Chimi & Changa: Jamaican Me Crazy
Synopsis: Chimi and Changa take some time off work with their well-earned cash and head to the 4:20 capital of the world, Jamaica, mon. Ja love, reight ? Seems all is well and every lil’ ting gonna be al-reight until Byron shows up with his gals, in full tilt swing mode and ‘hornier than a Freshman during Spring Break’. Not only that but they have their copper friends lurking undercover, watching them and trying to catch them breaking the law. Thing is, Jamaica law is different than American law and the rules don’t apply here. ~*~CAST~*~ Conchita ‘Chimi’ Lopez: Ferdinand Lopez: Bruno Lopez: (their son) Mariposa ‘Mary’ Lopez: (their unborn daughter) Lupita Chiquita: (her mom) Salvador Chiquita: (her dad) Joaquin Chiquita: (her grandpa) Lori Chang: Li Chang: (her dad) Bluebell Chang: (her mom) Kabe Chang: (her grandfather) Fiona Chang: (her grandmother) Offic...