The Search for Skarlet
Synopsis: The Rangers, the bots, the Justice Rangers, the Star Wars characters and the toons track down Skarlet, who is once again out for blood. They find her in Walt Disney World, just when Michael Theodore "Mickey" Mouse is hit with bad news: his wife Minerva "Minnie" Mouse is turned mute with the passing of her voice actress Russi Taylor. This story is dedicated in memoriam to Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor. ‘I am the lizard king !’--Jim Morrison, The Doors Chapter 1—Ralph Returns to the Internet In the realm of video games, everything was relatively quiet. Vanellope was still out in the Internet, but she did return to visit Ralph every so often. She had found her dream life and everything was hunky-dory. Slaughter Race was the bomb when it came to video games online other than MMORPGS. There was one called Stratagem , where she had a campaign set up as an archer/thief and she was having a blast there. ...