We Will Rock You: A Musical Tribute to Freddy Mercury
As a child, I will never forget the day Freddie Mercury (aka Farouk Balsara) died. It was like I was losing a beloved family member. Just like the day Bowie, Alan Rickman and Stephen Hawking departed, I can remember bawling like a baby feeling so desolate, lost and depressed. Those days were particularly hard for me, even when I was young. In spite of the sadness I have when thinking of Queen's music at times, it hits me mainly as a motivator. It expresses my true individuality, especially the song 'The Show Must Go On'. One song I love entirely is 'We Are the Champions'. The whole musical is forecast into the not too distant future where individually made music is outlawed (and honestly given to what happened with YouTube not long ago with COPPA, this probably isn't too far off, so yes, predictive programming at work, again.). Anyways, being the awakened person I am, I share my premonitions with others, hoping not to disturb or unsettle their apple carts too much. The musical is phenomenal. It showcases Mercury's best work, particularly We Will Rock You and an encore of Bohemian Rhapsody. To hear over 5,000 people singing that together was a religious experience for me (just like Rain, a Tribute to the Beatles was long ago when my friend Erik was still alive and around to enjoy such pleasures, God rest him.). It's a splendid musical that is expressively colorful, full of rocking music and serves as a cautionary tale to us all. We need to keep the flames of individuality alive as well as that of creativity, expression and innovation. Music is alive. It is the universal language we all respond to and understand at such an emotional level. It heals and binds us together as humans. Let us never forget this fundamental truth.
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