Ultimate Irony: A Contact High from the Doobie Brothers Concert
You could say this story basically wrote itself, but everything I am about to divulge is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me, God ! I attended the Doobie Brothers/Carlos Santana Supernatural Tour Concert on the 9th not too long ago. It was spectacular. It was the best concert I went to other than Ninja Sex Party (TWRP and Planet Booty foreran and they rocked too, I honestly want to see them all again whenever they decide to run a tour close to home). Nevertheless there was a lot of smoking and vaping. I was certain I did detect the familiar aroma of marijuana, which I'm pretty certain I did. I came home to the apartment with my friend John and he was also hungry. I never get hungry that late at night but I decided to make a double cheese macaroni topped with salsa. It was heavenly. I had eaten such a thing before at Mac & Cheese fest so having it a second time was more than worth it. I still felt giggly, silly and highly energetic the next day when I went to the State Fair with Jesse. I don't know if I am still on an overdose of rhythmic drums or if the effect of the high is wearing off. I didn't see any colors or hear anything unusual but for a while I had a euphoria I cannot explain. What a long strange weekend its been. Oy, vey !
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