The Jurassic Breakout
Synopsis: Continuing from The Heat is On, this story is based on the plot of Jurassic Park, and on the real-life events surrounding the recent closure of Primeval Whirl in Disney's Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World. Michael Theodore "Mickey" Mouse announces the closure and retheming of Dinoland in Animal Kingdom. Just before the re-imagineered land is ready to open, two velociraptors break out of their reinforced confinement chamber, and while they can't consume the flesh of Toons, they have a hankering for their blood.
Chapter 1—What Could Possibly Go Wrong ?
Primeval Whirl was prepping for its big day in opening to the public. Recent events had declared it to be the next coming attraction for families and big kids alike. Everyone adored dinosaurs and with recent cloning technology using ancient DNA, dinosaurs were once again roaming the earth. Many had dismissed and shooed the warnings microbiologists and other reputed scientists repeatedly gave about having oversized reptiles roaming around in modern times. Even at the Magic Kingdom, all was going great guns at DinoWorld, which was Disney World’s version of Primeval Whirl.
‘Have you seen how fierce the velociraptors are ?’, young Rubens asked Somnibot who was eager to see the savage reptiles in a fabricated habitat that mirrored the one they had inhabited so many millennia ago.
‘I was thinking about what the scientists were saying and what sci-fi authors of old repeatedly warned us of. Of all human emotions, I would say, this one sums up ‘fear’ best.’, Somnibot summed up precisely. If she had flesh, it would’ve had goosebumps, but her metal frame shaking was the best giveaway of her true state.
‘Som, they’re behind enforced fields. There’s no possible way of escape. The park tenants have reassured we are all safe.’, Rubens said with a brilliant smile.
‘She’s right you know.’, Kat added, patting the bot on the head softly to convince her. Yet, still there was an air of foreboding surrounding what should’ve been an auspicious opening to Dinoland. Ms. Rubens couldn’t seem to shake it although she was typically a ‘glass half full’ thinker. Chuckling, she shook the notion off and went along with her friends to attend the cutting of the red ribbon. After all, as her father’s daughter, she wanted to support the new amusement park being open to the public.
Chapter 2—Pandemonium
It looked like everything was going off without a hitch until the sounds of screams were heard from Universal.
‘Ay, yi, yi, yi yi ! It’s not time for terror nights yet !’, Alpha 5 whimpered, staying close to his beloved family. Even though he was terrified, he kept them at arms length and had defensive mechanisms should the worst happen.
'What's going on ?!', Woodton "Woody" Woodpecker screamed. Alpha left his hands turned upward and pointed towards the crowd with his body, unable to even utter a syllable.
‘Oh...’, Woody remarked, just as frightened as before. They had to find a bunker, and fast. Everyone needed to get to safety before someone was hurt.
All the staff was able to seal themselves off from the velociraptors but a touristy Giovanni Potage had a little bit of meat bitten off his leg. To defend himself, he used his epithet, burning the raptors.
‘In here, quickly, mes amis !’, Pepe directed him. Giovanni disregarded the fact that animals were talking to him and allowed the skunk to escort him into their bunker. Firstly those who had seen that he had an ability were astonished at it.
‘How did you learn how to do that ?’, Nao questioned curiously.
‘Great, now I’m talking to a robot.’, Giovanni thought, wondering how much blood he had lost to cause him to hallucinate. It was becoming all the more clear to him that each moment he was experiencing was neither hallucination or waking fever dream. Unfortunately, it was all disastrously true. Besides, when he met the legendary Power Rangers, his fear and trepidation turned into genuine giddy fanboying.
Chapter 3—We Need Containment, Fast
It was as if a domino effect had been triggered after Universal Studios had experienced their own set of troubles. The velociraptors were on the loose and out for toon blood, since the alpha among them had gotten a taste of Giovanni Potage’s O positive sanguinary fluid.
Both the toons from Universal, staff and allies of the Rangers knew that they needed the guidance and expertise of Dr. Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm and Owen Grady to name a few.
call them on videophone at once !' Ohhhhh, this couldn't be at any
more bad timing ! I thought the paddocks were strong enough !', Woody
'Same thing over at Disney ! We're
trying to completely reinforce ours !', Mickey added. In
a flash, what was the world’s quickest phone
call, everyone had arrived immediately thanks to the Themasciran’s
pinpoint technology. Not many words were exchanged. Everyone knew
their role but the experts needed the help of the Rangers and their
‘We’re going to need bait though.’, Ian posed aloud. Everyone looked at Giovanni. With a look of what could be described as ultimate regret and pure fear, he exclaimed, ‘What ! Why ? I was vacationing in Disneyworld. I didn’t ask for any drama !’ Delta reassured him and clapped a calming hand upon his shoulder. Giovanni found it unusually soothing, particularly since the hand was metal. He knew the intent behind the subtle patting and found his respiration de-escalating. Knowing what he must do, Giovanni girded himself and he and the rest of the intrepid team went outside, far from the melee and chaos that followed.
Chapter 4—Round Up Those Raptors !
Most people, if they were intelligent, had found shelter, while fearful fools were rushing into only heavens know what. Some of these poor souls managed to harm themselves more but with the superhero brigade in action, more of these frantic people were shown where to go and shelter themselves.
The raptors were roaming, currently hiding, waiting for their prey. Giovanni had loathed this moment. He felt like he was being sacrificed to the Kraken to appease it for the sake of the Gods.
‘I’m not Adriadne.’, he thought to himself. He was more like a virgin to be thrown into the volcano. He gulped. All he wanted was to continue living a quiet life and let no one be the wiser of his epithet.
The raptors sniffed the air and licked their lips. That O positive blood was close, so close they could almost taste it. The closer they encroached upon Giovanni was when all the traps were sprung. They were reinforced with superhero shields. All the heroes were holding unpenetrable barriers around the rankerous raptors. None of them were happy, but not a one of them could escape. The experts used their winch and crane to hall the lot of them away and put them in an enforced crate.
‘Next time make sure your dinos are animatronic. Sure, they may not be the real deal, but none of us can afford a law suit.’, Doctor Grant said, cautiously. Giovanni thanked his new allies for their protection but decided to head out on his own while some people were still panicked. He left as quickly as he had been gathered into the bunker, but he knew he owed all these people his life.
Chapter 5—What Now ?
According to the dinosaur experts, all these reptiles would be kept in their original homes. Primeval Whirl would use animatronics and Disney would follow their example. Those who had undergone trauma at this time were offered counseling and restitution as well as free passes to Primeval Whirl and Dinoland. The superheroes had only done a small part in this ‘rescue’ and ‘rehousing’ of sorts. The whole thing was soon forgotten and all the cartoon characters could get back to what was really important; preparing for Halloween.
Hay rides, hot cider, hot cocoa, fall themed frappuchinos and delicious autumn inspired treats were all on sale in the commons at all Disney and Universal locations. Even before the ‘dino debacle’, all the grounds had been gorgeously decorated with purple, black, red, yellow, red and different hues representing fall. It was quite lovely and everyone was eager to celebrate All Hallows, Halloween, Day of the Dead and All Saints Day. There were plenty of activities and with the robot dinos, both parks were becoming more frequented. The ‘non-scary’ or ‘spooky’ labyrinths were particularly popular. The scares were startling but nothing too frightening. The best part of the year was the candy being offered and the feeling of overwhelming joy over a year turning out to be one of the best the theme parks had seen in a while. Certainly Thanksgiving and Christmas were still to come and all the attendees that had gone through the terror of the raptors had all but forgotten the fright they had experienced. No one knew what would come in the days that followed but everyone was content for now, and that was all that mattered.
The End
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