
Showing posts from June, 2022

Leonid and Friends Concert, Among Many Other Myriads of Small Details

 Last week, during Juneteenth and Father's Day, I went to see Russian group Leonid and Friends.  It was my third time seeing them live, and they were nothing if not spectacular.   We had met people who had been to 20 concerts or more.   Now THAT'S dedication, if you ask me.    Decatur, Illinois was a pleasant tiny town and I heard that the Devon Ampitheatre is also hosting Kansas, The Guess Who and Cheap Trick.   Maybe we can return so we can savor another concert ?   I honestly wouldn't mind hearing either of these bands, particularly Cheap Trick.         As for projects, the studio is still a long time coming, but in the works.   My surrogate brother loves to procrastinate, if you know him well enough by now.   BrightStar and I have begun penning 'Time Travel Trouble'.    Hannibal is up to his old tricks and it's your basic 'breach in the time/space continuum tale to set ...


 Rising up outside  Hundreds of lights A shimmer so bright  The eye it delights  Serene June night  Summer begun  The barred owls speak  Nighttime's song is sung.  6-21-22


 It's so hot, the air squiggles and waves  It's so hot, it evaporated my lemonade  It's so hot, I sweat through my shirt Too torrid, I'm about to go berserk  I complained of hail and rain I moaned about snow  I kvetched when it was 10 below  What I wouldn't do  To see those temps again Because when you have heat stroke and stress Torrid weather ain't your friend.  6-15-22

Anime Alphabet

 A us fir Ako, retro, I know it's true  B is for Bubblegum Crisis, I'm keepin' things old school  C is for Chobits, which is a bit risque  D is for DNAngel, which has fun with DNA  E is for Evangelion, which will blow your mind  F is for Fooly Cooly, encounters of the awkward kind  G is for Gall Force, an all girl sci-fi  H is for His and Her Circumstances, which always makes me cry  I is for Inuyasha, follow Kagome down the well  J is for Jojo, who's popular, I can tell  K is for Kekkashi, I know it's obscure  L is for Love Hina, which borders on mature  M is for Metabots, which may be before your time N is for Nadia, which is a splendid good time  O is for One Piece, Luffy's on the way   P is for Pretty Cure, a bishoujo anime  Q is for Queen Emeraldas, one badass chick  R is for Ragnarok, which is quite the trip  S is for Slayers, classic Issekai  T is for Tenchi Muyo, Star Wars harem m...

Stars Among the Grass

 On a muggy June night They speckle the yard in light  I long to dance with them  But I'm awestricken  A light bringer alights on my finger  Then he flies away  Where he goes, I cannot say  Yet I'm filled with glee  At this firefly paradise  Seeing golden hues in dark and shade  Stars among the grass  In the Ides of June  Bright where it was black  Summer's coming soon  Your communion with me is blessed For I head to bed now for rest.  6-13-22