Twisted Circus Carnival
Synopsis: Herman Norman Reubens, also known as Pee-Wee Herman in his former years as a children's entertainer, takes the Power Rangers and all their friends for a fun-filled day at the carnival. But the fun and frolic soon turns to chaos when it is discovered that the carnival is a trap set up by Mal Ann Cholic, a happiness-loathing villainess who feeds on emotions to survive. She captures Pepper due to the fact that she is an emotion-sentient female robot. It's the Power Rangers to the rescue! “Daisy was a good friend and good friends are hard to find.”--Auggie, Wonder Chapter 1--It’s Finally Summer ! Memorial Day had saluted the beginning of summer and a carnival had rolled into town. Herman could remember the time he had gone to a circus. It brought back so many fantastic memories that they flooded him instantaneously. Feeling giddy, he wanted to experience this nostalgia again. ‘Guys ! GUYS !’, Herman said in his typical keet mann...