The Darkest Hour
Synopsis: Taking place twelve years after the events of "Sailing the Seas of Love". The Rangers are their compatriots journey far beyond their universe to learn the truth about an ancient mystery of the powers of Disney magic. However, they are hampered by two new villains, Vitalia and Momo. Chapter 1—The Mysterious Diamonds All around her, it was all she could see. ‘Elsa ! Come quick !’, Anna said, pointing from the balcony of their castle in Arendale. ‘What...on...Earth ?’, Elsa asked, feeling both dread and on guard for her elder sister. ‘That’s only a sample of my power. Watch what these marvels can do !’, Vitalia cackled. Vitalia was a lolita accompanied by a monochromatic monkey with an over-sized paintbrush. With a flick of her wrist, the gothic lolita bade the diamonds to begin sucking the color out of Arendale. Elsa tried to stop her with ice and Anna learned that somehow, she had fire magic. None of this could stop the villains...