Woman of 1,000 Faces
Synopsis: Priya
Patel, a young woman born in poverty in India makes her way to America to the
Midwest. She wants to be a comedienne
and at first it’s an arduous road.
Eventually, she wins many people’s hearts including that of a fellow
entertainer who happens to be an illusionist.
Patel/Fielding: (Lily Singh-Pretti)
Patel: (Kunal Nyaar, father)
Patel: (mother)
Patel: (grandmother)
Patel: (grandfather)
Khan: (himself)
Rai: (herself)
Khan: (himself)
Cowell: (himself)
Colbert: (himself)
Mandel: (Himself)
Cohen: (Priya’s best friend, roommate)
Dias: (another best friend and roommate)
Elias Fielding: (illusionist and love
Fielding: (his mom)
Fielding: (his dad)
DeMarco: (Corey’s best friend)
DeMarco: (Julian’s wife)
DeMarco: (eldest daughter)
‘Mike’ DeMarco: (youngest son)
‘You are driving me to the crazy.’—Oh,
realize that even though I’m not singing and dancing, I have so many people who
support and love me !’—Kokona, Nurse Witch Komugi R
are spirits, free as a wind. It’s a
secret not everyone knows.’—Mustafa, ‘The Prophet’
1—Growing Up Poor
(coming home from school with all of her friends saying their goodbyes,
narrating) It was a weekend, which meant
my family and I had something to look forward to. We’d usually go to the cinema and watch the
latest film with the biggest stars. I
adored Salman Khan, Sharukh Khan, and Aishiwara Rai. I could imitate all 3 so easily that I often won
contests but I wanted more. I already
had a natural ability to be funny. Mom,
dad and myself watched American Idol religiously and I had an intention in my
heart to try my comedy act in front of thousands of people. Of course, it was out of the question until
my schooling was over and done with but I was nearly graduated !
Chandra: Another weekend !
Aagney: Another episode of American Idol.
(They all
high five)
Priya: It’d be the best if I could head to America
and actually try out !
Aagney: (a bit blustery) Not until you graduate. Have you thought of where you’d go, what
you’d do ? We don’t know anyone in
America !
Priya: Mom, dad (hugging them close) ! You know, and you heard it from my idols
themselves, I have a winning personality.
I’m full of charm, class, pizazz, moxy, pluck and talent ! Those guys are going to love me !
(Kissing her daughter’s cheek) I know
they will, but it won’t be easy.
Aagney: Hollywood always makes it look like it will be.
The journey’s going to be hard.
We aren’t the most affluent people in Mumbai.
Priya: I am well aware of that.
Chandra: But we managed to gather everyone together
and pull together our funds.
Aagney: We also decided to have a special going away
party for your trip after you graduate.
Priya: You’d do that ? For me ? (gets a bit teary eyed)
(ruffles her hair) We know ever since
you were a little girl, this has been your dream.
Chandra: You’re old enough to spread your wings on
your own, darling ! We believe in you,
no matter what you do. We’ll be here
rooting for you, all of us.
Devi: It took a lot of work, but we managed to get
enough to get you on your feet in America.
Ajay: I looked around for suitable apartments and I
found one accepting roommates. The girls
I found sound really spiffy !
(hugging them happily) You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.
Aagney: We want only the best for you and we support
you whole heartedly !
(narrating) Graduation came and went so quickly it left me spinning. I was surprised by a graduation/going away
party by family, friends and my three idols.
I don’t know how my family managed to do that, but there they were,
dancing and rejoicing with me, celebrating right along with me.
(She dances
to the Fan anthem and Sharukh is impressed.)
SRK: You do that even better than I do.
Salman: (laugh) You have to admit, Priya’s got
Priya: I only learned
how to dance like this thanks to you, Sharukh and Aishiwara.
Ai: We can tell it comes from the heart. (curiously) What are you going to do in
America ?
Priya: I’m going to try out for America’s Got
Talent. When I win the competition…
Chandra: You mean ‘if’ right ?
Priya: No, mum, ‘when’ ! I’m going to win.
Aagney: She’s got her heart set. Knowing her, she’s sure to do it. She’s capable of anything.
Devi: (Sobbing almost inconsolably) Without you here it’s going to be far too
quiet, and lonesome.
Priya: (being hugged almost too tight) Easy on the ribs, gram ! Can’t…breathe !
Devi: (lets
go) Sorry, I was overcome !
Chandra: Mum, don’t worry. She’s taking a laptop with her, we’ll talk to
her every night when we can.
Priya: I have an unlimited plan, too, but Skype will
be far nicer than just talking by phone.
Ajay: Such a smart young lady. Takes after my side of the family.
(playfully nudging him) She takes after
both, Ajay, my dear.
Priya: (narrating)
Although the party was off the chain, it was slightly bittersweet. I’ll admit, I shed some tears, but I looked
forward to landing in the Midwest, where I would meet my new roomies and start
adjusting to life in the States.
(‘Life in the
Great Big World’ plays after she says good bye and as she gets her sea legs
‘Give Me Some Sunshine’ from Three Idiots plays as she instantly makes new
friends with her winning personality, charm, charisma, smile and gregarious
2—Friendship Isn’t So Hard
Kirsten: (excitedly hugging Priya, at first, she
doesn’t know how to take it but hugs back, patting Kirsten’s back
anxiously) You must be Priya ! I’m Kirsten, I’ll be one of your roomies
! How lucky, huh ? (jumps up and down) I’ve always wanted an Indian roommate. It’ll be just like TBBT !
Justina: (huge magnetic grin) Yeah, only with us 3 girls under one
roof. As you already know, that’s
Kirsten. She’s my best friend. We’ve been besties, since like, forever, way
back in Kindergarten. She’s the most
avid of us all.
Kirsten: It’s true.
This is the best thing to happen to me since I befriended Justina. (whispers)
I know she looks spooky. That’s
just the goth makeup.
Justina: (chuckling)
I’m not so dark as I seem. I
actually like lacy, frilly, girly things every so often.
Kirsten: She loves tea and Jammy Dodgers.
Justina: Only you and she know that. No one else must !
Kirsten: (taps her nose) Mum’s the word. Come on, we gotta show you the apartment,
it’s CHOICE !
Justina: You are gonna love this place, Priya.
Priya: (feeling more relaxed, less shocked, and
becoming more at ease, narrating) It was
just like Justina and Kirsten said. It
was spellbinding, magical, bedazzling, hypnotic and just plain fabulous. I had a room all to myself, too. We all worked together to keep everything
running, but I had made two new friends that day so easily that I was almost
shocked at my good fortune. Mum and dad
always said I was blessed by good fortune, so I know it to be more than
true. I do believe the Universe is
looking after me. All I have to do now
is get myself a job and work my way into American Idol. First American Idol, then my own venue at a
comedy club, and maybe…maybe even my own movie !
shift. We see Priya cooking for the
girls for the first time and them adoring everything about her expertise and
alchemy in the kitchen. ‘India Calling’
plays in the background and we see her looking out of the sun roof at the
Priya: Mum, dad, grandma, grandpa, everyone, I love
you. I know you’re looking at the same
sky tonight and wishing me well, loving me from afar. Wherever you are I know you go with me. (She turns off the light and goes to sleep)
(Scene fade)
Scene 3—The
Justina: (almost way too thrilled) Priya, wake up
Priya: (holding a unicorn plushy close) Mmmphhh…Five more minutes, mummy,
please. (goes back to sleep almost
Kirsten: Allow me, Justina. Let me show you how it’s done. (Dumps cold water on her) Rise and shine,
Clementine !
(gasping) That was a mean trick,
Kirsten: It was the only way to wake you.
Priya: (semi pout, Justina tries her best to keep
from going into a laughing fit) It had better be important !
Justina: Oh, but it is ! Look at THIS ! (shows her an article) American Idol is coming here, of all places.
Kirsten: How providential is that ? It’s what you’ve been longing for this whole
(They all hug
her, jumping up and down beside her on the bed.)
Justina: Go, snag your dream, girl !
Kirsten: You know we’re gonna be by your side the
whole way.
(wiping some tears away) We’ve only been
friends a few weeks and here you are, going out of your way…It’s so moving
! Thank you.
Kirsten: (patting her on the shoulder) Go for it !
We’re coming with !
Priya: (narrating)
It felt like I had been swept up in a whirlwind. Before I knew it, I was on stage, in front of
Simon Cowell, Howie Mandell and Madonna.
I never knew was nervousness was but somehow, I overcame it. I thought of everyone rooting for me back
home and my two intrepid friends sitting in the front row, screaming their
heads off.
(The three
start talking amongst themselves)
Howie: You really have a lot of variety. Your impersonations are straight on !
Simon: I often don’t say this but your Carol Burnett
had me cracking up !
Madonna: You have a lovely singing voice, and your
dancing is astonishing.
Howie: You’ve got a thumbs up from me.
Madonna: Same here.
No doubt about it, you’ve got talent, Priya.
Priya: (hands
pressed together, bowing politely) Thank
you, Howie. Thank you, Madonna. That means the world to me. I’ve been doing this since I was a little
girl. Being an only child without
siblings gave me a lot of time to entertain myself.
Simon: It seems to have paid off then, because
you’re going to the next round !
(Kirsten and
Justina hug themselves in near disbelief, screaming their heads off. They come up stage and eagerly hug their best
friend, beside themselves.)
Priya: (narrating)
It seems from then on out, I rocketed to stardom. The first gig I had was opening for a
magician. Little did I know something
surreal was about to happen in the very instance I announced his act…
(Scene change)
Scene 4—The
Red Thread of Fate
(Priya, after
she leaves the stage, we can hear her theme song. Something is missing and she’s not really
certain what it is, but she feels unfulfilled and lost.)
Corey: Give it up for Mrs. Patel ! Glorious creature she is, too.
(He puts on
his act and drives the crowd wild. Soon,
he takes a break and sees Priya off stage, sobbing.)
Corey: What’s wrong ? You killed it out there !
Priya: (wiping her eyes) Oh, nothing.
Some dust must’ve gotten into my eyes.
You’re really remarkable. You
must be Corey Fielding.
Corey: Word gets around. (hands her a handkerchief) Here, borrow this.
(chuckles) How chivalrous. (wipes her
eyes, hands it back)
(places his hands over hers) No, keep it
! I have tons of them back in my
dressing room. (pause, and then looks at
her with concern) Why so down in the dumps ?
Come on, cheer up. It’s a
beautiful day.
Priya: You’re right.
Corey: Stick around, watch my act. I’ll take you out for dinner later. What do you say ?
Priya: An offer like that ? How can I refuse ! (beams)
Corey: That’s the spirit. (pats her hand gently) Whatever you’re going through, you can talk
to me about it. Just know, everything
is going to be alright.
Priya: I’ve got a feeling it’ll be even better than
that. Thanks, Corey. You really know how to encourage and uplift.
Corey: (tips
his top-hat) It is my pleasure, m’lady.
See you after the show. (gives her a wink)
(Quick pan of
the rest of his act, and Corey taking her out on a fantastic date after the
show. He sings ‘Magical’ to her and she
fawns and sighs, overtly ebullient.)
Priya: No one’s ever sang me a song before.
Corey: I tend to go big or go home. Plus, I really do love you.
Priya: You just met me ! (she nearly cracks up laughing)
Corey: (takes
her hand into his) You can’t tell me you
don’t feel the electricity between us ?
Don’t deny it, darling.
Priya: (dreamily)
I know it’s there. I never knew
that someone would be out there for me.
It’s like a sweet reverie come to life.
Corey: That’s how I feel. Just know, no matter what you do, I’m going
to be there in your corner. Always.
Priya: Same here.
I want to go to every gig you have.
Even if our performances keep us apart.
Corey: And we will.
(leans over to kiss her, deeply.
They almost both melt/faint/swoon.)
Priya: (narrating)
That first kiss, ah my Krishna, out of SIGHT ! I couldn’t wait to be with him again. It was his love that kept me aloft. I knew he truly saw the authentic me, the
vulnerable me, the me that needed the truest form of love in the world. And he could give it to me in full
Scene 5—Our
Daughter’s On TV
(narrating) It seemed that the whirlwind
of popularity kept kicking up, but I wasn’t’ complaining. Yes, it was rather enervating, but I was
eating it up, and apparently everyone else was too. What I didn’t know was my relationship with
Corey was becoming more exclusive and I was in for the biggest surprise of my
life one night with Stephen Colbert, my hero.
(We see her
interviewing with Jon Stewart and Jon busting a gut laughing over her antics,
particularly her accuracy and perfect impersonation of Harpo Marx as well as
Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez.
She also has him dying laughing with more old school comedian
impersonations and a perfect rendition of ‘1,2,3,4, Get on the Dance Floor’
from Chennai Express. Quick transition to her interview with Stephen, after
Corey’s big TV debut.)
Elsewhere in Mumbai appears on the screen too, split
Stephen: You have had a meteoric rise to fame
recently. What do you suppose has
contributed to that ?
Priya: (in a fangirly way) First of all, I want to thank you for having
me on your TV show. (waving
effervescently) Hi mum, dad, grandma,
grandpa !
Chandra: Aagney, mum, dad, look who’s on the tele
! It’s Priya !
Devi: I can see that, I am not blind, honey !
Ajay: (laughs)
Yes, and we can all hear plenty well without you shouting.
Stephen: Doesn’t it make you feel a bit like dancing ?
Priya: Oh, you know I’m always down for a dance
break !
Stephen: (plays ‘Moves Like Jagger’ and follows
Priya’s lead) You’re really grooving
there !
Priya: Learned from the best ! Shout out to my homies, Sharukh, Salman and
Stephen: Learn from the best to become the best. (sits back down and she also is seated) Actually, the reason I called you here
tonight is because Corey, your boyfriend, said he had a surprise for you.
Priya: (chuckling)
Oh ?
Aagney: It’s that lad she’s always telling us
about. He’d better be treating her
right or I’ll have his pretty American neck.
Chandra: Aagney, be calm. I’m certain he’s treating Priya like the
princess we all know she is.
Corey: Thanks for having me, Stephen. This is a fanboy’s ultimate dream come
true. My friend, Julian is probably
having a conniption in the aisles right about now.
Julian: (loudly)
Actually, no ! This is too
awesome. We’re all loving it !
(His wife and
family give him thumbs up, smiling, whistling, clapping, whooping and
Mike: Corey, you ROCK !
Corey: No, little dude, you do. (smiles
sweetly) I wouldn’t be here were it not
for them, let alone my family. But now,
I want to extend my family tree. (singing
‘Tere Naam’ for Priya, and she can’t believe her ears, she is moved to jovial
tears. He gets down on his knee,
kneeling before her) Priya, when we met,
I had no idea we would be tied by the red thread, but now I know that bond is
unbreakable. Be my assistant, my guide,
my friend, lover, be all things, be mine.
Please ?
Priya: (helping him to his feet) Of course, you lovable, goofy magician ! You know I will ! Yes !
I will marry you !
Corey: (pumping his arm up and down) Yes !
(hugging Stephen close) YESSSSS !
Stephen: Someone’s a happy boy !
Corey: You bet !
Priya: (narrating)
I wasn’t certain how either one of our families would take the news, but
in a flash, they had all shown up for the best, most epic day of both of our lives,
back where I had grown up in Mumbai. It
was almost like the whole village had come to feast in our revelry.
(Quick shift
to the wedding)
6—Together Forever
Corey: (after the glasses are clinked, Corey stands
up to make a speech) I know that for
most of us, it was a long trip.
Mike: Speak for yourself, most of us came because
of the kick-butt food and camaraderie !
Phyllis: Here, here !
(clinks glasses with him)
(Clears throat) None of this would have
been possible without help from both of our families. Thank you for pulling together and helping us
plan this incredible wedding. Thanks
mostly to my beautiful newlywed wife, Priya.
Look at her, more dazzling than a jewel. I feel a song coming on !
Priya: Again with the singing ! (poking him in the ribcage playfully)
Corey: You know you love it, doll. (he sings the iconic song Raj does from DDLJ)
Priya: You always know how to fill my heart to
overflowing. I think it would be better
if we did a duet ! (she and he sing
‘American Girl, Indian Heart’)
Aagney: Singing is all well and good but dancing is better.
Devi: Hey, DJ.
I have a request. Lungi
dance !
(DJ spins a
record and plays Devi’s request, and the crowd goes nuts for it. Everyone dances until the break of dawn, and
Corey requests another song, ‘Mahiney’ from KHNH.)
Leona: We couldn’t be more pleased for you,
Corey. Our daughter-in-law is
beautiful, smart, stylish, funny and successful, just like you. We wish you many years of happiness and many
blessings to come !
David: Indubitably
! Hey, can I cut in with the
bride and my daughter-in-law ?
Corey: Of course
Chandra: That means I get to have this dance, if you
don’t mind. Hello, handsome !
Priya: (chagrinned, nearly covers her face in
embarrassment) Mom ! She’s always like this. Pay her no heed.
Aagney: Allow me to have this dance, my rainbow.
Chandra: Oh, my, Aagney. What’s gotten into you ?
Aagney: (lasciviously) You mean, what’s about to get into you ?
(blushing and lowering her head)
Ajay: That’s my boy, I taught him well !
(lowering head) Ah, cha….. (narrating) Though
we weren’t in Mumbai long, Corey and I returned to our lives in America but we
always visited through the holidays. Our
lives were pretty booked, and having a child made everything a bit more
spastic. We were popular and we needed
time to take care of Amrita, so we found time to devote to her when we weren’t
being swamped by fans or paparazzi.
Honestly, we never thought we’d make it this far in the entertainment
biz and it wasn’t always glitz, glamor and prestige. There were days the media tended to hound us
but we sent them away with grace, tact and assertiveness to bother other, more
popular stars. It wasn’t actually a
bad life. We used the popularity and
affluence to help others who actually needed the money. It typically went to our families and the
indigent, or to projects that housed the homeless, fed the hungry and gave toys
to children to help them learn and grow.
As for Amrita, she was set for life, but she wasn’t alone in the world. Her little brother, Sanjay had come into her
existence not long ago. He’s just a
little guy now but full of love, laughter and inquisitiveness. He seems to have his mother’s penchant for
comedy. He may grow to be a ‘Man of
1,000 Faces’. Who knows ? All I know is that the family adores him and
think he’s the cutest thing since a ladybug’s bottom. Right now it’s the Festival of Colors, and
we’re having a blast even though it’s hotter than the devil’s boxer shorts
! We’re happy to come back whenever we
can to reconnect to our roots. It’s
always important to know where you’ve come from and where you’re going. Corey nor myself know what the future will
bring, but we do know that we’re surrounded by the love and support of family
and friends, cheering us on whatever comes around the bend. We know that love pulls us through
everything and it is the only constant that we all understand in its many
myriad forms. It is the music that
binds us, sustains us, enlightens, enlivens and bolsters us through life. I grant that my story has given you hope and
to never underestimate the power of laughter or its healing power. It is truly the best medicine anywhere and
available anytime. And bonus, it’s
totally LEGAL ! Pretty choice, huh ?
(As we see
the family reveling in the popular festival of colors, ‘Hindustani’ plays in
the background as well as the title track to ‘Ohm Shanti Om’, and
‘Unbelievable’ amongst others. The
children are having the time of their lives, as are both Corey and Priya’s
family, bathing in bright hues. The End
is shown on screen, and it is yet another happy ending for all involved. Bloopers and behind the scenes are shown for
true blue fans. Thanks offered to
everyone who helped work on the sets, designs, costumes, music planning,
catering, and so on. Travel agencies,
you deserve the most gratitude. Without
you, this would not have been authentic.
My last measure of gratitude goes to all the superstars that inspired me
to actually write this script. You
inspire me to aspire to become my greatest version. If no one remembers me, hopefully they will
recall the good I have done and I will know that I ran the race well with
endurance and fought the good fight. I
love you all and am glad you blessed me with your friendship. It is more than I could’ve ever have dreamed
of !)
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