Current Projects
Last night my brother and I went to livestream our nightly Christmas Light gazing (or light peeping as many of the youngins call it). We're thinking of putting it up on YouTube for all to see, and we may be doing more of this in the future. As influencers, our viewership has gone up, and that's magnificent.
I recently got back to transcribing my work onto the computer. If you head to my Kindle page, you'll see quite the offering of short stories available for purchase. My latest one was The Heirloom Ornament, just in time for Christmas ! As soon as the studio is ready, I plan on recording music from A Very Gnarly, Nautical Christmas (I call it Gnarly for short, since it's easier). Fusion, Zombie Rose, Man Alive and others will be recorded, too. I recorded one song from Garden of Ethan that I haven't posted on YouTube, but it'll be available, soon.
And BOY do I have a lot.
I just recently released my holiday parodies, which were a lot of fun to make !
I'm going to record 'It's Way Too Bloody' today and work on Anime Girl and Sleep.
Currently I am finishing up transcribing my stories so I can start writing ones I wrote ages ago since the ideas are still fresh.
Future plans: It seems I will be doing more traveling and streaming. My brother got some lapel mics with deadcats for noise reduction and we're still in the experimental stage, but thus far we like what we hear ! So far as traveling, that's a 'wherever the wind blows' ordeal. Stay tuned, catch you on the flip, live long and prosper and ciao, tutti !
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