Upcoming Projects in 2022
Currently I and BrightStar are penning a massive fictional multiverse or MFM. This consists of many properties, both current and past. It will be quite the undertaking and will include many shows and cartoons that are familiar as well as those that aren't currently well known by the public. In this current fic, 'Mirrorverse', we will be introduced to 'Dark' versions of beloved characters, putting a twist on the iconic and heroic characters we know and love. I have henceforth finished the 'Cryptid Crusader' series, but will be writing a 'Field Guide' to my creatures thus far. This book can be edited and expanded. Currently, I have expanded the realm of my verbaenchantri. My latest Verbaenchantrix is Violetta Pleadies. She comes into the whole thing reluctantly, but realizes that there is a bigger boogeyman that needs to be taught a lesson in the grand scheme of what we all hold dear (o...