I do realize that I have been busy with small gigs that I have taken upon with my roommate for the experience. These have been fun, but also, are a lot of work to process. I finished my Cryptid Crusader Chronicles not long ago, finding it was the longest published work I have ever written next to The Lux Saga. I also published the Cryptid Compendium, which was my first research/reference book and a ton of fun to pen. Adding the pictures made it feel all the more 'official' even though it was all fictional (but who knows, in the realm of SCPs, anything is possible).
I am unsure what my roommate and I will be doing in the near future, but I do know that two webcasts are in order very soon. The first will be a review of King of Thorn (I know that has age on it but it is a tremendous horror film that shouldn't be missed) and an introduction to my rescue gingers, my little rays of sunshine, Meadow Azalea and her little boy, Kodachrome. They are known as 'The Butters', especially since they are eels when held. They like to slither out of one's grasp when trying to be kept from something. Very fast and evasive.
The second webcast covers my friend Stu Fabe's 10th book, 'Given Names', which is a semi-autobiographical book. We are also planning on covering the 4th tour of Leonid & Friends, a Chicago tribute band straight from Russia.
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