Little Nemo
Synopsis: A story about an only child with an immense imagination and dreamers spirit named Nemo Noddington. He lives in a modest town and lives a fairly comfortable, upper-middle class life. His best friend is Shia Bentley, who believes in everything he does. He has a crush on the most popular girl in class, Caroline. Caroline likes Nemo for his creativity and encourages him to follow his dream to become an Imagineer someday, even if it would move him from the Midwest to Florida. Nemo is a lucid dreamer and one night he finds himself in Slumberland, a place he has never seen before. He is greeted by Clairese, who has just become Princess. However, her father, Morpheus, has been locked away by Darkness, the Nightmare King. Darkness tricked Clairese into giving him Morpheus’ staff, which protects mortals from having too many nightmares. Some nightmares do slip through time to time and Morpheus cannot protect all mortals from the ‘rogues’. Clairese finds Nemo attractive but he has to turn her down, which shows her just how strong-willed and independent he is. He wonders why no one has ever asked for her hand, and she says, ‘It is dependant upon a contest of intellect and brute strength. None have passed.’ Nemo suggests something a bit more modern; a date. The one shy but stalwart man who has been eyeing her from afar, Knight Osiris, forges his courage and girds his loins to approach her. In this telling, we still have Bon Bon, but she is a maid to the Princess. We still have Flip, who is the wisecracking jokester. He’s got a thing for Bon Bon, it seems. I am thinking of keeping the Gloomps but they aren’t going to sing like in the original. They will be simple cameos, appearing here and there, just as a nod to nostalgia. I’d love to see this film done with the magic and eccentricity that only Zemeckis, Burton, Spielberg, Cameron and Disney (J.J. Abrams in particular) could do. There will be a short in the beginning featuring how Nemo earns the right to buy his first pet, Icarus.
Nemo Noddington:
Barbara Noddington:
Phillip Noddington:
Shia Bentley:
Caroline Flair:
King Morpheus:
Princess Clarisse:
Knight (soon to be Prince) Osirus:
Darkness, King of the Night:
Gloomp #1:
Gloomp #2:
Gloomp #3:
Bon Bon:
Professor Rufus Brightly:
Griffin Knocker:
Scribes: (non-speaking role)
Scene 1--Showing Responsibility (Before Film Short)
(Nemo awakens after a long, relaxing night of rest. Mom and dad are at the table. It’s a Saturday and he notices they’re doing their usual routine. Coffee, newspaper, animated chatter of the day’s events, etc.)
Barbara: Nemo, what are you daydreaming about again ?
Nemo: I was thinking about getting myself a pet.
Phil: Son, we’ve had this talk before. You know the policies here are very strict on animals.
You’d have to look after it, feed it, water it, play with it, love it, entertain it.
Nemo: I know. I’ve been googling information about flying squirrels. I’ve always wanted one. I know it counts as ‘exotic’ but it shouldn’t violate the bylaws.
Barbara: I’ll give you a hearty A for effort !
Phil: No kidding, boy ! You did your homework ! Excellent work ! (tousles his hair)
Barb: You still have to finish your chores, though.
Nemo: Easy. I know the leaves need raking. I’ll be finished in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.
(Nemo rakes up the yard to a jazzed up/bebop version of ‘The Rite of Spring’)
Nemo: (confidently, his smile gleaming) Done.
Barbara: You weren’t kidding about the lamb’s tail part.
Phil: Good work, Nemo !
Narrator: And so, with that work completed, Nemo headed to the pet shop to choose a flying squirrel. So many of them didn’t spark his interest but there was one with fire in his eyes and spunk in his heart…
Icarus: (perks up once he sees Nemo and rushes over to see him, squeaking happily)
Nemo: Oh, look ! This is the one ! That’s my Icarus !
Barbara: What a creative name.
Phil: He seems to like it too.
Narrator: The two newly acquainted owner and furry friend left the shop, bonding together over a bag of peanuts and cheerful conversation. Nemo could tell that this was only the beginning of a beautiful friendship between him and his unique mammalian buddy.
(‘The End’ appears, but then we are treated to the ‘true’ feature, our main story. Stars appear in the sky. There is a meteor shower and Nemo has been sleeping outside under a tent. He is having a rather rousing dream.)
Nemo: Of course I accept. I pulled sword Excalibur from the stone, Galahad…
Icarus: (squeaking at him)
Nemo: Five more minutes, I’ll feed you soon. Go back to sleep, Icarus.
(We see that there is an homage and deliberate nod to Disney’s Hercules cartoon with Icarus printed sleeping bag and pillow.)
Nemo: (smelling something incredible from the kitchen) Fantastic ! Mom’s making breakfast ! She didn’t forget my birthday.
Icarus: (flies in before him and enters through the small set of tubes that Nemo has crafted for him as a way to get through the house. He gets to the table first and flashes a victory sign, giving a raspberry to Nemo.)
Nemo: (sticks tongue out back at him) Show off. You only got here quicker because you’re faster and you can fly. So, unfair advantage.
Icarus: (appears to be mocking him somewhat)
Nemo: (laughs) You’re so silly.
Barb: Eat up before it gets cold !
Phil: Don’t need to tell me twice.
Nemo: Thanks mom. This has got to be the best birthday breakfast you’ve ever crafted.
Phil: (eating happily, totally in a state of pure, unrivaled bliss) Thank heaven it’s a weekend. Oh, that reminds me. Would you like to go fishing with your old man ?
Nemo: You bet ! Mom, can Icarus come ?
Barb: Yes. Remember if you catch anything, I’ll cook it.
Phil: I have no doubt of that. What will you be doing while I’m gone ?
Barb: Gearing up for another busy workweek. They’re going to need better efficiency models to improve workflow.
Phil: What would Tilden Inc. do without your innovative ideas ?
Barb: (blushing as she kisses him) Have fun ! I’ll be tidying up after I get all the models finished. That part is easy. When I have free time, I’ll be taking a dip in the pool. Trying to squeeze all the fun out of summer. A bbq will be ready by the time you guys come home.
Phil: You’re an angel, darling dear.
Nemo: (pretends to gag) Ugh, enough of the lovey dovey stuff. Let’s fish !
Icarus: (agrees in his own little squirrely way)
(Scene fade)
Scene 2--After the BBQ
(Nemo and Phil are filled to the brim with exquisite food.)
Phil: You never fail to impress or disappoint, my darling chef.
Barb: (blushing) Phil, you flatter me !
Phil: No flattery, only truth.
Icarus: (yawning, saluting and heading to Nemo’s room)
Nemo: Looks like Icarus and I are going to turn in for the night.
Barb: No bedtime story to tuck you in ?
Nemo: (chagrined) Mom, really ?! I’m too old for that. I’m almost a teenager.
Barb: I nearly forgot that. (laughs) So ridiculous really. You’re not a little boy anymore. (quietly) But you’ll always be my little boy. (kisses his forehead)
Nemo: Ma, cut it out ! Yeesh ! I love you both, but you needn’t smother me in affection.
I’m headed to bed. Sweet dreams. Pleasant slumbers.
Phil: You too, my boy.
Barb: Goodnight hun, we love you.
(They watch him scamper off alone to snuggle under the covers.)
Phil: He really has grown up. He gutted and deboned a fish today. It was sensational how quickly he worked. He wasn’t even put off by the entrails like usual.
Barb: He’s becoming a young man. (getting teary eyed) I’m sorry, but I want him to remain my baby forever.
Phil: In one way or another, he’s going to always be our little boy, but we have to accept the fact he’s going to get bigger and better over time. Eventually we have to let him go out into the big, wild world by himself.
Barb: (hugging him) That’s why I am making as many memories as I can.
(The evening becomes darker and everyone settles into bed. Nemo finds himself in a lush land, lavishly decorated. He can see a grand castle in the background. Icarus has joined him and is astonished at everything he sees.)
Nemo: Are you seeing this Icarus ? I don’t know if I can believe my eyes.
Icarus: (pinches him)
Nemo: OW ! You little rascal ! Why did you pinch me ? (laughs) I suppose that’s proof enough neither one of us are dreaming. But where are we ? Why does it feel so desolate and sad ? I have a sense it was once jovial and merry…
(Scene shift)
Scene 3--Slumberlandians Still On Edge
Nemo: (walking toward the castle, knocks the huge knocker, which is in the mouth of a griffin)
Griffin: Ah ! We’ve been waiting !
Nemo: (surprised, he shrieks a little) Woo. You gave me a bit of a start there.
Griffin: Many apologies.
Nemo: (intrigued, raises quizzical eyebrow) What do you mean by ‘we’ve been waiting’ ?
Griffin: No time to explain, come in, come in !
(He is met by a large entourage, and greeted by the Princess.)
Princess: I wish we could be meeting under better circumstances, Nemo Noddington of Illinois.
Nemo: (a bit shocked and horrified) Are you the government ? How do you know my name and where I’m from ?
Princess: (laughs) Oh, heavens no. It’s nothing like that. I’m Clairisse. Princess of Slumberland.
Flip: Clairisse summoned you here using her alchemy. It took most of her power, seeing that she’s a novice.
Princess: That’s right, Flip.
Rufus: We may have to wait to return you with help of King Morpheus. He is the ruler of our world. Only since his darling wife, Marissa died, Clairisse is the next regent.
Clarisse: (nod) Now allow me to cut to the chase. My father, Morpheus, wields a dream scepter. This maintains reveries and keeps nightmares from escaping from the Nightmare King, Darkness’ realm.
Nemo: Some of them get loose, don’t they ?
Flip: Yeah, and a right nasty lot they are. Call them rogues we do. We can’t keep up with them, even with our powers, and Clair here isn’t nearly so powerful as her pop.
Clarisse: (frowns sadly)
Nemo: I’m sure you’ll get there.
Bon Bon: Nemo’s right. You gotta keep your chin up, Clairy.
Clarisse: Thanks, Bon Bon. I’m glad I have you as my cheering squad.
Nemo: What role do I play in all of this ? I’m assuming Darkness obtained the staff somehow.
Clairesse: It was a dark night when it happened…
(Flashback to Clarisse's coronation)
Clairesse: The whole kingdom was in attendance. Little did I know that Darkness had slipped in under a glamor. He had everyone fooled he was my dad. He took my dad, threw him in his nightmare dungeon and kept the scepter for himself. He has been unleashing rogues since that night. Needless to say, Slumberland is beginning to fall apart. I don’t have enough power to defeat him and only a pure hearted, imaginative one can reverse the damage done.
Nemo: That was mighty underhanded for the Nightmare King to have done that. (a bit downcast and unsure of himself, insecure) I know you’re all hoping that I’m the chosen one. I honestly don’t know the first thing about this place, its rules or what I’m up against. Despite that, though, I’m going to try. Icarus just came along for the ride it seems.
Icarus: (puffs out chest boldly, full of himself)
Clair: He is rather the adorable mascot.
Rufus: I’d train you or enlighten you on battle strategy but seeing how dire the situation has become, we daren’t tarry any longer.
Nemo: I appreciate that, Professor.
Rufus: Feel free to call me Rufus. I’m the Princess’ personal professor. She is palace schooled.
Clair: I do go outside the castle boundaries with Bon Bon and Flip every so often. It’s not like I’m confined here. I’d go myself but at the moment, I am weak. That’s why I summoned you here.
Nemo: (nods stoutly) I’m well aware of that. I’m not sure what it is I have to do but I’m going to show this Nightmare King exactly who’s boss.
Claire: (kisses his cheek) Go forth, brave knight.
Nemo: Brave ? Not really. Terrified more like it.
(Scene shift. The already grim backdrop of Slumberland is becoming more gloomy, obscure and depressing by the minute. Gloomps run away in fear and hold each other close as they watch Nemo head toward Darkness’ Spire.)
Scene 4--The Spire of Darkness
Nemo: I don’t think it will be much further, Icarus. I get the sense Darkness has been waiting for our arrival.
(Dreams up a motorcycle for faster travel and hears something coming up behind him. It’s a massive train and he has to dodge it but makes it to the entrance to the spire, hanging on by a limb.)
Nemo: Pulling a page out of history, allow me to say this. Darkness, you haven’t beaten me yet. I have not yet begun to fight. (he imagines himself as Icarus from Greek mythology)
Icarus: (applauds)
Nemo: Hold your applause until later, buddy !
(He makes it to the entrance and walks in, determination in his stride.)
Darkness: You made it this far without dying. Color me impressed, human.
Nemo: You’re the one who’s been causing all this havoc.
Darkness: How very Sherlock Holmes of you.
Nemo: So, you know of our realms’ ways as well. I’m not surprised.
Darkness: (tches and smirks, being smug and smart-alecky) We all do but soon enough Slumberland and everything in it will belong to me. After that, mortals’ minds will be riddled with nightmares. It’ll be so simple to subdue Earth that I won’t even have to try.
Nemo: (getting a little irritated) I won’t let you get away with that.
Darkness: (laughs, very amused) How do you propose to fight me ? You’ve got no weapons, boy.
Nemo: I have my mind and it’s more than enough to whoop your sorry tuchus.
Darkness: (sarcastic laugh, tauntingly) Prove it. I have more experience and age than you will ever have. I hope you’ve written your will because the glint of my horns and the flash of my teeth will be the last thing you ever witness.
Nemo: Oh just shut up, already. Will ya ? (crafts a kitana and begins to battle him)
(The battle itself is long, poetic and beautiful, but eerie. Thunder cracks in the background and nearly strikes Nemo. Nemo is getting winded but he doesn’t give up. Icarus is watching from a dying tree from afar out of danger’s way.)
Darkness: Persistent, aren’t you ? When will you just concede and let me win by default ? We all know who is the better fighter in this arena.
Nemo: Stuff it, you good for nothing jerk ! You’re even worse than the bullies at school ! I just treat them with kindness but you are another story…
Darkness: (knocks him down, has a pitchfork pinning him to the obsidian floor. Even though it is very uncomfortable, it is a mirror shot and absolutely breathtaking of the two duking it out) Just let me kill you already. You’re far too weak. You’re nothing more than a boy.
Nemo: (developing spikes like a porcupine, he’s able to push the pitchfork off his body with brute force) I am more than a boy. I am Nemo Noddington.
Darkness: (sneers) You’ve got a lot of spunk. You should know when to give up, however.
(turns into a dragon, breathing fire. He incinerates all the trees and Icarus nearly becomes flambeed because of it)
Nemo: Oh, that’s it. You’ve tried my patience, Darkness !
Darkness: Then finish me, or can you ?
Nemo: (fashioning a longsword and striking him when he least expects it)
Darkness: (caught off guard) It seems…(hacks) I underestimated you.
Nemo: You nearly killed my friend. You were going to destroy Slumberland.
Darkness: (coughing up blood) It would’ve been an improvement. I could’ve ruled so much better…(starts to slip away. He falls to the ground and dies, dissipating completely)
Nemo: (collapses to his knees, breathing hard)
(Icarus comes out of hiding out of the cinders and ashes, shaking himself off)
Nemo: It’s alright. Darkness is dead.
Icarus: (wipes sweat from his forehead)
Nemo: Let’s go rescue the King. It’s time to restore the kingdom to its former glory.
Narrator: Having seen victory, Nemo retrieved the King and they returned to their palace to a festive, jovial welcome. Along the way, Morpheus restored what had been burned as if no harm had ever come to it, reversing its damage completely.
(As the scene begins to fade, everything is restored to orders. The Gloomps, who were momentarily clumped together, unfuse and hug warmly, making cutesy little ‘trill’ noises similar to that of tribbles or cooing like doves. A rainbow bursts forth against the backdrop of a sunset. )
Scene 5--Rejoicing in Nemo’s Victory
Bon Bon: We knew you’d win the day ! We were rooting for you all the way.
Flip: (doesn’t say much) Uh, yeah. Sure ! Hip, hip hooray and all that jazz.
Claire: (nudges Flip) What Flip means to say is he was secretly cheering for you too, even though he does it in his own little lopsided way.
Flip: (whispers) And just between you me and the flying rodent, what you did exceeded my expectations. Bravo, kid. Bravo.
Morpheus: It feels good to be back, and so glad to be with my daughter and court !
(He embraces Claire)
Claire: Father, you’ll be pleased to know I continue to learn alchemy from Rufus and someday I will bypass you. Should there ever be another evil come to Slumberland I will protect it.
Morpheus: Thus shall it be so. Morpheus decrees, let it be recorded in his edict.
(The scribes scribble quickly)
Claire: I was thinking, perhaps I could betroth my victor, papa.
Morpheus: A fitting decision for such a courageous warrior of Light.
Nemo: (backs up, hands up) Woah. Woah nelly, woah back. No way. I mean no disrespect but I am nearly 12. I like girls but I’m not really interested in getting married right now. Besides, there’s a girl back home I like quite a bit. I don’t even know if she feels the same way cuz, well, I never really told her.
Claire: (laughs) Nemo (kisses his cheek) it was a test. You know I am aware of all of that. I see your dreams. Your aspirations and desires. We all do. We are the dream makers. We help you with your goals. Never give up on them.
Nemo: (chuckles) Right lot of a test that was. (mock punches her in the arm)
Claire: Ow. What was that for ?
Nemo: For making me nearly flip out !
Claire: You always have high status with us.
Nemo: This means I have to be sent back home.
Claire: I do not possess the ability yet, but papa can do it.
Osirus: I realize soon to be regent Claireese (bows) Your Highness, doesn’t yet maintain the prowess of an army. Allow me, Knight Osiris, to be the first to head it. By your decree, though ?
Claire: Sirus ? Is that you ? It’s been ages since our time together at Lil’ Dipper Pre-K !
Osirus: Or Winkin’, Blinkin’ and Nod’ Junior High ! (he laughs) Those were the days. (clears throat, becomes more serious)
Flip: (face palms) Oy, vey.
Claire: Certainly. You may head the army. Oh, and if you like, I may have a position opening for you other than Captain of the military.
Osiris: Seriously ?
Claire: What would you propose to becoming my Prince ?
Osiris: (turns red) But, Highness…
Claire: Sirus, please, just call me Claire. Highness is too, you know, formal.
Osirus: I will gladly accept. I will court you properly.
Claire: I wouldn't’ expect any less of a man of your calibre.
Nemo: (smiling gently) I wish you all the best. Claire, keep working with your craft. I’m certain someday, you’ll surpass your dad.
Claire: Thank you, Nemo. (she hugs him goodbye)
(Flip pats Nemo on the back, Bon Bon hugs him with tears in her eyes but a broad smile upon her face. It’s a bittersweet but Morpheus returns Nemo to the safety of his room. Satisfied, Nemo falls asleep without any trouble, a massive grin upon his face. Scene fade.)
Scene 6--Transformed
(Nemo says goodbye to Icarus even though he knows his squirrel friend will be fine on his own and able to entertain himself.)
Shia: Hey, Nemo ! How are you doing ?
Nemo: Fantastic !
Shia: Didja fall outta bed again ? Looks like you got some nasty bumps and bruises.
Nemo: (slyly makes up a white lie) Oh these things ? Yeah, that’s it. Must’ve wrestled with the sheets during a nightmare. How annoying.
Shia: If you have weird dreams like I do, I can imagine. I was fighting off the most disgusting snot monster. Normally I’m not offended by stuff like that. I know mucus is a natural part of life, and in fact, I find it kinda cool.
Nemo: But still gross !
Shia: Yeah. You know someday I want to be a doctor. I can handle the ick factor.
Nemo: Better you than me, Shia.
Shia: It’s Caroline ! Go on, now’s your chance ! You can do it !
Nemo: (feeling a bit more confident now) Hey, Caroline.
Caroline: (slightly shyly) Hi, Nemo ! What’s up ?
Nemo: Oh, not much. But I was wondering something.
Caroline: What’s that ? (starts idly playing with her hair)
Nemo: I was curious if you wanted to attend the Starry Night mixer with me.
Caroline: (brightens) I was going to ask you myself but I had been so busy studying for the next exam that it passed me by.
Nemo: Then, we’ll go together.
Caroline: You bet ! (she walks away, as soon as she’s out of earshot, Shia and Nemo celebrate)
Narrator: From that moment onward, Nemo’s life had been forever changed. He was no longer the timid little boy he had been. He was now a confident young adolescent going forward, spurring even his encouraging friend Shia to take steps outside his comfort zone when it really counted. I can say with full confidence Slumberland is harmonious now and always shall be with such warriors of Light just a summoning away. Should he ever be needed, Clairesse will come calling, but for the time being, he lives a cheerful life being a brilliant candle in a sometimes dark world.
(‘Morning in Jupiter’ by R55 plays in the background as we see Nemo and Carolina dancing away and Shia getting pulled aside by a cute, brace-faced girl that at one time was shy but overcame her coyness. The inspiration for this is brought on by my dreams about Slumberland, the original comic strips and the anime film that was made back in the 1990s. It may not have been memorable or that great so I pray that this version is what was truly intended for the big screen in its action/thrills and rushes of adrenaline. I hope that the message of the film was well received. As far as casting goes, I would like first timers to get a try with this, and perhaps throw in some recognizable roles for older characters. Like Rufus, for instance, would be John Cleese. I can see no one else playing that role. As for Flip, I would most likely have Danny Devito because it totally works for Flip’s squat character and devil-may-care curtness. He makes a tremendous anti-hero and a bit of a tension releaser, your typical comedic relief. As for the others, I don’t know who would star as my heroes but I would like a diverse cast. Shia’s got to be Arabic. I’d like to see Arabs portrayed in a better light even with all the dissention surrounding ISIS. Remember, it’s not the people as a whole, it’s fundamentalist people that make their whole nation look bad. I want Carolina to be slightly Asiatic. As for the brace-faced girl, she’ll be black. I’d love to see that for once, and I think brace faced girls, no matter what color are ‘adorkable’. Diversity is indeed, the spice of life, and this is a great place for it to be explored at length. Even though Slumberland is medieval and steampunk in its atmosphere and ambiance, it has a melting pot of people.)
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