Synopsis: Continuing from "The Search for Skarlet", Megabyte and Hexadecimal appear from the Computer Realm to wreak havoc. Their father Gigabyte tags along, teaming up with the queen of the Negaverse, Queen Beryl, to steal energy so he can feed. He finds the life energy of humans and Toons to be rather delicious, even moreso than the energy of Sprites, Tears and Binomes, so the Rangers, Star Wars characters, Mobians, the Mortal Kombat characters, toons, bots, and the Mainframers team up to stop these harvesters' plans. ‘ The only people who don’t make up their mind are foolish or dead.’-- Valerian: Valerian & Laureline, Time Jam Chapter 1--A Portal...from the Internet?! The Sentinels found nothing out of the ordinary in their every day data stream. They had been doing their job exceptionally and everything was impeccable as usual. The Queen of the Sentinels, Locus, noticed something very unusual prodding through one of her near-impenet...