The Grand Onus of Obedience


 Synopsis:  This particular tale takes place in the past, but the present is also discussed.  The triplets are now 17 years old. It's been two years since the Oracle of Delphius' prophecy was fulfilled and Robotnik was defeated. Sonic gives his first taste of kingship when Jules and Aleena need to go to a meeting for two days. During this time, with the advice and help of his parents' privy council, Prince Regent Sonic is in charge of the kingdom until they return.


‘It’s like you’re my mirror

My mirror staring back at me

I couldn’t get any bigger

With anyone else beside of me

And now that it’s clear as this promise

That we’re making two reflections into one

‘Cause it’s like you’re my mirror

My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me.’—some lyrics from Mirrors as sung by Justin Timberlake




Chapter 1—We’re Counting on You

            It had been an auspicious time for Mobians planet wide.   The Freedom Fighters, both Mobius-side and asteroid bound had seen the ultimate defeat of Robotnik and his crony, Snively.   It had been said that Snively the coward had gone crawling into a grotto with his tail between his legs and the last that he had been heard of, some poor unfortunate Mobian had come across his frozen carcass.   Obviously, since he had died of hypothermia, it wasn’t likely that any type of evil force would be coming for the livelihood of the Mobians.   At least, not currently.   

            Aleena and Jules had many public appearances they had to make to reiterate the fact that Ivo Robotnik was, indeed, dead and gone.   There would be an immense fete held to rejoice this victory, but after so much struggle and endeavoring to survive, the people had become weary.  They needed just a smidge of hope to reinvigorate them.    As the envoy to all people, whatever their creed, background, religion or race, Aleena and Jules were pleased to be the voice of a rebirth to their society so they could begin rebuilding at last.  

            ‘Prince Sonic, Prince Manic, Princess Sonia.  Could you please come for a second ?’, Aleena said.   Jules was standing beside her, both of them decked in their finest regalia.   They looked positively stunning and austere in their regal attire, their jewelry glinting in the light.  

            ‘Yes ?’, Sonia answered.   Sonic and Manic were standing beside them, wondering what this short family meeting could be about.

            ‘Sup, mom !’, Sonic retorted, being his usual hip self.   Usually, this easygoing response would be met in kind, but the king and queen remained serious.  

            ‘As you know, it’s our duty as regents of Mobius to keep the people informed and uplifted.’, Jules said. 

            ‘Be that as it may, we’re asking you three to oversee the castle and tend to your duties while we’re away.’, Aleena added.    It meant that everything in the castle was theirs to utilize as they wanted.   Manic was already getting excited.  He wanted to hold a private drum session for his biggest fans, just to hear his sick riffs.    Sonia herself wanted to go hog wild shopping.

            ‘Just be aware there are surveillance bots watching you so, even if you do something untoward, we’re both going to know about it.’, Jules stated, firmly.  

            ‘Dang.’, Sonic thought to himself.   Both mom and dad were pretty smart for their own good and he noticed that Manic and Sonia’s countenances fell. 

            ‘Hey, it’ll be over pretty quickly.   We’ll get our rhythm back.   These things take time.’, Aleena said as she patted Sonic, Sonia and Manic on the shoulder independently.   

            ‘I have no doubt you three will be fine on your own.’, she added, as she kissed them all on the forehead.   Jules added a hug and Aleena joined in before the butlers and maids attended to them and took their luggage out to their metal horse driven carriage.   

            ‘Farewell, take care.   We love you.’, Aleena said as she and Jules departed.  

            ‘Bye mom, bye dad.’, the three said at separate times.   


Chapter 2—Full Reign of Crystal Castle

            Manic was feeling a bit dejected after having his plan derailed so destructively.   Sonia wasn’t fairing any better, but Sonic had a plan.   He knew that at first, they wouldn’t like it, but it behooved him to learn more about the throne and the role they all played in it.

            'Sibs, I have a plan.', Sonic said.  The younger hedgehogs closed in and listened carefully.   Each of them would have a particular job to do as they did research on what was expected of them.  

            ‘That won’t be enough to occupy our time though.’ Sonia said, and then she suddenly snapped her finger. 

            ‘Why don’t we tidy up a bit ?   The old castle is starting to get a little musty.’, she said.   In fact, it was true that the castle hadn’t been dusted in many many years due to the uprise against Robotnik and his subsequent defeat.    It would take quite a bit of time to make the Crytal Castle sparkle again, but the trio knew that they owed it to their parents and all the other residents to make their domicile look and feel the part of their royal decree and positions.  

            The research the triplets did took little to no effort and most of them already knew since they had been taught all they needed to know once they reunited with their parents.    All the knowledge was common sense and easy to recall or repeat.    Yet, when it came to the duties of the court, they knew the day would come when they would have to learn and rise to any occasion, which could be daunting.    However, the triplets were confident that they could face any challenge no matter how big or small as a team.   


Chapter 3—A Bit Tuckered Out

            After hours of cleaning, Sonic looked at his siblings and heard his stomach emit a rancorous growl.

            ‘I’m thinking we should all stop at Lou’s chili dog truck.’, Sonic suggested.  

            ‘I’ve got a better idea.   We could all use Shakehouse burgers, fries and of course, their signature shakes !’, Manic countered.    They all agreed to this much deserved dinner and sped away on their bicycles to their destination. 

            ‘You know, it’s awfully quiet here in the castle.’, Sonia observed.

            ‘It won’t be for long.   I was thinking of ordaining a court.’, Sonic stated.   Manic was fairly sure he knew who would be a part of the court but for now, sleep was weighing so heavily upon them all they could barely keep their eyes open.

            ‘We’ll get to that eventually.  We all need some shut eye for now.’, he said, yawning and stretching.            

            ‘I couldn’t agree more.’, Manic added.  Each of the siblings said their goodnights and headed to their own quarters.    That evening, Sonic remembered he hadn’t seen Amy in quite some time, and he had missed her immensely.   He knew he would have to reconnect with her since he hadn’t seen her and planned on further solidifying his relationship with her.   After all, he longed to rule alongside with her.   She was the only one for him; the two were a matched pair.  



Chapter 4—A Planet-wide Celebration         

            About noon, Jules and Aleena had returned and were pleased with how immaculate the castle was.   Everything about the castle glistened and gleamed, shimmering in the noonday light.

            'Great job, children !', Jules said.


'The palace looks just as clean as when we left ! Well done !', Aleena added.


'Thanks, Mother and Father.', Sonia said.    Jules was especially impressed and patted them all on their backs vigorously.

            ‘When I was an adolescent, much like you, my parents had given me a similar responsibility, but ultimately, I failed.   I had a massive party the night they were gone.  I was, suffice it to say, rather rebellious when I was little.’, Jules chuckled.

            ‘It was a phase he luckily grew out of.’, Aleena added.   The triplets were a little surprised to hear their own dad had a defiant streak but there were moments that it shone through in them and their temperaments, so at least they had come by that naturally. 


            Before long, the entire kingdom had displayed their patronage to the young prince regent and his siblings, and a gargantuan party was held.   Everyone, no matter what they did or where they were from, could join the event.   It had been because of togetherness that the iron clad empire of Ivo Robotnik had fallen.   None of them would ever forget this victory, not for eras long after it had been established. 



Chapter 5—A Reflection of Himself


            ‘What must’ve that have been like, just having all those errands, chores, responsibilities just loaded on you so quickly.’, Dashiel mused aloud as the father and son engaged in a small competitive game of handball.   Iridina and Amy were participating as well, since the grandchildren were asleep back in the nursery in the children’s wing of the castle.   

            ‘It can be quite a burden, but I learned that I can always count on others if I have questions.   The offer stands for you and Iridina as well as our grandkids.  Don’t forget that.’, Sonic reminded his eldest son.    Looking at him he couldn’t help but chortle and feel a smidge of pride.   All of his children had developed into well-rounded hedgehogs of integrity and decorum.    Dashiel was no exception.   Seeing DJ and how the littlest hedgehog looked up to his daddy, aping him at every turn reminded him of how it was when Dashiel was little.   Funny how things repeated, almost exactly.  

            ‘I know, pop.   I won’t forget.’, Dashiel said, as the foursome resumed their game.  After the game finished, Iridina led them all back to the nursery to check on the babies and they were still resting soundly.

            ‘They’re such angels when they’re asleep.  Awake, though, is quite a different story.’, she chuckled.     They had gotten help with the little ones when they were engaged with acts of diplomacy and oftentimes Isabelle and Monica would come with their little ones and arrange playdates, whether it was Mobiusside or Asteroidside.   Either way, the babies had a blast with their elder cousins, savoring every adventure they had together.   



            The sun was beginning to set, and the weather was becoming a bit chillier, which had been unusual, especially considering that winter should’ve been a few months away.    With the cold front approaching, however, Jack Frost’s touch had been felt and some of the snowbirds were starting to complain.    It wasn’t that bad though, Mobians by nature were tough, even if they had to go treating in costume during Hallowed Time.  


            Hallowed Time was growing near.   It was that moment in the calendar where the veil between the spiritual and physical thinned.   Oftentimes, those who did not live to see what became of the uprising were remembered and it was a period of time where Mobians would celebrate another season beginning and the summer season ending.   Before they knew it, the youngest prickles would be going to school like all the other young members of the castle after their break had come to an end.    What waited around the bend was anyone’s guess, but at least for the time being all was quiet, and the family Hedgehog continued to grow and strengthen.


To Be Continued…


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