
Showing posts from February, 2022

Upcoming Projects in 2022

 Currently I and BrightStar are penning a massive fictional multiverse or MFM.    This consists of many properties, both current and past.   It will be quite the undertaking and will include many shows and cartoons that are familiar as well as those that aren't currently well known by the public.   In this current fic, 'Mirrorverse', we will be introduced to 'Dark' versions of beloved characters, putting a twist on the iconic and heroic characters we know and love.    I have henceforth finished the 'Cryptid Crusader' series, but will be writing a 'Field Guide' to my creatures thus far.   This book can be edited and expanded.   Currently, I have expanded the realm of my verbaenchantri.   My latest Verbaenchantrix is Violetta Pleadies.   She comes into the whole thing reluctantly, but realizes that there is a bigger boogeyman that needs to be taught a lesson in the grand scheme of what we all hold dear (o...

Maraschino (A Modern Day Sleeping Beauty)

Synopsis:  Hughbert and Ashleigh finally have their only child, Marachino (or Mary for short).  She is blessed by her curteousy aunts Florence, Fawn and Stormy.   Then, Ashleigh’s estranged sister and bitterest rival, Mildred, shows up to Mary’s baby shower and curses her, foretelling that the darling girl will suffer a coma at only 16.    This eventually comes to pass through Mildred’s goons, Dorse and Thunk, who convincingly deliver the tearful news to Hughbert and Ashleigh.    Only one person can bring her back to life, and that is Mary’s longtime love interest, Ernest, who is shy, but determined.                                                                      ~*~CAST~*~                          ...

Quanta's Tale

Synopsis:   Introducing my latest STOC, Quanta.   She comes from Q’s royal lineage but is extremely helpful.   She loves being mischievous and playing pranks but loathes seeing others get hurt.   She is fiercely loyal to the Q, the Empire, and the Continuum.   She is an avenging angel and can seduce with her eyes, voice and looks.    ‘Friends don’t leave one another when they’re scared.  That’s when they need each other the most.’—Wolf to Margot, Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts, S3, E3, A Wolf in Wolf’s Clohting  Chapter 1—Meeting Her Father  Quanta wasn’t born in the typical way the Q normally are.   She resulted from the passionate explosion of a supernova going rogue.   There was death and life coinciding that day, which marked her first cry of life into the Universe.    She was blue haired and had the clearest blue eyes.    They twinkled with mercurial glee whe...

Forgive me Father: Mea Culpa

Synopsis: The conclusion to ‘Scarlet Sins’, Father Esposito is getting on in years and is close to death.   The Family has another confessor they implement to ‘take care’ of their business.   Bruno feels terrible guilt and tells his employer his fear.   Chapter 1—Constant Hellish Nightmares  It had always been the same since the murder of Caroline’s rapist.   Despite all that trauma, she had become an exquisite mother and the child had turned out to be a tour-de-force for the Russo family.    In fact, he had become the Russo’s next Capo.   His name was Raul and when it came to ‘street justice’, he knew no mercy.   Just like his grandfather, though, he could be trusted implicitly and had nothing but respect for Bruno Esposito.    ‘Bruno…Bruno !  Wake up, Tesoro…’, Bruno’s wife, Melanie said, sweetly, holding onto his arm.    ‘Did I have another nightmare ?’, he asked, running his fin...

Alternate Reality Semi Insanity

Synopsis:  A Family Matters/SU crossover based on the 2-part finale ‘Lost in Space’.   ‘Expectations are just placeholders for reality.’—Ultra Flexible Racoon, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, S1: Ep. 8, Twin Beaks  Chapter 1—Escaping Myra  Myra had really become a thorn in Steve’s side, lately.   She was being overly dramatic and thought she could pull off one more last-ditch effort to get Laura out of her life and have Steve be her sugar bear forever.   Of course, that would never work, what with NASA coming to ask Doctor Urkel to test their equipment.    Jumping at the chance, he laid down boundaries assertively, let Myra stew in her own funk and said his farewells, not knowing she was about to become a stowaway in attempts to regain what she thought was an everlasting bond between them.     In space, Steve unexpectedly came across a wormhole that he hadn’t calculated on coming across.   ‘What exac...

Sweetly Toxic

Synopsis:   An unknown poisoner only known as ‘The White Glove’ strikes every Valentine’s Day without fail, striking all the men who ever did her wrong.    The last straw is when she sends strychnine candy to her former employer, so he sends a PI to find out who she really is.   When he discovers it’s ‘quiet Becky’ who is shy, demure and a chemistry nerd the puzzle pieces begin to fit together, so he decides to make amends with ‘Batty Becky’ himself.    Chapter 1—Death by Chocolate  Rebecca Walters had never really experienced a long-term relationship.   She was always awkward, perhaps a bit loud and obnoxious without ever really meaning to be.   She had allowed Hollywood to dictate how she needed to act when dating and Hollywood had consistently been incorrect in its assessment of human attraction or what a stable relationship looked like in reality.    Oftentimes, Becky would retreat into the world of chemist...

Mauve the Cocktail Queen

Synopsis:  Inspired by the Simpsons episode ‘The Blue and the Grey’, we learn of a local patron at the bar who tips Moe frequently.  Eventually, he asks her out and the two fall in love.  Chapter 1—Wanting What She Could Never Have  Mauve Syzlack was becoming jaded as she grew older.   True, she was a hopeful romantic and had experienced love in many forms, but no one ever committed.   No one ever stayed, nobody rang back.   She could make meals that would make anyone drool and her mellifluous voice would make any man swoon.    However, most guys around these parts just saw her as a quick roll in the hay or a tizzy in the sack.    As usual, her typical patrons poured in, wanting signature drinks.   Mavue was saavy enough to have two businesses and yet have enough time for ballroom dance on the weekends, the occasional excursion over to the amusement park or a bit of rock climbing.   She was by ...

Bubo's Second Wind

Synopsis:  Bubo Marquez has his sights set on Isabella, especially after Dolores’ wedding to Mariano.   She politely turns him down.   Heartbroken, he seeks advice from Bruno.  Bruno tells him to do what he loves, which in this case, is stargazing and fixing anything that breaks.   Bubo is a walking encyclopedia and a little odd and dweeby.   Chapter 1—So, Wanna Go Out ? It wasn’t long after Dolores tied the knot that Bubo saw his opening to try courting Isabella himself.   Every day the Madrigal family would help the community with their gifts and talents and Isabella was finding her own way with new plants she could grow.   She was starting to grow things like fruits and vegetables, but her favorite thing to produce were mangos and bananas.    She loved sweet fruits and saw how much joy they gave to everyone.   While growing some mangos to some orchard owners who wanted to start a grove of thei...

Man Alive !

Synopsis:  A B-Horror musical.   Brilliant and beautiful chemist Beverly DeVoe finds herself as caretaker of her parents, since no one else will help.   They die of cancer and she remains dateless.   She decides to create her own mate.   Strangely, her assistant, Simon Usoro finds her ‘way fab’ and has for years in assisting her with her work.   Will he ever be able to win her over, or will Burton snatch her away ?    ~*~CAST~*~ Beverly ‘Bev’ DeVoe:  Simon Usoro:  Burton Reynoldson:  Phoebe:  Juanita:  Avonlea:  Brigit:  Leah Ellis: (Bev’s best friend)  Darrius Normandy: (Simon’s best friend)  Scene 1—Tragedy is My Fuel  Beverly:  (tearfully)  I can’t believe after all the testing, poking, prodding and subjection to exhausting tests, they’re still dead.   Leah:  Beverly, you did everything.  Even going beyond ethics to take matters into your ow...


Synopsis:   From the moment that he’s born, Clark Bauerman is observed by the government for his unique skill, but he has severe narcolepsy.   To combat that he is given a constant supply of energy drinks for his loyal service.  “Honey, it don’t make no difference to me, baby.   Everybody’s got to fight to be free.”—lyrics from Refugee as sung by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers  “We’re right, yeah  We’re free, yeah  We’ll fight, yeah You’ll see !”—Lyrics from Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It Chapter 1—Unusual Strength for a Toddler  Clark Bauerman had always been the apple of his parents’ eyes since he had come into the world.   He always took care of others, had a massive golden heart, and always stood up for the oppressed.   His parents, Wilma and Ira, were given a contract by the government to watch him themselves, seeing his impressive strength could be essential in the fight for freedom whenever th...