The Mystic Power of Hamrapi


Synopsis: Sonic and his royal court return to Hamarapi, this time on an archaeological expedition to uncover a lost royal treasure.


Chapter 1—Returning to Hamarapi



                As a Pharologist, Hannibal’s wife had devoted herself to education on Hamarapi’s dynasty and the power he had amassed through mystic talismans he had crafted himself to augment and focus his abilities.  

                ‘These must exist somewhere, and as fate has it, thanks to your spy bugs, I believe Sonic’s next family outing might be the perfect opportunity to gain wisdom straight from the source.’, the thylacine with a crooked sneer.   Hannibal held her close, patting his beloved’s pregnant belly.   He could barely believe that they were going to be parents.   Soon their little one, Hecate, would be born into a world knowing only one thing; if her parents couldn’t have their victory over Sonic and the idyllic paradise they had created, she would carry the torch and see to it that it be eradicated forever and only Hannibal’s lot remain.  


                Pishi, a recruit in Sonic’s army, trained with a bo staff with Julie-Su.   She was much shorter and less muscular than Julie was, but Pishi knew how to dodge, bob, weave, and scissor kick, could outmaneuver and use other’s weight as leverage against them using her strong legs to assist a flawless takedown or German Supplex.   Despite her height and lack of muscles, the girl’s core strength was nothing to be laughed at. 

                ‘Shelia, I gotta admit, you’re givin’ me a run for my money.’, Julie chuckled.   Being complimented by Julie was high praise.   She had worked up a sweat, and down the hall, she saw Manic coming her way with some ice-cold blue raspberry ramune, her favorite.   

                ‘Gee, thanks, Manic !’, she said, her smile crossing her feline face.   The black and white shorthair audibly sighed as soon as the seal was popped, and the marble dropped into its rightful place to harbor the drink’s natural carbonation.    Ramune always cooled her core and it was delightful as she remembered.   

                ‘You coming with us to the exhibit ? At the museum they’re showcasing our ancestor !’, he stated, excitedly.   Certainly it was history all Mobians were familiar with and, being no slouch in history, Pishi knew the wealth of Sonic’s ancestry well.    There were ancient artifacts that he, the siblings and the family knew of, but had no clue as to where they were located.   Cecil Tinker once suggested that they were buried deep under Hamarapi’s tomb in an antechamber only he was aware of.   These objects had double identification features on them (long before such technology existed, especially for antiquities) that allowed only the wearer to wield them.    Anyone else who tried would be scarred or worse.   

                ‘I do wish to see the Pharaonic garb in full display !’, she said, beaming from ear to ear.   Her copper eyes glinted merrily in the bright sunlight.    Like a child in a candy shop, going to the museum not only sated her fixation on the Pharaonic, but quenched her academic desire to become an archeologist herself.    She was yet, still young to become one, but given her intellect, it wouldn’t take long to learn what was required for her dream job.  


Chapter 2—Inspired

                Sonic’s entire family gaped in amazement at what they were seeing.   Hamarapi’s technology had certainly seeped into Mobian’s present day gadgets and gizmos.    The collection was mightily impressive and spectacularly preserved.   Cecil’s attention shifted to a scroll that contained hieroglyphics, depicting where the talismans had been stored.

                ‘Sonic, Sonia, Manic !   Look at this !  It’s exactly what you deduced it would be.’, he said, impressed by Sonic’s deductive reasoning.   Ever since the hedgehog’s last excursion, he and his family had been trying to connect the lost pieces of their family’s heritage and mystic items.   He had always read stories and heard tales surrounding them, but like his siblings, he had found the tales dubious.  Nothing more than simple legends.    His gut instinct had been correct all along.   The pendants were real and as per lore, only he and the other members of his family, which included Amy Rose and even Shadow and Silver, could use their innate ability.    Nothing further on what power these talismans contained, however.   That remained a mystery.

                As for Pishi and a few of the other ladies in the tour group, they were thinking of Halloween coming up and dressing as Pharaonic queens or other figures out of Mobian history.    Surge and her siblings were going to be dressed as the three fates from Greek mythology.   Somehow this fit their personalities perfectly, and it was fitting that Surge would be Atropos.   


Chapter 3—Interrupted

                Right as Cecil had found the ancient hieroglyphic scroll Hannibal’s robotic scarabs absconded with it.   Over the PA in the noisy, obnoxious, annoying drones they heard the familiar mocking laughter of both Reis and Abnus, feeling confident that in their crafty, sadistic paws existed everything they needed to obtain a total fall of the Hedgehog Empire.

                ‘What they don’t know is even if they do have those amulets, they can’t use them.   Only YOU and royalty related to the dynasty can !’, Cecil said, adjusting his Lennon glasses.  

                ‘I’m really getting annoyed with Reis.  He’s gonna pay for duping me and my siblings.  Tenrecs hold grudges forever, and we rarely forgive.’, Surge seethed.    Tsunami held her elder sister back.

                ‘We’ll get a chance to retaliate soon enough, sister.  Ridge has the right approach to this whole scenario.   He’s just floating along, waiting for his chance to strike.’, she said.    Ridge just shot them both a super-cool, laid-back zen stare and exhaled slowly. 

                ‘Yeah, sis.  Cool your jets.   We’re all pissed as hell.   We’ll get back at that rotten Reis soon enough.', Ridge retorted, laying a calming hand on his elder sister’s shoulder.    Taking Ridge’s lead, she took a healing breath in and out and joined Sonic in tracking Reis and his cronies before matters evolved from worse to full on chaotic.  

Chapter 3—The Pendants’ Rightful Owners

                There was little time to get the pendants.    Before they could obtain them, Reis and Abnus clutched their respective pendants but received a nasty surprise.   Reis’ pendant scalded him, scarring his once perfectly handsome face.   Abnus received a shock that knocked her completely off her feet.   Reis caught her in his strong arms and covered his left eye, seething.

                ‘Damned Hamrapi curse…I should’ve researched further !’, Reis swore, retreating. 

                ‘Don’t think you’ve won just because the pendants only work for YOU, Hedgehogs.’, Abnus added, vehemently.    It was only a matter of time for the Hannibals to return.   For the time being, each Hedgehog received their mystic tailasman as, one by one, each necklace hovered to its rightful owner. 

                The learning curve was rather short for the entire Hedgehog clan.   Reis resurfaced in his mech, newly redesigned with a nose drill and hand drills besides.   Breaker 2.0 had been reimagined and had become more durable than ever.    Reis was a wrecking ball.   So much so that he had nearly forgotten Abnus’ pregnancy.   Despite her delicate condition, Abnus was fighting just as hard as she could to manifest Reis’ utopian dream.   

                With the power of the pendants, each hedgehog discovered their unique abilities.   Sonic’s, by far, was the most impressive and incredible.   By touching the crystal, he could slow time enough to gain an advantage, and with Julie-Su’s mechanical mind, she was granted ‘inner vision’ of Breaker 2.0’s weak points.  

                ‘Everyone, on my mark, we attack !’, Sonic said, as more of a barbarian command than a suggestion.   In the heat of battle, those martial remarks revealed the King as the true statistician he had been all along.    As a unit, hedgehogs, members grafted in through their feilty and others used the mystic power of Hamrapi, and Surge electrocuted the mech only after Reis had rocketed away with Abnus in his protective embrace.  

                ‘Don’t think I won’t win yet, you nuisances !’, he screamed.    It was right back to the drawing board with Doctor Hannibal and his cronies.    The Breaker could never be refurbished ever again since Julie had seen a way to destroy it from the inside out using insect nanobots.   Only keeping a stash of them on her belt for emergencies such as the one they had been bogged in, she released her little pets and they devoured a full course metal smorgasbord.  


Chapter 4—Deeper Understanding

                While it was true that Reis had been defeated once more, there was no telling what he and his cronies were planning as they licked their wounds. 

                ‘I like the sensation of added power to my own innate ability.’, Surge boasted.   Ridge and Tsunami recounted feeling more bound to their elements than ever before. 

                ‘We still lack so much understanding of these talismans though.’, Tsunami said.   It had been interesting to notice that they hadn’t been only for Hedgehogs but for anyone in the Hamrapi line.   Surge felt a sense of belonging and pride.  For once in her life, just like that of her siblings, she knew where she truly belonged and even though she wasn’t a hedgehog, she knew who her family members were.   Sonic, Amy, Sally, Tails, Knuckles, even Rouge, Big and Cream all had their best interests at heart.   Little Cream had been the first to melt her icy disposition by befriending her so long ago.   She had always felt she had been too prickly and harsh to approach, but the gentle rabbit reassured her she could see beyond the punky apparel and jagged appearance she displayed. 

                ‘I agree that we’ve only scratched the surface of what my ancestors could do with these.’, Sonic began.   They knew that they had to return to the source of where the mystic items were felt and perhaps the Oracle could give them a clue, granting them more insight.    Somehow, Amy could feel an uneasiness brewing.   It was the ‘calm before the storm’.    Such a statement made wasn’t uttered to frighten but to alarm them that their fight for Mobius was only beginning. 



                Hamrapi had an alchemist advisor in his days as Pharaoh.   This individual had been a distant ancestor of the current Oracle.   That psychic knowledge had been hereditary, but most Oracles like the present one had a thirst for academia and an insatiable desire to understand inner and outer workings of everything they could.    Oracle’s ancestor had recorded that the pendants had been forged by the combined workings of a lapidary and smith who knew saviors would come someday.   They saw the darkness arriving in a shroud in vision surrounded by technology they didn’t comprehend.   All of this must’ve looked like magic of the finest variety and immense potential.     All Hamrapi knew was that the words of his Alchemist were gospel, and he could trust them.   Not even he knew the innate power these crystals possessed, but for the time being, there were no moments grander or greater than the present.  Even if it took months to completely grasp their elements, Sonic and his family and friends would understand what sort of mystic abilities were given to them in the utmost confidence.    There most definitely would come a time when Reis would be overthrown.    There was still the unknown factor of their child.    Given its environment it most likely would learn hatred, have unbelievable intellect, and become a dangerous foe to the Celeritas Empire.    However, given enough time, there was potential for the cycle to be broken with the youngest Hannibal.    There was always hope. 


To Be Continued…


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