Synopsis: An AU/reboot of Sonic Underground, the third and final Sonic cartoon produced by DiC Entertainment. The "good" Robotnik from the episode "Six is a Crowd" meets the evil one. In a backstory, the three hedgehogs appear to come across the Oracle of Delphius (actually an evil clone created by the evil Robotnik) who forces Sonic to make a deal - his voice and speed in exchange for being with Sonic's beloved Amy Rose, whom Robotnik deceives Sonic into thinking he cannot marry, as he is a royal and she is a commoner. It is up to the good Robotnik, as well as the hedgehogs' (formerly evil counterparts) to help save Sonic. The royal firstborn blue hedgehog also figures out King Jules' and Queen Aleena's location at long last! Dedicated to the true voice of Sonic, Jaleel White. Chapter 1—Tell Us Everything ! Mobius was experiencing an uprising and Robotnik was growing more agitated as the revolutionaries became more militant. ...
Synopsis: Continuing from "Pajama Party at the House of Mouse", Herman Norman "Pee-Wee Herman" Ruebens and his beloved, Yvonne Chambers, are finally getting married. “ L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only one I see, V is very, very, extraordinary. You’re the one that I adore, no one could ever want you more.’--Lyrics from L-O-V-E as sung by the often imitated but never duplicated Nat King Cole “A life without love isn’t worth living. What’s life without love ? It’s a tree that bears no fruit. It’s sleeping without dreaming. At times, it’s the inability to sleep. It’s living one day after another waiting for the sun to shine into a room that’s completely painted black, where you know the key is but have no desire top open the door and go out.”--Karla, Hippie, Paulo Cohelo Chapter 1—The Most Romantic Wedding of All It was Yvonne Chambers, soon to be Ruebens, favorite day of the year. Ever since she had ...
Synopsis: The Rangers and their inter-dimensional compatriots hold a pajama party at the huge Bay Lake, Florida mansion of Michael and Minerva Mouse, located on Walt Disney World property. ‘ It’s the best day ever !’--some lyrics from ‘The Best Day Ever’ as sung in the Spongebob Squarepants Musical ‘S tars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper I love you. Birds singing in the sycamore trees, dream a little dream of me. Say nighty-night and kiss me, just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me. When I’m alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.’--Dream A Little Dream of Me as sung by the Mamas and the Papas Chapter 1—A Much Needed Respite Although the Rangers had savored their vacation in France, coming home had left them quite a bit laggy. They were still suffering from the time difference and adjusting to normal bed times back at home. Besides, it was good to be back in HQ and in familiar territory. ...
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