The Fiasco of Play Robot
Synopsis: SICO reveals that she was once a fashion model (think Grace from Fighting Vipers); she was in one of the pages of an issue of PlayRobot Magazine that Conky read years ago when Herman and Yvonne played airplane with the gang.This particular magazine has no nudes, though. SICO's old photo appears on the internet, making every adult male robot go mad with lust over Conky's wife. This makes Conky a bit angry at the robot men. Chapter 1--SICO Has ‘Splainin’ to Do It had been a calm, relaxing spring break until some spring cleaning was done around Conky’s mansion ‘Conky’s Playhouse’ as Pee-Wee affectionately labeled it. He shrieked in horror at a copy of PlayBot he had found in an old dusty box. Luckily the children were away on a day trip to Universal Studios or they would’ve rushed to his side. ‘SICO ! What on Earth is this ?’, he asked, clearly trying to keep his voice level. His rage was definitely apparent though. ‘I never told ...