Take Your Chances
Synopsis: Magic Screen and Conky are selected to try their luck at ‘America’s favorite game’ Wheel of Fortune for ‘BFFs Week’.
‘You are my best friend and we’ve got some things to do.’--lyrics from the pop song ‘Things to Do’
Chapter 1--Winning the WOF Contest
Magic Screen hadn’t thought anything of it, especially since she had been taking care of Tubey full time. Starry lended a manacle and was a tremendous daddy, but the two of them hated leaving Tubey in the hands of a babysitter as they worked. Even though they felt guilty, they knew that one of the less busy bots would make an excellent nanny while they were busy filming with Pete and Alexia.
During their typical lunch break off set, Magic received a call from none other than Pat Sajack himself.
‘Magic, remember that WOF contest you entered online ? You won !’ he said, eagerly. Magic was delighted. It meant she and her entire crew of friends would be heading to sacramento, which wasn’t too far away from Angel Grove.
It would be an overnight stay in a posh location but none of the crew was complaining. After all, they needed a bit of a breather before school began in mid-August.
Chapter 2--Choosing A Partner
It wasn’t difficult selecting a friend to join her on Wheel of Fortune. She had always been a huge fan of the game show since she was tiny. She had been a trivial overlord when it came to different types and varieties of board games. No one dared to challenge her because 9 times out of 10 she would win without breaking a sweat. The only other trivial wizard that Magic knew was her good friend Conky, who was far older and wiser than she. He immediately accepted and only after the remainder of the Playhouse gang and Rangers were informed did they start loading up the “Rangermobile” and begin their trek to Sacramento.
Chapter 3--Entertaining on the Bus
It wasn’t a long drive all thanks to the games that the gang played to pass the time. They played ‘I Spy’ with the kids as well as ‘Name the most State License Plates’ as well as ‘Say What You See’. Many songs were sung and one of the kids realized that pretty soon, she’d be going back to school.
‘I am gonna miss playing at the rec center.’, Jawa mourned.
‘We can still go there after finishing our homework.’, Baku chirruped joyously. Jawa had been fretting over nothing, even though she loathed homework. She knew it was necessary for her to learn, but being with her friends and working with them as a team taught her more than any elementary or junior high course could ever teach her.
Chapter 4--Staying Calm On Stage
Being under hot lights and watched by thousands of people was far different than sitting at home and savoring the puzzle solving experience with friends, Conky thought. Conky was a bit anxious. He had given presentations to his coworkers and employees thousands of times before but this scenario was different. He felt his manacles pooling with anxious oil. Magic patted his manicle.
‘Conky, you’re going to be fine. SICO is in the audience, see ?’, Magic said. Right in the front row, waving exuberant was his beautiful wife and their myriads of children, most of which were becoming young adults. Conky was reassured and took a cue from Herman’s pointers remaining ‘Calm, Cool and Collected’. He saw it as no more intimidating as giving a persuasive speech to make work more efficient.
‘Now let’s get ready to win this thing !’, he said, giving Magic a fist bump.
‘That’s the spirit !’, she concurred.
Chapter 5--’Let’s Get This Party Started !’
No one knew just how loud it could be in a live television show.
‘Ow !’, Pete said, clearing out his ear from the sheer decibel level.
‘This audience certainly is lively, even more so than our own !’,Alexia chuckled.
At long last, the celebrities of the moment walked out to take their places on the Caribbean set. Although it was Best Friends Forever week, the theme had been changed to a more ‘tropical’ setting as a sort of ‘farewell’ to summer and vacation, seeing that school was about to begin next week. Pat Sajak introduced himself and Vanna sauntered over to her mark next to the massive puzzle board. No longer did the puzzle pieces rotate by her hand like back in the 1970s and 1980s. All she had to do was touch them and the letters would be revealed. Ah, the magic of modern technology !
'Let's get things started with our $1000 toss-up. The category is quotation. Here we go.', he said. Vanna touched one of the monitors and letters began to be revealed on the board randomly. Conky pressed his buzz button.
'Conky.', Pat said.
'Beam me up, Scotty !', Conky exclaimed.
'That's right ! Way to go !', Pat cheered. The audience and even the cameraman and producers followed suit.
'Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let's chat with our players.', Pat said. 'Conky 2000 and Magic Screen. Says here that you're a floor trader at Stellarman Trading, huh?'
'Yeah. I know, I am a zillionaire already, but we want to get money for Magic Screen's son's future college payments someday.', the robot admitted nervously.
'And this must be your friend Magic Screen.' He then began to geek out slightly, which was a bit out of character for him. 'OH! I know you guys! You're from the 1980s kids' show Pee-Wee's Playhouse! Our show was spoofed on yours!'
'Rightey-o !', Conky said.
'It was in the fire safety episode, during the snack time segment.', Magic Screen added.
'Well, we're very happy that you both are here.', Pat said with a warm, welcoming smile.
Chapter 6--Tough Competition, Glamorous Prizes
As the rounds became harder and harder, Conky and Magic had begun to dominate and finally found themselves the winners of a trip for a small tour group to Japan if they won the final Bonus Round.
‘I know it doesn’t look like it, but I’m shaking !’, Magic said. To think she had been the one to calm Conky down earlier but her wheels had begun knocking together from the tension. Conky hugged her.
‘Remember what you told me. Calm, cool, collected.’, he said, reassuringly. Magic’s posture became more erect and confident.
‘You couldn’t be more correct.’, she agreed and patted him on the back.
Everyone enjoyed a light snack and refreshing alkaline water before the cameras began rolling again. Pat prepped them and they chose an envelope. The last puzzle of the day was by far the most difficult. The category was ‘person’.
Magic finally had the answer.
‘Ballerina !’, she called out. Pat was overjoyed. Magic had solved the puzzle with plenty of time to share.
‘You two have won more than enough money for college funds and trust money. Enjoy your trip to Japan ! Buy me a souvenir, will ya ?’, Pat said, joking around with them. It had proven to be a trying puzzle but Magic, with her impressive talent, had no problem in finding the answer.
Chapter 7--Talking With the Guests Before Heading Home
The losers weren’t disappointed. In fact, they were really impressed that the best friend bot team had excelled so unbelievably well.
‘You two were formidible. It was something of a marvel.’, a young woman complimented. Her daughter smiled and laughed.
‘Yeah, at least we’ll get a chance to head to Hawaii. Ma and I have always wanted to go. Both of us are needin’ a vacay.’, the Southern girl admitted.
‘Me, I’ve got mai tais to enjoy myself but back in Vegas. Our luck wasn’t so good, but something’s telling me, it’ll be better in Sin City.’, a husband and wife team said as they high-fived each other before departing to leave the studio.
Pat and Vanna thanked the bots and their friends for being such amazing guests.
‘Hey, if you ever want us back on the show, we’ll be free to honor that request.’, Conky said with a huge smile.
‘We’d be delighted !’, Vanna said. They all took a photo together to commemorate the moment. It was a victory none of them would soon forget, far more thrilling than any monster they had slain.
Chapter 8--Land of the Rising Sun
Japan was as mystical and magical as they all had imagined. They visited thousands of places, especially ones that featured robot servants and attractions.
‘This is totally unreal. Hen Hotel has been a real experience too. It’s incredible that the robots are bilingual. I wonder if they’ll program them to speak other languages and dialects too.’, Billy wondered aloud, marvelling at the animatronics. They would be playing WOF as Champions in Japan, which was a bit nerve-wracking, but also incredibly exciting.
‘I’ll be on stage by myself this time.’, Magic said, a bit anxious.
‘You won’t be alone though.’, Starry reminded her, kissing her cheek. Of course, the unsolicited, pure sign of affection elicited an ‘awwww’ from everyone, even the younger members of the Power Rangers’ crew.
Magic was just as indomitable as before, acing every puzzle that had been set before her. The money that she had amassed would be helping victims of Fukishima, even though that had happened years ago. She hadn’t forgotten, or the devastation of the tsunami. All natural disaster relief was in the back of her mind and she knew giving back was the right thing to do. After all, she and her friends had been so graciously offered entry into Japan and now their glorious trip was soon coming to an end.
It was the final round and Starry was on stage with Pat and Vanna. It seemed so much bigger now, but that had only been a trick of her anxiety. She took a few deep cleansing breaths in and out and made her final selection. The last puzzle was a real doozy. The category was ‘What Are You Doing ?’, and the answer was ‘Igniting Fireworks’. Luckily, the letters Magic had chosen helped her solve this one much easier than she thought. At long last, she recieved her prize and all of them celebrated.
The night closed with a kabuki theatre experience, karaoke, sushi and an outdoor spa before heading back to the hotel for the flight to go home.
‘I have become enamored of Japan but it’ll be so nice to sleep in my own bed back in the good US of A.’, Kim said, laughing.
‘Yeah, might take us a while to overcome jet lag, but we’ll be right as rain before no time.’, Tommy agreed, hugging her close. Magic was thrilled she had done so well. She was so fortunate to have so many people and bots that believed in her talent and her intellect. Of course, like everyone else, she made mistakes from time to time because even robots weren’t perfect even though they professed to be. It made her feel more like her friends. They were equal.
Herman was especially proud of Magic and all the work she had done.
‘You’re kind of like a missionary, doing good, spreading hope and helping where you are needed !’, he complimented. Screen’s cheeks flouresced at the comment.
‘I couldn’t have come this far had it not been for you. I only hope we get to do so more often. I love a good challenge.’, she said. The jet lag started to kick in for all of them, however. They all needed a good night’s sleep for the long week ahead. It was great that they had gotten a much needed respite from fighting monsters but they always had to be dilligent lest evil rear its ugly head. The preparations they had gone through, physical and mental were plenty and tonight’s rest would amp them up for the adventurous days ahead.
The End
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