Weaver of Worlds

Here and there I go
Weaving worlds to and fro
Through songspell so sweet
To whomever I may meet
Perhaps, just give me one chance
For the bard to sing for you to dance
And maybe the cares of the world
Will fade for a time ?
Yet I can’t stay
A gypsy by trade
But wherever I traveler
I leave smiles behind
I fill hearts with joy and hope
Gifts that have no expiration
Weaving is always a jovial occasion
So before I depart
I embrace you as such
I grant you providence and unconditional love
Like a feather, I sail on the breeze
Shining and singing wherever I please
A weaver of worlds
Yet not of your realm
Faith my North Star
Soul at my helm
I live life fully
Nary any regrets
For each day, soley
Is my best one yet.



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