Modern Emyrs
Synopsis: Merlin’s past is covered here as well as his time spent advising Arthur and how he eventually married Gwendolyn. They have one daughter, Nimue. Nimue marries a wonderful man by the name of Rhys who is a historian and has a side hustle making weaponry (mainly bows) for Ren Fares.
‘As a reminder of who you are, that boy is you. You are the boy.’—From Crossings as written
Chapter 1—Coming Into the World
Before the advent of my birth, I could remember a time in the Pleadies where I existed as Light and Love themselves, amongst other Light beings. There came a time for an election as to who would be the candidate to go to Earth in facilitating its evolution into higher thoughts and a more elevated living experience that I had volunteered to be born on that 3rd tiny blue mote orbiting the Sun in a splendid galaxy called the Milky Way.
The moment I opened my eyes, I found myself in my mother Adhan’s arms. She whispered something akin to ‘cambion’. As an infant, I was still grasping at understanding English, obviously since I only understood ancient languages and could speak only basic Latin, Greek, Sumarian and other supposed ‘dead tongues’.
‘I can’t be seen with you, Emrys. Please forgive me. If they found you with me, the Inquisitors would have us both killed. I’m taking you to Titania and Oberon, the Faye Overseers. They will love and tend to you. If you never find me, it is likely the Inquisitors got to me first and I am with my God in Eternal Rest. Do not worry about me, for even if you cannot see me, I will be there, protecting you. All I can say, Emrys. Guard your heart, watch your words. Take the path of the light. Don’t allow the incubus in you to win.’, my mom said.
I could feel warm salty liquid upon my cheek, which rolled idly into my mouth. My dear mother had been crying. Before me were Titania and Oberon in all their finery. Their golden, multi-patterned wings shimmered in the sun, prismatic in nature. Titania drew me close and fed me much like my mother had. Oddly I hadn’t rejected her offering. I was a hungry Earth baby and I little knew of the difference.
Chapter 2—A Faye Education
Although I did attend public schooling, all my academia was provided by Lord Oberon and Lady Titania. Man was an exquisite teacher. Oberon was a scholar of all things, and quite the philosopher. He and I both knew of how foolish humans could be, but he reproved my arrogance, even at a tender and precocious age.
‘Emrys, don’t become a fool to hubris. Hubris leads to folly. Humans aren’t ones to be underestimated. Remember that. One of them or many could most definitely surprise you. Believe me, I have seen quite a few examples of that. To think they call us unpredictable is ironic.’, Oberon stated.
Although I savored going to human school, I much preferred reflecting in the library. Other than being one at nature with my faerie parents, there was nowhere else I would rather be. It seemed, though, that this part of my education came to an abrupt end when so many were beginning to seek me out.
My magic, though I could control it, was something benevolent and malicious types sought. I supposed that although I had kept my abilities secret, word had gotten out about my wisdom, which I had prayed for at a young age. My knowledge was my truest power. I realized that this information, Being blessed by the King and Queen at such a young age and being reminded of my station, both ethereal and mortal, I walked between the worlds daily and outlived the typical mortal being 10 times over. Due the magic cast on me, I could never die. Even in my youth, I realized that this was tragic. I would see so many come to their demises. Most likely, I’d even hold their hand. When it came to the Faye, however, there were no worries of this problem. Like any other magical creature, unless tied to a horocrux, they are evergreen.
Chapter 3—Meeting Arthur
Ah, yes, Camelot. I always look back on Camelot fondly since they were by far some of the best of my spry life. Ah, but I jump ahead of myself more often than I should. Back to the Golden Era of the Empire.
At one time, he had the unfortunate name of Wart. Why one mother would ever give their child such a terrible moniker was beyond my comprehension. I was also called Merlin, which was the Cornish word for ‘Falcon’. It only made sense. I could see before myself, behind myself and all ways in-between. The future was never hidden and I always knew Wart would become something great, but never a king.
It was friendship at first sight with Wart. Although he was only a gangly pre-teen, he had started a quest for the legendary Excalibur. He had told me about the Lady of the Lake. I called her Avonlea, which suited her personality and appearance. It was as if she were the element itself. I had seen the sword in the stone in my vision, so I lead Wart along the way.
Wart grew in size and stature. He became stately, handsome, austere and debonair. He carried himself with confidence but had a humility that everyone liked. The only flaw he had other than a short fuse he could easily overcome with humor was garrulous nature.
I’ll never forget the moment he effortlessly pulled the sword from the stone. Choirs of angels actually sang that day and light from above shone around him. Wart fell to his knee.
‘God, I don’t know if I should be worthy of this station !’, he said to me.
‘I’m certain the Lord has chosen a perfect candidate, but with your holy relic, you should be baptized with a new name.’, I said. Wart gave me a curious gaze, wondering what I was on about.
‘Arthur seems to suit you. Don’t you think ? Far more commanding than a slimy name like Wart.’, I laughed. Wart agreed with the baptism and forthwith, he was baptized that evening with his new Christian name; Arthur.
Chapter 4—Gwendolyn the Gorgeous
The kingdom that Arthur had in mind was ideal, but a king was nothing without a queen. I still recall how he met Gwendolyn and how she had proved her prowess and bravery, demonstrating her sword fighting and archery skill while fending ravenous wolves from her camp. She could’ve easily died that day, since the alpha male, the last of them that had stricken Gwendolyn’s party, leapt upon her and pinned her down. Even in the face of death, particularly the slavering maw of the alpha wolf, she was calm.
She drew her blade and sunk it into the skull of the wolf, drawing it upward into its maw, through its brain. A horrifying squelch and spray of blood followed as she withdrew her sword. She prayed for the wolf’s forgiveness as that of her God. She hated killing anything but in this instance it was either her or the wolf. Arthur didn’t even need to rescue her, for the damsel had rescued herself. Upon that moment, he knew he had found his equal and there was absolutely no turning back.
Sadly, a utopia can never last but I was shocked at how long it thrived. I saw the Pendragon family live and thrive and Arthur pledged Gwen to me once he died. It was surprising at first, but I’ll never forget what he told me.
We were enjoying an afternoon walk after a fishing exhibition. As usual, I had caught significantly more fish but we were going to savor some fish and chips and mead that the knights had helped mull on their off time.
‘Gwendolyn thinks the world of you.’, Arthur began.
‘Likewise, Art. I hold her in the highest esteem. You two have raised Modred well and he has become an incredibly competent leader.’, I commented.
‘As you will likely become one to guide and advise him, I have put you in his care as a godparent. As for Gwen, she and I have spoken about my pending demise. She would like to have your hand, Emrys.’, my dear friend said. I could’ve been knocked over by a feather ! My jaw nearly hit the floor. For years, I had fancied Gwendolyn but never spoken it outright. No other woman could compare to her but I felt guilty in coveting her. I would pray and meditate, blanketing my mind with natural imagery and birdsong, pleading with the Universe to take my deep seated love of Gwen away, but it only grew stronger.
What hit me was Gwendolyn had always loved me, and I had loved her even when I knew she wasn’t mine to have. At first it felt profane to adore each other as vastly as we both did, but I knew if I eventually married her, we’d be forgiven. in time, after Arthur’s death, we did marry and I was united to my red thread. Like the Faye had done for me, I knew the elixir of immortality. She knew that if she drank it, she would bear unbelievable sadness and go through bouts of depression, but humor, love, faith, passion and purpose would pull her out of that terrible drowning pool of despair.
Chapter 5—Camelot is Gone, We Linger On
The Medieval Ages came and went and many of the practices that went along with it. Though I lived through them, I can’t say I really enjoyed the Dark Ages since, honestly, no one really did. It wasn’t the worst era, that much is true. However, England had enjoyed the most prosperity in this time. The only comparable era was that of sweet Victoria and then of Edward. After that, I regret to say that matters only continually rolled further downhill and strayed further from God, growing closer to technology and relying more upon it.
I have advised Mordred’s children and grandchildren. Most but all the Millenials are by far, the absolute worst of the bunch. There is one grandchild I think redeems them all. His name is Angel and honestly, his name suits his demeanor. Due to his influence, he has whipped the other little ingrates into shape whenever I am not around to keep tabs on them or to make certain their pathway follows the Light. Now, I must say, I am not a hypocrite. I do admit that following the pathway of the Illumined isn’t simple. It wasn’t before when I wanted justice for England or seeing the sun set on the English empire. I did realize that all good things came to an end and that I would embody older principals that were ethical, practical and efficacious.
In the modern era, magic isn’t thought of much anymore. A human can put a piece of bread in a toaster and it emerges, scored, toasted to a lovely golden brown. The machinery inside is a marvel of modern technology, but even our computers rival that. I have seen what the future brings. I long for simpler times, but I do know that as my father Oberon told me, ‘Don’t think you have man all figured out, Emyrs’. Even I don’t know or cannot see what man will do with his technology. I may not be a fan of it, but I do realize that magic is, yes, much the same. One must respect the source, which I do, and I use it to construct rather than to be destructive.
Chapter 6—Walking Between Worlds
Things change and some things never do. Rivalries come and go. My wife and I thrive. We have so many great grandchildren, we have their birthdays memorized by rote. They are diving head first into unfamiliar territory. Given that I adapt well to change of any kind, they’re always coming to me for advice and assistance if need be. For the most part, they are independent and I see them making unbelievable strides in how the planet is evolving.
Granted, Earth has a long way before she is completely healed and whole but humans are integrating dual thinking using their heads and their hearts. I also recommend they go with their gut on certain occasions as well. Intuition has solved quite a few problems in its time, and I certainly don’t discount it. Solomon’s wisdom has proven sufficient for me, but I’m not always in an academic mood. There are times, yes, that I, Emyrs, actually let my hair down.
On the off chance I am not maintaining balance between the physical and magical worlds, one can find me camping, stargazing, sailing or even soaring high above in my falcon form, which I prefer more than my human vessel.
I must conclude my tale for it is late and I have many things to do and see. Many souls will still seek me out, but thankfully, not to kill and destroy. I wonder of my earth mother at times, but don’t need to feel so curious. As she said, she is with me and she sends flowers, scents, butterflies and birds to let me know she is with me and pleased with what I have done. I still have much to do and require all my energy to recharge in order to do it. So with that, fair mortal, I bid you adieu for the time being. Continue brightening the path, for those in the dark need maybe a smidge of kindness before emerging into the light.
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