Little Terrors
Synopsis: A couple expecting their first baby is delivered a package
of unknown origin. Little do they know the horror it contains
are you buying something without even knowing what’s inside ?
That’s like
buying a pig in a poke ! You don’t know what you’re
getting.’--my dad’s wisdom
Chapter 1—Lou’s
Lou was a man who
didn’t believe in anything unless he could see, touch, quantify or
empiricism it in some way, shape or form. His mind was entirely
analytical, so it had been the ultimate irony that he had married his
long-time childhood sweetheart, Tabitha. Tabitha was the polar
opposite of her husband. She was more lyrical and free spirited
when it came to life and the two were a rather interesting study in
how differences can attract rather than repel.
Tabitha was heavily
pregnant and not certain on what the gender of her baby would be.
Lou was the ordinary, beside-himself dad, overly anticipatory and
frantic. He wanted to make certain little baby Gemma or Gerald
would come into a loving world full of wonder. However, he and
Tabby had found themselves on hard times. Tabby had been a victim
of ageism and sexism and had to look for a new job once her pregnancy
leave was through. Fortunately, Lou had paternity leave so he could
help at home but things at home had become hectic.
It was a warmish
April afternoon when the mail arrived. Lou checked his mailbox and
porch. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, save for a
rectangular package that had what seemed to be holes drilled in it.
It wasn’t big enough for puppies or kittens but seeing that his
inquisitive nature overtook him, Lou naturally took the box inside as
well as all of the mail he had received for the day.
Upon placing the
holey box upon his table, immediately, cute little people popped out
of it. They were akin to gnomes. They evoked Disney imagery with
their rosy cheeks and dimpled smiles. They were all wearing overalls
in bright, vivid colors and sported adorable cobbler hats, slooped to
the left or right. Lou was itching to name each of them but Tabitha
discouraged him.
‘Huh, right
straight to work then, right ?’, she said, looking at the fixers
begin tidying up. The couple had always wanted a maid but now they
had a baker’s dozen of little cleaners, doing mundane busy work.
Chapter 2—The
Cobblers Go Crazy
It had been
pleasant having the ‘cobblers’ around for insignificant chores
that the expectant parents hadn’t had time to do themselves.
They always thanked them for their dutifulness and attention to
detail. One time, the two of them came home from work and found
their baby’s room decorated, neat as a pin and glistening. The
smell of citrus lingered in the air but not to the point of
overpowering them. The cobblers communicated in grunts and
exclamations that sounded guttural. It was a language all their own
that neither one of them could speak, but it was inherent that the 13
gnomes understood what was happening.
Nothing seemed out
of the ordinary for the Boggs family until late at night when they
heard the sounds of rattling, clanging and banging. Tabitha was a
heavy sleeper, so she remained unperturbed on her side of the bed,
snoring slightly. Lou, who was roused by the clamor, went to go
investigate, even though his heart was hammering in his chest.
Bravely, the young
father-to-be grasped a metal bat in his hand and slowly crept into
his kitchen where he had heard the ruckus emerging from.
‘I don’t know
how you got in, but I have a bat ! I’m not afraid to use it !’,
Lou said. At the time, those were big words coming from a man who
felt so afraid, he might urinate himself at any moment.
The cobblers had
transformed from adorable, sweet, gentle creatures to something
terrifying. It was quite possible that they were boggarts or
brownies. According to myth, these beings were sweet one moment and
then reversed their demeanors into malicious instantly.
‘What is going on
here ?!’, he demanded, trying to keep his voice down. Everything
in the kitchen looked as if an E4 class tornado had ransacked it.
All the food that he had meticulously prepared, especially that for
his ailing neighbor, Alice, was completely gone or
strewn across the floor. Another smell, putrid and acrid, pierced
his nostrils. It was one of the cobblers. All their eyes were
expressionless, blank and inky. Their mouths were riddled with
teeth and each of them wheezed in a very uncomfortable way.
Instead of communicating in grunts, they were groaning, moaning and
shrieking out in pain.
don’t know what I can do to help...’, he murmured. The
cobblers began to join together and slowly approach him, mindlessly.
Freaked out, he woke Tabitha up, not explaining anything. He
simply told her that they needed to
run as quickly as they could.
Chapter 3—What Shall We Do ?
had no idea what was going on until she and Lou had come to a park
where they could figure out what to do next.
going on ? You just simply drag me out here without so much as an
explanation...’, she started.
was chaos in the kitchen. Our sweet cobblers have turned feral. I
don’t know why or how but they’re coming after us.’, Lou said.
He was the only one who had a weapon to defend himself but there had
to be something else they could use as a weapon.
should’ve looked on the box for some sort of address or inside it
for instructions...’, Tabitha lamented.
were none !’, Lou
said, almost exasperated. Tabby hugged her husband from the side
to calm him. He certainly wasn’t taking the whole ‘interior
decorating debacle’ well, which was entirely understandable.
Then he realized he had a
weapon of sorts in his pocket.
not entirely without defenses...’, he said pulling out the contents
of a wholesome, large, triple chocolate chunk cookie he had gotten
from the deli not long ago.
do you mean ?’, Tabby asked as the vicious snarls encroached upon
them. Terrified, she grasped on to her husband’s arm, tightly
enough to leave divits there from how hard her fingernails pressed
into his flesh. Lou winced slightly. It was affection, he told
himself and the momentary pain was very small when compared with say,
getting knocked in the nads by a football errantly thrown by the
reprobate neighbor boy.
know that they’re brownies. Brownies like sweets ! The sooner I
give them all a piece of this delectable treat, they’ll be back to
themselves.’, Lou said.
are we going to do with them afterwards ?’, Tabby asked, as
the unearthly grumbles approached closer and closer. Lou shrugged.
He had no earthly idea what he would do with the brownies. He was
thinking that maybe once they did whatever they needed to do, they
would depart, but beyond reverting their nasty temperaments, there
was little he knew of the belligerent creatures.
4—For the Remainder
by one the zombie midgets came and Lou threw cookie crumbs. One by
one the little terrors began to change to their normal, adorable,
gentle selves. They still had no semblance of human language but
continued to use their own. It suited them well enough for their
purpose and they returned to their adoptive home, helping in whatever
way they could.
the time being, the brownies assisted whenever they were called.
They made good nannies up until the Boggs family baby boy came into
being. He was named Gerald after Lou’s dad, who was still alive
to witness the heralding of his grandson into the world. Gerald
immediately adored his namesake, and his grandmother became boastful
overnight. Normally she didn’t have a hubristic bone in her body,
but having a grandson made her a bit showy. It wasn’t done with
malintent but it was obvious that grandma Jeanie loved her newborn
grandson and whenever she could, she spoiled him rotten.
Gerald Oliver Boggs never had much of an opportunity to ask about
the ‘little terrors’ that had come and gone. Once he started
crawling, they had returned to wherever they had come from. They
never made a repeat visit and Lou always was suspect of boxes on the
front porch. There was never a reiteration of what had happened
that fateful day but he made certain that he wouldn’t be taken by
surprise by anything of unknown origin. From that time on, the
couple grew closer together and their love multiplied. They soon
welcomed a girl into the world. Her name was Gemma Emily, after a
grandmother, a matron of the family, who had long since departed the
world. She would be told the story of her brother’s brownies one
day, and most likely laugh about it. She would know that the world
was much wilder and fantastical than she could’ve ever imagined.
Presently, though, she loved to be taken care of by her brother and
fawned on him. Following him like a lost puppy, she aped every
thing that he did and was quite the tomboy. She was a little
adventurer and a handful at times, but the Boggs couldn’t have been
any happier with the blessings they had received.
The End
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