
Showing posts from February, 2018


When I gaze into your moonlit eyes I see a reflection of my soul You and I know our love will grow You’re the half that makes me whole Every little movement I frame Being by your side I can’t complain My lips’ constant refrain Is you, only, darling I flourish in your sunlight Bathe in your moonglow Entwined in your magic arms You and I already know We are reflections You and I Mirror images of each other The sea and sky Always by my side. 2-26-18


You and I Our souls collide We leave love bubbles in the sands of time We coincide Never divided Alive and vibrant Always united I think of you all the while Tender heart, pirate smile Soul of gold, strong arms to hold You make me bold Wherever I am There you are A constant light My shining star Love is what we are, darling In this life and whatever may be Reuniting into infinity. 2-28-18

The Nurse and the Rehabilitee

Synopsis:  Jay Holden is a quarterback that finds himself in a terrible car accident in which he breaks his leg and is laid up for 4 months, which nearly ends his career.   At first he is devastated because football was almost all he knew.  A pretty young nurse, Betty Fairchild, takes care of him, helping him with PT and her presence makes him feel light and heady.  He realizes it’s love and something more.  This woman could be his twin flame.   ‘In real life we see ourselves as seperate beings, but the Universe sees one thing, one Soul.’--Paulo Coelho, Aleph Chapter 1--College All Star Jay had been playing for the Grey Wolves since he could remember.  He was the team’s star quarterback, lucky number 7, the golden boy who could do no wrong.   His heart was pure, he had no narcissism and everyone liked him.   He was gregarious and funny, loved to help at charitable events and found himself dabbling in DJing when he w...

Return to Universal Studios

Synopsis: The Rangers and their other universe allies are back in Universal Studios for some fun in Super Nintendo World. Chapter 1--A Massive Birthday Surprise Since robots age exponentially faster than humans do, little Omicron and Theta were experiencing their 10th cycle before the Rangers or anyone else could bat an eyelash.   As a present, everyone kept this a secret from the fraternal twins.   Omicron was the older of the two by a few seconds, not that it mattered, but if anyone could uncover enigmas, it was him.   Keeping the massive fete a surprise was going to be more of a Herculean effort than they would have wanted, but they knew it would be worthwhile in the end.    As low-key as possible, Delta and Alpha were able to get Omicron and Theta into their massive minivan, the two being oblivious to the glee that was about to become reality.    ‘Why are we whispering ?’, Omicron asked, rather innocently. ‘Because,...

Chimi & Changa: 420

Synopsis:  Ah, 420, the official holiday of stoners.   Changa decides to throw a huge block party and causes somewhat of a public nuisance.   Chimi gets extremely frustrated and loses her temper for the first time with her best friend.  Changa fights back saying she’s totally uncool and the two won’t even talk to each other.  Not enjoying the negative vibes, Ferdi convinces her to make amends with her friend and put together a ‘friendship celebration’ to repair the damage that anger’s scars have left behind.    Conchita ‘Chimi’ Lopez: Ferdinand Lopez: Bruno Lopez: (their son) Mariposa ‘Mary’ Lopez: (now a toddler) Lupita Chiquita: (her mom) Salvador Chiquitar: (her dad)   Joaquin Chiquita: (her grandpa)   Lori Chang:   Li Chang: (her dad)   Bluebell Chang:  (her mom) Kabe Chang: (her grandfather) Fiona Chang: (her grandmother)   Officer Bill DeMayo:    Officer Cincinnati ‘C...