Everything's Super in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Synopsis: A crossover between not just Power Rangers and DC Comics, but the Star Wars universe as well. The planets of Mechanus and Coruscant are beginning to merge into one planet, but the combined powers of the Justice Rangers and the Power Rangers Zeo will not be enough. Enter the droids of the Star Wars universe, including C-3PO and R2-D2, plus KT-10, R2-KT, TC-70 and the lady droids that work at Coruscant's droid spa. Luke Skywalker and his sister, Leia Organa, join in too.
Chapter 1--Gearing Up For Halloween
Everyone was gearing up for perhaps nearly most people’s favorite time of year, Sam Hain. Kim couldn’t wait to dress up as Joan of Arc this year. Aisha wanted to be Tiger Lily from Peter Pan. Adam was going to make a convincing Bruce Lee and Zack played it cool as Winston from Ghostbusters.
‘I can’t believe most of the year is already gone. Halloween is about 5 days from now !’, Jason mentioned with complete shock.
‘Yeah, the year has gone by fast. At least we got to the costume stores before they ran out of stock…’, Tommy said, thankful that none of them had lame costumes like the year prior. Bulk and Skull were all prepared to go as the Blues Brothers, quite convincingly. All of them had their candy ready for the spooky night to come, even though it was only a mere 4 days away.
The whole troupe was prepared, even down to decorations. Even Alpha 5 and the crew had made HQ look festive and spooky.
‘Well, what do you think, Rangers ?’, he probed.
‘It looks fangtastic !’, Billy complimented. The others moaned at his pun but had to admit, it was very clever.
‘I think it’s bootiful !’, Kim chimed in.
‘Come on, not you too !’, Aisha complained. They all laughed. A bit hungry, they all made a healthy dinner and finished decorating Headquarters for the evening. Even Bulk and Skull, who were honorary Rangers now, were pleased that their friends trusted them enough to keep their secret safe and sound. What they didn’t know was their holiday was about to become even more intriguing and out of this world. It would be something straight from George Lucas’ ingenious imagination.
Chapter 2--Disturbance in the Force
It was a combination unlike any being, living or autonomous had ever witnessed. This was something prophesied long ago, but so many had thought it never could be accomplished. Yet, here were two machine planets, uniting as one thinking entity of mass destruction. It most definitely was a force to be reckoned with and feared. Although the Justice League had been hailed by the Council of Jedi and the Neo Time Force had joined in the fight, it wasn’t enough. They had been held captive, taken prisoner by droids. Desperate, Diana sent a small cam droid off Coruscant and Mecharus, hoping a scow would come and pick up its distress signal. Luckily one such ship did; The Millennium Falcon.
'Chewie, look at this We're getting a distress signal !', Han Solo exclaimed. Chewy gargled, indicating they should investigate it immediately. Threepio immediately uploaded the holofile.
‘I don’t recognize this particular human, but these others, I do. Seems that Leia was captured by Mechanus and Coruscant mercenaries. There are some droids that were trying to help them escape that were taken hostage as well. They’re trying to fabricate an escape. Perhaps if we lent them a hand we’ll be able to send them back on their way. As far as the weirdly dressed humans, we’ll get their story soon enough.’, Threepio offered. R2 simply responded in his binary beeping.
‘I don’t know if the warrior woman is married, R2. I doubt she’d want to date a droid. No offense.’, Threepio retorted.
R2 fired back with a defiant tone.
‘How dare you. I should have you reprogrammed…’, Threepio fumed.
‘No time for arguing. Even though we’re terribly outnumbered, we’re goin’ in, boys !’, Han said, firing up the engines to Hyperspeed.
Chapter 3--Droids Make a Covert Escape
It was the droids who had worked their plan and their ingenuity as one to build a makeshift skimmer out of scrap and fragments of dilithium crystal for their ship’s hyperdrive.
‘We won’t be able to take all these hostages with us.’, KT-10 lamented, obviously.
‘Don’t fret. There is a way. We have Zords.’, Trip brightened. The others hadn’t thought of this obvious plan. It would be risky but it was their own benefit. The others would be protected by any enemies waiting outside the gates of the prison ship. It was a suicide mission but the Time Rangers didn’t care. What had imprisoned them there to begin with was a matter of imminent importance. If they weren’t able to get to the Rangers in time, well, let’s just say, time wouldn’t exist anymore for anyone. 'Thanks for agreeing to come with us, KT-10.', Circuit said. 'You're welcome. All the other droids that were held captive on Biitu are safe thanks to the other members of your Time Force Police.', she responded.
‘I think this has the handiwork of Sith written all over it.’, R2-KT sneered.
‘How do you figure ? We know nothing about the tesser or what caused it.’, TC-10 offered. She would’ve done anything to be back in Coruscant working at buffering out kinks in all sorts of odd aliens’ backs due to her ‘magic digits’ but such a thing would have to wait.
‘I don’t know if you noticed it before we were spirited away to the heavily secured prison scow, but there was a powerful surge of energy that burst out of nowhere.’, TC-10 began.
‘Yeah, TC’s right. It’s most assuredly Sith related as well as Scorpina up to some nasty tricks.’, Trip scowled.
‘We’re going to need a mage’s help. Zordon should be able to assist us.’, Jen said. Katie agreed.
‘We’ll use the tesser to warp into their timeline.’, Leia suggested.
‘I’m sure this is going to be incredibly dangerous, Leia, but what other choice do we have ?’, Luke agreed. He showed resolve even though he was whiter than a stormtrooper with fear. He figured if he was there with the people he loved the most; fear became diminished. Besides, all this intermingling of multiverses was starting to make his brain want to explode and implode simultaneously.
‘Hang on to your seats, ‘cuz we’re goin in !’, Han whooped, firing up the afterburners. The Rangers also followed in their Zords, keeping up every picosecond.
...Somewhere in Sith Territory…
‘Lord Vader, they’re escaping !’, a lower ranking official squeaked while Vader’s force hold nearly drew the life out of him. He huffed in anger and dropped him to the floor, dissatisfied that this particular official hadn’t died yet.
‘Do you think I am unaware of that ?’, he railed, bending the wall in rage. He calmed after the surge of ire had vanished from his veins.
‘We will knock them off, each and every one of them. Just wait. If they think that tesser is bad, they don’t have a clue what I am capable of, not with the Sith backing me.’, Scorpina said, her devilish lips curled in a wry and sardonic smirk.
Chapter 4--The Inexplicable Occurs
Rain hadn’t been in the forecast that afternoon for Halloween events such as hayrides, corn mazes and 5Ks for awareness. So many things were happening that everyone was awash in autumn activities. Zach was savoring a cinnamon apple slushie when he saw a branch of lightning spread out in different colors. Then the sky began to open and a multi tentacled spiral appeared, swirling in red, purple and hues of blue.
'Whoa ! What the?', Zach said.
‘It’s a breech...Not sure what caused it but I sure hope the Time Force Rangers are jumping out of it.’, Billy said, his heart fluttering with anxiety. Sure enough, the whole of Angel Grove became stricken with either fear or wonder seeing actual spaceships and Zords in the sky. Momentarily, time was frozen. The only persons able to move now were the Rangers and Bulk and Skull.
‘Dude ! This is trippy !’, Skull said, thinking maybe he was seeing things. They then heard the voice of a character they figured was only fictional.
‘What you just witnessed was a rip in spacetime. It is due to the Sith meaning to erase us from existence. We are interconnected and must work together if we want to stop them from obliterating us. Trust our lead. We’ll figure out how to handle this issue as a team.’, the voice of Luke Skywalker rang in their minds.
‘This is all too strange.’, Kim said, shaking her head a little after the message was heard. Whatever was happening was incredibly dire, but the Rangers and their friends remained optimistic.
Chapter 5--On An Intergalactic Scale
Zordon immediately transported them from the ensuing melee outside to the safety of HQ. The others who had been frozen in time had been sent to secure location, far from the chaos and melee outside.
‘Calm. Just breathe. I know it’s all too much to take in at this moment, but breathing helps.’, Luke said, his meditative voice soothing them all somehow. Leia had Zordon’s help in unveiling their plan. A curious round droid rolled up to her, beeping, extending a grappler which contained something very precious.
‘Oh, BB 8. I didn’t know you were on that prison scow with us. However did you manage to stowaway ?’, she questioned.
‘To be precise. We both did. We were en route to Mechanus and Coruscant to deliver this strange elemental crystal. We thought you and your brother could make sense of it.’, Poe said, his voice hopeful.
'It seems you have a huge group of droids in your service too. Mind if we join them and you ?', Threepio asked.
'Yeah ! Can we ?', Artoo asked. He then suddenly gasped. 'I...can speak Basic now !'
'What is this energy field ? It's not the Force !', Luke said.
'This is the Morphin Grid, a similar energy field to the Force.', Zordon explained. It was giving them all the ability to communicate with the others. The crystal itself was a 5th dimensional entity, shifting its form almost constantly. It could be whatever it wanted. For the time, it decided it wanted to be pure light and it made BB 8 it’s host.
‘This is the voice of Time. I must be put back where I came from. Zordon can help. I will grant him the ability. Also, I will give us the path we must take. It won’t be easy.’, Chrona said.
In a sequence of events that could only be labelled as surreal and supernatural, Zordon was temporarily given human form and Chrona took them back to her point of origin in the place known as ‘The Sea of Endless Possibilities’.
Chapter 6--An Epic Showdown
Scorpina, Darth Vader and the Empire had traced the Millennium Falcon’s path to what was also known as ‘the Endless’. Chrona’s voice trembled through BB 8’s mechanical chassis.
‘The Sith is here. I thought we were cloaked !’, she quivered.
‘Don’t give into fear. It’s what they want and expect.’, Leia reproved. BB 8’s shivering came to a standstill and her friends and acquaintances surrounded her. Even though the heroes were gravely outnumbered, they now had two magicians, one supernatural guide, someone who could manipulate the very fabric of matter and a whole cast of droids with different abilities.
‘I have you now.’, Vader’s voice could be heard, trying to make them submit to their dread.
‘Vader, you have no power over us. We’re more formidable than ever.’, Luke stated, his voice even, devoid of panic. There was no trace of trembling in the seasoned Jedi. He was no longer the whimpering boy from Tatooine. This was a man who wouldn’t back down and certainly wouldn’t let his friends be ostracized by a megalomaniac. Of course it was his own father but the balance needed to be restored somehow.
‘This might be going out on a limb but I have an innovative plan.’, Trip said, huddling everyone inside. Using Zatanna’s charm to veil their intentions, they had their insane defense in hand.
‘Do what you will. It won’t stop us.’, Scorpina boasted.
Kim glared for Scorpina to be silent as she and the others formulated their plan.
With Zordon and Zatanna’s alchemy, they could bypass the cold void of space and merge into a whole-new type of Zord. It was now an Ultra Zeo Zord, formulated with even the smallest of droids composing it’s gargantuan frame. The Sith tie-fighters were no match, no matter how deadly accurate they were in landing their blasts.
The Ultra Zeo Zord swatted the tie fighters like flies, finally making it’s way to the mothership. For the first time in a long time, the Storm Troopers could feel Vader’s fear.
‘That crystal is going to be mine…’, he thought, as the mech loomed over his ship. Scorpina too, even though she didn’t want to admit it, was trembling. Before they knew it, the magicians of the vessel were facing them down, staring at them directly.
‘We don’t want it to come to violence. At the time, The Ultra Zeo Zord stands to destroy all you hold dear…’, Jason began. Vader considered his options and Scorpina knew even her necromancy would be ineffectual in a situation like this.
‘Let’s cut our losses. Their planet isn’t worth the trouble of usurping anyways. Even if we did, it wouldn’t matter, the crystal could revert to the stop point and reset everything, making it as if the event never happened.’, Scorpina whispered. Vader weighed the pros and cons and grumbled, dismissing Scorpina.
‘You might have won this round, Rangers and colleagues. Next time, I’ll have vengeance.’, she vowed as she disappeared. Vader was certain to make himself scarce as well, knowing to run when he was defeated.
Chapter 7--Chrona’s Planet
In the Quantum Quadrant, the Jedi, Justice League and Rangers returned Chrona to her native planet of Titaneum. She appeared to them in a human form, completely crystalline in appearance, her white, fiber-optic hair blowing in the cool breeze. Titaneum was a calm planet, very meditative. It mainly consisted of different hues of color, mainly blues and greens with hints of purple. It had many high rises and lofty buildings that looked technologically superior to that of Earth, but the dwellings were mainly for show since 5th dimensionals didn’t abide by strict rules of ‘abodes’. If they wanted to retire, they could just slip into a semi-torpor for a minute and fully recharge, back to themselves. Their energy came from their mega-sun, which had been burning for millennia.
‘Thank you for bringing me home. Oh, and BB…’, she said, leaning over to kiss his domed head. BB swiveled and rocked back and forth contentedly. BB hadn’t minded being host to a 5th dimensional. She pressed her forehead to his in a gesture of ultimate unconditional love, kindness and a farewell.
‘Do not think of this as an ending but rather, a beginning.’, Chrona said as she reverted to her original ‘spark’ form to join her friends and family.
‘How do you tell one from the other ?’, Zack whispered, and Adam gave him a hard elbow to the ribcage. Zack winced a little from the deserved elbow but none of the Titaneum beings witnessed it. Satisfied with their rescue mission, the 5th dimensionals continued to live symbiotically with their environment and everyone could return home. The humans that had been transferred other places would wonder how they arrived where they were once they ‘woke up’ out of being frozen in place, but as to everything else that had happened, it was just another day in California, USA.
Once Zordon had resumed his normal form, he sighed.
‘I wish we could make that more permanent.’, he lamented.
‘We’re working on a way to do so, Zordon.’, Alpha intoned, optimistically. Zordon knew finding the right frequencies and algorithms would take time but the bots were working tirelessly on this conundrum when they weren’t fighting off evil.
The Justice League thanked the Zeo Rangers and Time Force for their unbelievable heroism.
‘Had it not been for you, I think we would’ve been in quite the jam.’, Green Lantern admitted. Coming to that conclusion, especially for a Lantern, was challenging because usually the very stuff of the Universe was at their command.
‘Think nothing of it. If you ever wanna team up again, we’re your guys !’, Tommy trumpted. Each of them, even Bulk and Skull, received handshakes and pats on the back before the League vanished to their own world. The portal in the sky was more benevolent but it was preparing to close.
‘I think that’s our cue to leave.’, Trip said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.
'You're welcome to fight alongside us again, guys. Say hello to Notacon for us.', Somnibot stated.
'We will.'
And with that, the Time Force waved goodbye and went through the portal. But this time, the portal did not close, just in case they wanted to return.
'Does anyone wanna take a trip to Coruscant ?', Artoo beamed. 'I have a very special place we can go to.’ The Time Rangers agreed, coming along with them. They could always return home after their adventure but the opportunity was too good to pass up.
The gang flew to Coruscant, now unmerged from Mechanus, in the Time Force's newly-expanded ship. They flew on a tarmac and headed to a building called Droid Spa.
"Hello. And welcome to Droid Spa.", a pink, female droid said. She then pressed a blue button on the front desk.
'No need for an appointment. Right this way.', she added.
The large group of droids headed towards the spa entrance door where a droid identical to the other one was nearby.
'Would you like to enter ?', she asked as the door opened. Pepper looked a bit wary.
'Enjoy yourselves, everyone.', the droid at the front desk said.
The bots entered, and everyone was amazed. An oil pool, buffer spool and a spray nozzle were there.
"Since there are so many of you, who'd like to go first?', the pink droid SN-D1 asked.
"I'll go first.", Alpha 5 said. He then stepped into the oil pool, followed by ASIMO, Pepper and the others. Then they exited the pool and were vacuumed off before they were scrubbed down with the buffer spools.
'Sit back, everyone. We'll take care of you. Ready for your decarbonizing buffs ?', SN-D1 asked.
'Yeah.', Alpha 5 said.
The droids began to buff and polish their friends after their long-deserved lubricating soak. Feeling much more relaxed, the lot of them thanked their new friends for the blissful treatment and departed, never forgetting how incredible they felt.
‘Don’t forget, if you need a little loosening up or lubricating, we’re here.’, another spa droid said, sweetly.
‘How generous !’, SICO said to her sweetheart. All waving their goodbyes, they boarded a small freighter space-bus and returned to Angel Grove, where Halloween was about to take place.
That Halloween was one that wouldn’t be forgotten by all who were in attendance. There were games, spookily themed mazes and frights as well as candy apples, cotton candy and Ernie’s signature cider slushies. He made cherry apple, cinnamon apple, apple alone and sour apple. There were plenty treats to go around and the costumes were everything from anime, pop culture, obscure characters and even Power Rangers, strangely enough. The real Rangers felt the costumes were quite impressive. It was the only day of the year the ‘bots could walk around without worry being spotted but people in Angel Grove were more used to them now.
Halloween came and went and events were normal as one could define them. There were still treats leftover that had been scarfed down and the last terrifying movies had been watched for the year. The Rangers wondered whatever became of their quantum friend but they knew all was well. They were certain Chrona was keeping the balance as an Ancient Balance Keeper.
With festivities in the weekend coming to a close and making way for November, everyone made their way back to their homes, reflecting on just how insanely remarkable this year had been alone. Even the bots had fought in a battle of wits and skill and won. Keeping their abilities sharp, they finished sparring for the day and headed to the recuperation chamber.
‘Goodnight everyone.’, Somni said after singing them to sleep. Somni was always the last one to head to bed after her lullabies. She kissed Beta 1’s tiger-striped, chrome head.
‘Don’t let the digi-mites bite.’, she said, knowing he was already in the land of Morpheus, probably having a candy-induced reverie. She too settled down, cuddling the ram that had been given to her during her birthday.
‘Night.’, she finally said as she clapped the lights off.
The End
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