The Paradox Prism
Synopsis: King Sonic learns of
the Paradox Prism, a powerful gemstone with mysterious powers located
deep within a cavern of a familiar location of Mobius.
Chapter 1—It’s Only Getting
In a grade school nestled in the countryside, the whole
tesseract situation hadn’t reached its full-blown chaotic potential. Quigly, an inquisitive quokka, had been
playing with his best friends, Bertie, a bluebird, and Frisk, a wide-eyed Fennec.
‘Quigly, what’s with all the holes in the sky ?’, Frisk
questioned. Quigly was unusually
intelligent for his age and had wisdom far beyond his 7 years of age.
‘Something’s gone terribly wrong…Bertie, Fennec, let’s
get out of here before matters get a bit too weird.’, he said. His best friends high-tailed it for the
mountains near Crystal Castle. The trio
knew that their parents would be looking for them after school, since recess
was the last period of the day and they would be picked up by their prospective
caretakers, but the unrest had been so jarring that Quigly thought this action
was better than waiting for their parents to arrive.
All the while running, the trio was intercepted by Doctor
Don’t, a member of the Chaos Council.
‘Hey, watch where you’re going…I was nearly gonna beat
this level.’, Don’t said, dropping the game device by his side and hovering
nearby on his transforming scooter. Even
though the teen was in excellent physical condition, he was pretty lazy
hovering about in his transforming hoverchair.
‘R-Robotnik ?’, Bertie blurted, running in full-fledged
panic until she was grasped up by Doctor Babble.
‘Ah, good catch, Babble.
We can use her, and I think we can use these other two as well…’,
Deep stated, with a sardonic grin.
None of them knew who the Chaos Council was, but they all knew that the 4
of them that had dropped literally from the sky were some sort of version of Robotnik. Both Gerald and Ivo had been defeated on
their own, which meant that in this alternate dimension, their Robotnik
was still alive and kicking. With how
rapidly the tesseracts were dropping random people into their world, there was
no telling if that world’s Robotnik would land in their dimension, if he hadn’t
Quigly recalled an old fashioned rallying call the
Freedom Fighters sang when in distress or under duress. Knowing that his voice naturally carried, he
sang out, loud and strong;
Rally for your fellow forest creature
Big, small, short, or tall
Lend a paw for the weak and needy
Let’s bring forth Robotnik’s fall
We are counting on you, on each
Let’s come together, sisters and
Now is the time, hear my cry
Freedom fighters, together STRIVE
Although Sonic was searching for the cause of the tears
in the fabric of reality in space and time, others in his court had come once
they had heard the song. Firstly, it
was the Chaotix, who found it unusual and ironic they were seeing Eggmen
again. They were all different versions
of Eggman at different stages of his life.
They noticed that the group worked together, better than a well-oiled
machine and they called themselves ‘The Chaos Council’. Vector had a bad feeling, although he and
the others saved Quigly, Birdy and Fennec.
These four were searching for their leader, Ivo Robotnik. For now, they had done what they came to do
in freeing The Chaos Council’s victims.
They had outwitted and beaten the Council and could return to the Castle,
because, just as Vector predicted, Don’t had a ping on his video watch,
pinpointing the location where Ivo was waiting for them in order to regroup and
begin planning something nefarious.
Chapter 2—Cave of Wonder and
Sonia, Manic and Sonic had gotten specific directions
where to find the cause of the quantum disruption that had begun mere hours
earlier. They were warned that getting
too close to the source would cause probability storms and they could lose
themselves in their own confusion.
Given how intelligent they all were it would take quite a bit to
befuddle the best of them, but they still had their wits about them.
Being the inventor of the group, Tails headed the search,
and he was close to finding the root of the problem. Deep down in the cave, a ringing was
heard. There was something unusually
rhythmic and musical about it. The
four friends wondered if they should grab the prism or encapsulate it.
‘I never thought I would see the paradox prism. For so long I ascribed it to the realm of
fiction.’, Miles confessed. It seemed
that he was moved by seeing it firsthand himself, but didn’t allow himself to
become too overly emotional on how tremendously beautiful it was. The light had been shining through it from
above, scattering rainbows every which way they looked. Yes, it was dazzling, but the quartet was
aware that this little piece of the quantum world was undoing everything. They needed Tails to bring it back to the
castle and study it further to see if there was a way of saving time and space
as they knew and understood it. If they
didn’t, their world would fall apart and everything else in it.
Chapter 3—Experimenting in
'Break the Prism, and our world is destroyed.', Tails stated. 'The
entire Videogame Solar System will as well !'
‘Wait a minute,
rewind. Videogame Solar System ?’,
Manic asked, genuinely curious.
‘There’s a whole
solar system out there. We’re just part
of the greater whole.’, Tails said.
This only confused the court and Tails wasn’t certain how to make an
illustration that would put everything into plain language.
‘What Miles is
trying to say is that if the Prism is tampered with in any way, chaos will
ensue.’, Cyril stated, plainly.
‘Well why didn’t
you just say that !’, Rouge giggled anxiously. The news was far more dire than they had
ever anticipated. The air hung thick
with suspense, instability and a general feeling of malaise. Not only that but Quanta was dying, but
thankfully an M had placed her into quarantine so he could heal her. He had isolated the nanoparticle that had
begun nibbling at her quantum fabric and essence. Literally, the particle had begun eating her
alive, which, when any of the court thought about it too long, their stomachs
turned slightly.
‘Is my daughter
going to survive this in your quantum containment ?’, Q asked, for the first
time, annoyed he didn’t have a plan or a solution like usual. He was just as inept as anyone else, but
more random, somehow familiar characters had continued appearing through
tesseracts. All Q wanted was for
everything to revert to normal. The M
could only help so much, but they needed help from someone far more
powerful. Someone who was not only Lord
over time, but created from its essence.
None of them were
certain they could trust He Who Remains, but they had no other viable
choice. The version that had landed in
Mobius had come with a snarkier than usual Loki, a female version he fancied named
Sylvie, an analyst from the Time Variance Authority named Mobius and the best
possible variant of He Who Remains himself.
Chapter 4—Disputing Like Adults
The Chaos Council
thought of the plan they had hatched earlier but nothing seemed to work amidst
all the chaos. When they had run into
random falling people and tripping over them every which way, Doctor Deep had
gotten annoyed.
‘If you want to
go after Sonic, do so. I’m portalling
out of here before it gets weirder.’, Deep said, getting even angrier.
‘Wait ! Hone in on our particular paths too, if you
can, Deep.’, Don’t said. Babble,
Don’t, Done It and Ivo were all sent to their own subsequent times on their own
paths. Even though they were out of
the picture, everything was still a garbled mess. Quanta, luckily, was being healed, and she
had seen enough insanity to ruffle her feathers.
‘Mortimer, I want
to thank you for isolating that nasty parasite that wanted to do me in…’, she
said to the M that assisted her. Under
her electron microscope that she apparated into existence, she could view that
naughty parasite that had been the cause of all their trouble. It was, quite literally, guffawing, rolling
on its back, roaring in hysterics.
‘That little
menace is a time tick. We have no idea
where he came from or how he even got here.’, Mortimer said, noticing
that simply seeing the tick was making him itchy. He had prestidigitated a fortified jar and
sealed the tick in it for safe keeping.
Q looked at the M that had saved his daughter, Princess Quanta’s
life. There were more pressing things
at steak, like how timelines were starting to develop free will of their own,
all because the tick had infected and liberated them.
‘We aren’t out of
the woods yet. We need a brigade of
healers…’, he began.
‘I’ll seek them
out.’, Discord added, winking out of existence. In any event, they were all adults, and
they would solve this like the adults they were.
Chapter 5—The Prism is Healed
The Paradox Prism
was encased in multi-veritable sigils and runes before the magicians were able
to seal the crack that the time tick had created. The real mystery was how the tick arrived
there and caused that much chaos. It
was an agent working through someone or something else. It hadn’t been the Chaos Council, since none
of them would ever devise something so diabolical, but in any event, Sonic’s
finest, brightest quantum mechanics were working on tracing the tick’s previous
meals to whatever universes it had already devoured. Luckily it had left them alone, but who wasn’t
counting on the destructive louse to return ?
There was always a probability of that occurring, and even though
they weren’t sure when and how, they would be prepared when it did.
Currently, the
Paradox Prism had been completely restored and it was encased in non-shatter,
non-tamper, force-field enforced energy.
Even if the time tick returned, it would break its diamond-encrusted
teeth on the shielding that surrounded it.
Since that abysmal tick was being studied by M scientists took it upon
themselves to study, it seemed that they and the Q had been brought closer
together. An alliance like theirs
would be the glue that held the cosmos together someday.
On Melis, Tsar Tusk tsked at seeing King Sonic victorious
after repairing the notorious Paradox Prism.
‘Ugh, I already
can’t stand this guy. Who does he
think he is ? Supermelis ?’, Tusk
wondered aloud. On Melis, there had
been an ‘ubermelis’ once known as Supermelis.
He had come with godlike power and talent, bringing harmony to all. He had been someone to model one’s
life after. This blue hedgehog,
however, seemed a bit conceited, brash and egotistical. If anything, Tusk felt that the planet
needed a bit of a makeover and a new ruler.
Besides, the tech there was far more advanced than it had been on his
own planet. While Supermelis had been
myth and there was still a cult that worshipped him, Tusk would embody
everything Supermelis was to the Melisians.
He would pay Mobius a visit and rattle King Sonic’s world a little.
Victory hadn’t
even had a chance to be celebrated when the gargantuan ships began to descend
into the stratosphere.
‘Holy Moley,
those are huge.’, Big said, with great concern.
‘Yeah, but, we’ve
got mechs and other weapons if we need them.’, Blaze said, grinning, patting
his shoulder to calm him. There was
an unearthly calm before Tusk began firing on them with lasers, pell mell, no holds
barred. That was when, before they
were certain everything had come to Armageddon, that time stopped.
It was Quanta,
Mortimer, Q, Loki and Discord, to name a few.
A few other heavy quantum hitters appeared too. If it was to be the end of Mobius, they
thought, why not even the odds for the little guy ?
To Be Continued…
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