Off Season
Synopsis: A carnie family, namely the Pratts, typically live for State Fairs, running from one end of the country to another in their 5 th wheel, making new friends along the way. They stand as a testament to actual honest carnival folk, trying to break the stigma that’s been held for centuries. This is their story about what happens when they’re not making everyone else’s lives more entertaining. ~*~CAST~*~ Sylvester Leon Pratt: (dad) Charlene Marie ‘Charlie’ Pratt: (mom) Petunia Pratt: (grandmother) Malkin Pratt: (grandfather) Alice Pratt: (eldest sister) Ophelia Pratt: (next to eldest daughter) Silas Mark Pratt: (middle son) Leon Eli Pratt: (youngest son) Snickerdoodle (aka the ‘Dood’): (their ginger tabby cat) Yvonne Mathis: (Leon’s love interest) Bernice Mathis: (Yvonne’s mom) Russel Mathis: (Yvonne’s dad) Juno: (her golden ret...