Leonid and Friends Concert, Among Many Other Myriads of Small Details
Last week, during Juneteenth and Father's Day, I went to see Russian group Leonid and Friends. It was my third time seeing them live, and they were nothing if not spectacular. We had met people who had been to 20 concerts or more. Now THAT'S dedication, if you ask me. Decatur, Illinois was a pleasant tiny town and I heard that the Devon Ampitheatre is also hosting Kansas, The Guess Who and Cheap Trick. Maybe we can return so we can savor another concert ? I honestly wouldn't mind hearing either of these bands, particularly Cheap Trick. As for projects, the studio is still a long time coming, but in the works. My surrogate brother loves to procrastinate, if you know him well enough by now. BrightStar and I have begun penning 'Time Travel Trouble'. Hannibal is up to his old tricks and it's your basic 'breach in the time/space continuum tale to set ...