what awaited them there.

Chapter 4--Techtopia Under Attack
‘Keep looking !  It can’t have just disappeared !  I need that cube to dominate the galaxy.’, Vader sneered.   He was literally ripping Techtopia apart.   None of the droids stood a chance, especially not against his Sith grip.   He and the Troopers were relentless, merciless and completely soulless in their destruction.   It seemed there to be no hope left for the inhabitants or their civilization, the proverbial cavalry arrived in extraordinary form.

The ships’ barrage was the stuff of legend.   Star Fox fought everything hurled at him and nothing could hit him or his ace pilot friends.    Voltron kept the tie-fighters at bay.   Gatchaman forces deterred Vader and began to push back his defenses.   It seemed, however, that the Rangers were becoming a bit ambitions.   Vader knew now, the cards were held in his favor.
‘If I capture Tommy like I have one bounty hunter Han Solo in my clutches, the resistance will crumble.’, he thought, overzealous.   He seemed to forget that even without one Ranger, the opposition against him still outnumbered him immensely.   But it didn’t matter.  
'Allow me to added you in this endeavor, Vader.', the crime lord Jabba stated in Huttese. 'I can freeze him solid in pure carbonite, just as I did with Solo.'
'Excellent idea.', Vader responded.
Quickly, the Empire surrounded the mechs before they could form the MegaZord and Tommy was with them.   He did all he could to fight back but it was no good.   The Troopers had him in electric manacles and there was no way of getting them off.    Jabba sneered at him.  
‘You’ll make a tasty treat for my Sarlacc.’, he grinned sardonically.   Having enough knowledge of the evil look in his eyes and the tone of his voice, Tommy knew he was in for a terrible fate, but never once did he give up hope.   

Chapter 5--Risk and Rescue

Batu had been damaged quite badly but with its self-healing tech, the resort was rapidly rebuilding itself almost like it hadn’t been touched by the Empire.   Knowing their friend had been taken by Vader and his cronies, everyone followed his trail to where the tesseract had been kept.  
‘I have a bad feeling about this.’, Hunk said, ominously.
‘Don’t tell me you’re gonna barf again.’, Lance remarked, rolling his eyes in an ‘oh God, here we go again’ sort of expression.   Hunk just sulked momentarily.    
‘We’re close.   I can pinpoint its location.’, Pee Wee chirped.   Pidge had helped him in that instance.  With these two geniuses working as one, nothing was impossible.   Billy was happy to take a backseat and watch these brains do most of the heavy lifting though.  
The gang felt a surge of power so strong they were shaken to their cores.  
‘We can make a teleport bodily but the mechs will have to be sucked into the wormhole…’, The Eagle lamented.  
‘No, no, no !  There has to be another way, surely you can think of another plan.’, Hopper said, becoming more frantic.   Froggy steeled Hopper’s courage.  
‘Sometimes risk is the best way.   The Rangers know what they’re doing. We can trust them.  I’m sure somehow we’ll get our mechs back.’, he reassured his long-eared friend.   
With that said, the whole battalion jettisoned themselves from their mechs and boarded the Empire’s ship.    The backlash from the black hole took them to the exact coordinates they needed but Tommy was already frozen in carbonite.   
‘You have deterred my trip to Carkoon.   Guards, chain them !   Shackle them all !   That Sarlacc will feast well tonight !’, Vader cackled.  
‘Well, so much for asking Allura out on any more dates.’, Lance sighed.
‘Hey, don’t give up so quickly.  If anyone can figure out a way of this jam, it’s the bots, and they’re already processing a way out for us.’, Pidge relayed, optimistically.   

Chapter 6--Oola Fights Back

The Rangers and their bots waited a grim fate in Carkoon.  
‘Eaten by a Sarlacc.  Who would’ve thought ?’, Adam sighed, morosely hanging his head.   A fellow prisoner who knew how to jimmy locks gave them a quick wink.
‘There is always hope.   Don’t give in to the Dark Side’s trickery.  That’s what they want.  With optimism on our side, our sheer numbers, we are unstoppable.’, Oola said, with a brilliant smile.   Adam couldn’t help but blush at the buxom warrior and her charms.   She had grit, determination, drive and a never-say-die attitude.   She started a chain of shackle breaking, only aided by the robots, who made the process quicker.    
‘No !   Jabba didn’t say Oola could LEAVE !’, Jabba said, not realizing that her chain was no longer attached to her.   She had thrown it into the Sarlacc pit and gravity began its work.
‘Bantu fodder !’, Jabba cursed as he fell to a much deserved, gruesome and painful death.    Vader, who could do nothing to stop this, found himself snagged by a chain as well, but used the Sith force to break the grasp the chain had on him.   
‘I have no time for this.  You weaklings may have won and murdered my finest merchant but I will have vengeance.   Mark my words.   You haven’t see the last of Lord Vader.’, Vader glowered as he drew his majestic cape around him like a shroud of pure malice and disappeared into nothingness.   

Chapter 7--Setting Things Right

The Rangers were still in a bit of a pickle so close to the Sarlacc pit and none of them knew how long the Defender’s jet pulses or Gatchaman hovering ability would last them.   The bots too, had anti-gravity thrusters, but they were already dangerously low on power after the dashing they had done from the event horizon.  
'I dunno how much longer our thrusters will be able to last.' Delta said.
'We gotta help the others.', ASIMO and Pepper stated.
The cosmic waves they had been exposed to had given their earwigs ability to transform for a time.  They acted as tiny doctors to retrieve and repair the Zords.   Zordon appeared and bubbled them as well as everyone and rewound time.    He explained the situation to them before letting them fly off the handle but they knew what to do.    Tommy and Han were a bit dazed after being awakened so brashly but it never felt so good to be able to move freely.   The two of them had a ton of questions at the moment but kept their inquiries silent.  

The Time Force Rangers, fully equipped with newly restored Zords, thanks to Zordon, were able to put the Tesseract back into place.   With a timeline firmly fixed, there was no way Vader could screw around with the time/space continuum, but he would find other ways to enact his vengeance someday, they thought.    The thought now was to simply enjoy the victory even if it was slightly subdued.   

Chapter 8--Saying Goodbye at HQ

Zordon could no longer hold his human form so he reverted to his cyndrillical one.   He had to grin, feeling younger than ever and never losing pace with his youthful squadron.   Seeing him in action had been a real treat for everyone.   
‘You were almost as quick as master Yoda !’, Han complimented.
‘I concur.   However it would seem now as good as any time for us to depart.’, Beta said with a massive smile upon his chromium face.   Each of the friends said their goodbyes with a hearty, back patting embrace.   It had been a little unusual to see anthropomorphised characters but the Rangers were used to just about anything out of the ordinary at this point.  

'You guys can come back anytime we could use some backup. Even you, Oola. Your people on Ryloth could benefit from the Power.', Alpha 5 beamed.
'We'll be at the ready thanks to your communicators.', Superman and Luke said in unison.
'Even the droids were incredible.', Kim said.   Bittersweetly, the new and old companions left, blasting off until they were only a star-glint in the sky.

Chapter 9--Meeting the Twins

Although the excitement had died down, Somni felt her contractions increase.   The twins were due to arrive anytime and they were making that fact well known.   Having dealt with birth before, Somni was far more laid back about the experience, as was Beta but the rest of the friends became slightly frantic.  
‘We have to stay calm.  We’ll get her to the hospital in plenty of time.   Look how calm Somni is.’, Aisha stated, sweetly, holding the hand of her favorite bot in hers’.    Those Rangers who had been slightly anxious felt their worries dissolve.

The birthing process had taken subsequently less time than it had for Pachitea and Morpheus.   Little Yume and Baku were brought into the world, crying at the top of their lungs until their siblings started singing and rocking them to sleep.   They would learn more than their elders ever knew but for now they needed to be taken home to their baby recuperation cribs.  


As their tiny chests rose and fell, everyone gawked in awe over the teensy neonates.   Yume and Baku were precious as they could be.
‘Can you imagine that you two were once that small ?’, Adam reminisced to Morpheus and Pasitea.   They recalled some of their infancy but were looking more forward to tending to their slumbering siblings.   Little Baku yawned, causing a chain reaction.
‘I second that yawn.’, Beta 1 stretched, stating his good nights for the evening.   One by one, everyone said their peace and departed.   Mom bot and dad bot had kissed their eldest goodnight and tucked them in before returning to their new cribs.  
‘I love you so much, my darling.   These little ones are more than I could’ve ever wanted.’, Somni said, kissing her love tenderly on the lips.    
‘You are my greatest gift, the children are only a bonus !’, Beta concurred as he held her close around the waist and slowly slinked away into their room for a long needed evening’s worth of glorious reveries.

The End


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