Reality, Blended
Synopsis: Hypnodyne begins to make his move, causing everything to turn into a scrambled mess of NES 8-bit chaos.
Chapter 1--Hypnodyne Gig
Hypnodyne was known as an undyne’s undyne. He came from a mystical, dark world of his own creation called Altera. He only had one destiny in mind and it was discord, chaos and destruction. He could alter the very fabric of reality and his hypnotism was top notch. From Altera, he had taken the virtual realm and scrambled it with that of Angel Grove and France.
‘I still can’t figure out where we are now. One second, we’re in France and the next, we’re in this place, in this large field. It’s so weird, I don’t get it !’, Yumi said, clearly addled by the new surroundings. They had just met Ralph and Vanellope, who had followed Spiders from Lyoko into Angel Grove.
‘I’ve made our scanner tech portable. It’s wearable now. Watch.’, Jeremie said as he said ‘Transform’ and morphed into his avatar. The others transformed immediately and followed Ralph and Vanellope as the world around them began to become pixelated.
‘What on Earth is going on ?’, Susanne questioned.
‘Clearly everything has been tipped on its ear.’, Jim observed, plainly. Susanne had to smirk, noticing Jim was a bit pleased with being right, once more.
‘Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, the Chaotix and Tails ?’, Herve asked.
‘No, that is clearly them.’, one of the younger Lyokoian Warriors confirmed.
‘Oookay, it has officially become a nightmare induced NES/Sega/PS3 nightmare.’, Odd exhaled sharply as all the characters found themselves completely thrown off their normal objectives and into an alternate virtual reality.
Chapter 2--It’s Reality, but Not As We Know It
Herman and Yvonne were teaching the baby bots, now toddlers, new concepts and concrete philosophies when everything dissolved. ‘Aaaagh ! What happened to the Playhouse !’, Pee-Wee yelped. ‘Everything simply vanished ! How unusual !’, Yvonne concurred. It was by far the strangest thing any of them had ever witnessed. ‘I think we should stop yapping and start fighting back.’, Pterri suggested. Herman nodded. 'IT'S MORPHIN TIME !', Herman yelled, morphing into his Red Ranger suit. Yvonne followed as a Fuschia Ranger. Conky and SICO weren’t far behind and they made tracks as quickly as they could to Ranger HQ. Something was definitely afoot and it definitely wasn’t natural whatsoever.
Hypnodyne laughed. This was by far the best magic trick he had done in ages. For so long he had wanted to experiment on a fledgeling part of the galaxy and what better place to tweak and wriggle his prowess than Earth ?
'Excellent ! Everything is transforming into a world born from MY imagining! NO ONE will be able to stop me!', he bellowed.
Chapter 3--Pixelated Chaos
Morphing didn’t seem to be affected by the pixelation of their world, thankfully. Everything was in working order but the Rangers had run into some very unusual avatars.
‘Hold it ! Friend or foe ?’, Zach said, stopping a rather determined, bullish Ralph from his target.
‘Ralph. Not sure who you are but nice costume, dude !’, he commented.
‘Thanks, but we have bigger fish to fry, literally !’, Aisha said, dodging a beam fired by Hypnodine’s eyes. His voice was starting to make them drowsy. Even Somnibot, who had the most soporific melodies, was beginning to doze off a bit.
‘No, everyone ! We have to fight it ! Don’t gaze directly into his eyes !’, Lily warned. She had encountered an undyne before in Lyoko and it had been particularly nasty to fight but with her friends, the victory had been easier. Hypnodyne was by far, the most powerful villain they had ever faced. Unfortunately, sleep had started overtaking them and they could feel their eyelids closing more and more Hypnodyne sang a sleepy version of Summertime.
Right as the heroes began to drift another vworp sound was heard. Out of nowhere, familiar friends from across the galaxy materialized into being. The Justice League went into action as well as the Ranger’s Jedi allies. The whole fabric of reality had been bent entirely.
‘Chaos will reign. No more normality here. Only spontinatey will rule.’, Hypnodyne shrieked.
‘I’m through listening to this ! I’ve heard enough !’, Han said, finally decking the undyne and causing his top hat to fly off his head.
Chapter 4--Outnumbered but Not Backing Down Without a Fight
‘Getting my suit dirty I will abide but knocking my top hat off my cranium I do NOT tolerate. That SPECIAL !’, Hypnodyne yelled, going into an all out rage. The power that he drew from fury was something that rivaled even the gods themselves. Every blow he landed took the wind out of the Warriors, no matter where they were from.
‘He’s too strong…’, Ulric panted, gathering back his strength. They all stood, doubled over, feeling as if they were going to pass out. This villain was definitely one that wasn’t messing around and he was ruthless in his fighting style.
‘Fighting him one on one isn’t working !”Jason said, obviously.
‘I could’ve told you that, Jas !’, Skull teased.
‘Skully, this isn’t the time for levity.’, Bulk reproved. Although Skull knew it was no time to be joking around he couldn’t help but try and add a little lightheartedness to what seemed to be an impossible battle to win.
Chapter 5--Hypnodyne’s Hordes
With a wave of his pinky finger, Hypnodyne sent out replicas of himself to fight against the Rangers and their friends. Hypnodyne was the only one that could hypnotize them into a trance, even to fight each other, but they knew not to look directly at him or have their minds enslaved.
One by one the replicas attacked with precision. They were relentless, reckless, divisive and brutal.
‘They’re on every side !’ Tommy said, taking heavy damage. Herman could see one undyne leaping for his friend, Conky.
‘Conky, behind you !’, he said, shielding Conky from the attack. Fortunately, Condor had swooped in at the last moment and kicked the undyne. It dissolved back into its original shape of water. Condor had found a weak point and the others caught on quickly. Hypnodyne wasn’t phased by anything that came his way. He simply brushed off his shoulders and gave the warriors a smug and hubristic look.
‘You’re going to have to do better than that. Heh, heh. This little game is becoming all the more entertaining for me !’, Hypnodyne cackled. One by one he made a labyrinth and separated everyone to the furthest regions of it, escaping off into parts unknown to wreck havoc. His entourage followed him.
‘We have to put an end to this insanity, and soon, or the whole world will be one big video game.’, Vanellope stated sadly.
‘We definitely can’t have that.’, Sonic concurred. Mario nodded. Everyone was there, even the so called ‘villains’. Mad genius Eggman conspired to help but only in this instance.
‘Anything gets out about this, I’m all having you roboticized.’, he warned, his voice ominous momentarily. Amy gulped.
‘Duly noted.’, she quipped.
Chapter 6--Out of the Frying Pan
Though it took a good solid hour to navigate, the intellectuals were able to lead everyone out of the maze. Hypnodyne hadn’t gotten too far. He was in the woods, which was turning to be more of a psychedelic kaleidoscope than a real forest. Everything they touched seemed to have a melodic hum and a sparky, jagged texture to it. The team knew they really had to put their heads together and keep up with Hypnodyne stride. He was faster than they were, even as a team but they wouldn’t give up. He had to have a weakness somewhere.
‘I know ! Destroy his hat. Remember how he was so upset about that earlier ?’, Sissy noted. They had tried everything else, so this was the last resort they had.
'We're gonna need to fire a nice, clean shot !', Odd and Herman both called.
'Odd and I can combine the Laser Arrow with my Electron Blast !', Jim said.
Jim began to calibrate his shot and with precision, executed it without missing a beat. Odd’s electron blast totally obliterated the hat, incinerating it. Whatever made the hat so unusually special, they could see that Hypnodyne was becoming weaker every second.
Chapter 7--Victory Imminent
Hypnodyne, although weakened, was still ferocious and using every spell at his disposal. Before long, his magic would no longer function. All it did was fizzle and choke out of existence.
‘No...NO !”, Hypnodyne yelled. He would not be defeated. Not by these inferior beings. Using his last ditch incantation, he grew to unbelievable heights.
‘No time to waste.’, Jason said. Tommy acknowledged him with a nod and played his trumpet to summon Dragon Zord. All the other Zords rushed to the field of battle. Hypnodyne smirked, smugly and laughed.
‘Oh, this is rich. Who would’ve thought it would come to this ! It’s so cliched !’, he laughed.
‘I really want to shut this guy up !’, Lance seethed.
‘We wait for an opening. Hypnodyne might be weaker but that doesn’t make him simpler to defeat.’, Shiro reminded his junior. All of them waited to time their attack just right. Hypnodyne was still walloping them intensely until Pidge found a chink in his armor, the proverbial ‘weak link’.
‘Aim for the tie ! It’s another power object !’, she said. They all did, each landing a critical hit. Hypnodyne’s light began to fade and he took a dramatic bow.
‘You’ve won. I can’t fathom it, but you overcame me. Congratulations.’, he said, rather derisively. They had to admit, even a backhanded compliment was pleasant to receive from one of the baddest, toughest villains that had ever existed.
Chapter 8--Returning Back to Normal
Everything reverted and what had been was like it had never existed. The last characters to make an exit were the Lyoko Warriors, Ralph and Vanellope. They shook hands, fist bumped, hugged and laughed as if they had known each other for years.
‘Hopefully our paths won’t cross again.’, Ralph said, and then came to the realization that it was rather cringey to have said that.
‘He means that in a kind, polite way.’, Vanellope said with a wry smile. Ralph chuckled lightly. Everyone departed and the Rangers stepped through a portal to arrive home after all had been said and done.
Chapter 9--The Birth of Gadgette and Gizmo
It wasn’t long after the victory that SICO gave birth to twins. A little boy, Gizmo was brought into the world first. The second was Gadgette, a gleeful little bundle of joy that wouldn’t stop smiling and laughing. It was a day full of jubilance, but mainly recuperation for the parents. SICO would have much less down time with the twins since her other children could help raise them. They were pleased to become big brothers and sisters. Conky didn’t worry about feeding them or providing their most basic needs. After all, his job gave him enough figures to buy a mansion. This mansion was a getaway for them all and especially after the success from their victorious battle, the Rangers needed a bit of R&R.
It was spring break. Bulk lounged around with a virgin pina colada. Skull was on a table getting a swedish massage, completely zen and content. All the Rangers were soaking up the sun on Conky’s massive deck where there was an olympic sized pool.
‘This really reminds me of the song This Is the Life.’, young Morpheus said, his hands behind his back. Kicking their feet up, they all lounged, just simply enjoying the luxury of doing nothing. After all, they deserved it and it was necessary to recharge.
The End
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