Vibration and Frequency In All Living Matter

I felt the life force of a tree's sap heading to its roots.  It was more than that, though.   I felt a vibration.  It was vibrant, completely alive and we shared an understanding and respect.   I knew I was part of that Cypress and it was part of me.  Some people don't 'see' this.   They're far too separate, cut off by devices.  It only numbs them and limits them.   People need to awaken again and reconnect.  I feel the same when it comes to violence.  We should have forums, like the Greeks and Romans did.   Everyone will have their own opinion to an issue and the community will solve it.   You can't count on the government to solve it, or the police.   This may seem simple but all problems have solutions, you simply have to think broadly and boldly.  I have prayed for everyone--victims, witnesses and those who inflict violence as well as our leaders.  If we approach this with love and level heads we can move mountains ! 


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