Chimi & Changa: The First Joint
Synopsis: A prequel to Chimi and Changa, how they got their nicknames, how they met, and the advent of Changa’s ‘Pot Paradise’.
Conchita Chiquita:
Lupita Chiquita: (her mom)
Salvador Chiquita: (her dad)
Joaquin Chiquita: (her grandpa)
Lori Chang:
Li Chang: (her dad)
Bluebell Chang: (her mom)
Kabe Chang: (her grandfather)
Fiona Chang: (her grandmother)
Officer Bill DeMayo:
Officer Cincinnati ‘Cincy’ DeMayo: (his brother)
Ferdinand ‘The Bull’ Lopez: (Conchita’s love interest)
Jacob Cohen: (Conchita’s emfatuee)
Gerome Smith: (Lori’s emfatuee)
Peggy ‘Perm’ Mathers: (Conchita and Lupita’s best friend)
Bruno Lopez: (now aged 7)
Scene 1--Moving Into a New Neighborhood
Lupita: Sal, look at this quaint cul de sac. So much nicer than where we were.
Sal: (holding her from the side and kissing her) What a time to be alive. Thank heaven my new job can afford us such grand living arrangements.
Joaquin: Yes ! At least now I can stretch my legs out. Rosita would’ve loved it here, but I feel like she’s smiling down on us, hija.
Lupita: Of course, pop. She would’ve wanted us to begin a much better life here.
Joaquin: (getting slightly teary eyed, nodding)
Conchita: Mami, papi ! Grandpapi ! Our new house is BIG !
Sal: That it is, Chita.
Joaquin: And to celebrate, I’m making chimichangas tonight.
Conchita: Chimis !
Lupita: Yes, you’re favorite.
Joaquin: You eat those so often, you just might turn into one.
Sal: She’s our little Chimi.
Conchita: (brightens)
Lupita: I think she likes that appellation quite well. Alright, little one, let’s get dinner ready and settle in for the night.
Joaquin: Fabulous, I am starving, Lupe.
(The Chiquita family returns to their new home and settle in for the night. A reflective piece plays as the lights dim and the scene ends.)
Scene 2--A New School and New Friends
Conch: (talking to herself, deep inhale and exhale) OK, Chimi. You can do this. Be cool, act chilly. Everyone’s gonna love you. Just be yourself.
Changa: (sitting next to her) Hey ! You must be new in town. I haven’t seen you before. What’s your name ?
Conch: Conchita, but I go by Chimi. What about you ?
Changa: I’m Lori but mom and dad have always called me Changa. Not exactly the most PC nickname but I think it’s rad, man.
Conch: I like it. It suits you. (Changa’s friends join her at the back of the bus.)
Peggy: Changa ! (hugs her)
Changa: Wassup, Perm ? Looking good as usual.
Gerome: Hey, mamacita. (kisses her cheek)
Conch: You’re in high school and you’ve already got a boyfriend ?
Changa: Back off, he’s mine !
Conch: Dang. Possessive much ?
Changa: (nudges her) I kid, but seriously though.
Gerome: I’m Gerome. Changa and I go way back. We were grade school sweethearts. Someday I’m gonna marry my sweet little fortune cookie.
(They soon stop at school and head to their classes to learn.)
Chimi: I’ll see you later, Changa. Hey, maybe we can hang out sometime.
Changa: That’d be totally rad. You’ll dig my pad. We’re gonna have a blast. Catch you on the flip, Chimi. You’re boss, you know that ?
Chimi: Thanks.
(Scene shift)
Scene 3--Back At Home
Joaquin: (hugging Chimi close) How was school, darlin’ ?
Chimi: Oh, abuelo, it was the bomb. I made lots of new friends. This dope new girl wants me to hang with her.
Sal: Oh ? What’s her name ?
Chimi: Lori Chang, but she goes by Changa. We’re the perfect combo ! Chimi and Changa !
Lupita: That does roll off the tongue smoothly, doesn’t it ? (grinning as she sits down and invites the rest of the family to dinner, holding out her hand) Dear Father, we thank you for your bounty today. We are grateful for wisdom, opportunity and friendship.
Sal: Amen ! Let’s eat !
(Very happy Mexican music plays in the background while they feast, bathe and get ready for bed. Lupita tucks Chimi in and kisses her cheek.)
Lupita: Goodnight me estrella pequena.
Chimi: Goodnight, mama.
(Scene fade)
Scene 3--Baby’s First Contact High
(A Year Goes By. Lori is still dating her ‘squeeze-billy’ as she calls him. Chimi isn’t dating Jacob but they are still friends.)
Jacob: Can you believe it ? We’re all graduates ! Released into the wild ! The so called ‘real world’. Changa, why did you invite us to your place ?
Changa: Cuz, man, I wanted you to see what I’ve been working on. Mom and dad moved someplace else. I inherited the cush pad, though. They’re so chill they’re frozen !
Gerome: Ain’t this weed though ? You know that shit’s illegal, hon !
Changa: (hugs him close and soothes him by patting his head) Shh, squeeze-billy ! Never you worry nor take no mind. This is my pet project. I’m gonna become a millionaire off this stuff. A little green to make the green, if you dig what I’m saying ?
Perm: I dunno. It’s all very suspect, if you ask me.
Chimi: Yeah, Changa. I mean I love you but I don’t know about this venture...but why do I feel all tingly all of a sudden ?
(Odd Turkish dance music much like the Gomorin Dance background music in the elevator scene plays.)
Jacob: I’m thinkin’ I’d best split. This doesn’t bode well with me.
Gerome: Oh, you always were a pussy, Jacob ! Have some balls, man ! This is gonna be dope !
Changa: Ha, in more ways than one ! Welcome to my Pot Paradise ! Well, I inherited it from mom and dad but I’ll be runnin’ this joint from here on out.
Ha ! Joint ! Get it ?
Chimi: You’re a real slayer, my dear. I think you’re totally loca though. I want no part of this gig.
Changa: (nearly begs her) Chim-chim ! I can’t do it without you ! (she sings some strains of ‘And When The Rain Begins to Fall’)
Chimi: Damn it, you know I love that song. Fine. I’m in.
Gerome: Jacob’s gone and I know I called him out for being a panty-waist. Seems like I’m out too. You gals have fun.
Changa: Squeeze billy, come back !
Gerome: Find another squeeze billy, girly.
Changa: (weeps into Chimi’s breasts) Coward !
Chimi: Don’t worry about him. You’ve got us.
Perm: Yah ! I wanna see where this leads !
Chimi: (narrating) And that we did but then after college, Perm went her own way but Changa and I were thick as thieves. I didn’t want anything to do with ‘running bud’ but Changa, ooo, that rascally woman, she had her ways.
(We see them growing older and getting tons of money, outrunning and outsmarting the cops to ‘Run That’ from QOTS. They’re rolling in dough and able to pay off most if not all their bills. On one run, Chimi notices a young, well-dressed man selling real-estate…)
Scene 4--And The Rest...Well You Know…
(Sees Ferdinand from a distance, ‘On Love: Eros’ plays
Ferdinand: (smiles brilliantly, his charm infectious) I haven’t seen you around this part of the neighborhood. Do you come to these parts often ?
Conchita: (blushing and stammering a little bit) No. This is my first time in these parts. I’m helping my friend. I’m Conchita, by the way.
Ferdinand: (taking her hand and kissing it romantically) Ferdinand.
Conchita: I don’t often do this but would you like to accompany me to dinner ?
Ferdinand: (raises eyebrow) Are you asking me out on a date, angel ?
Changa: (fastforwarding) Ugh...Let’s get to the present moment. This paltry stuff is so boring…
(We see Conchita, Lori and Bruno watching a DVD of their life moments thus far.)
Conchita: (a little irritated) Who is in control of this narrative ?
Changa: I thought we both were, chica.
Bruno: Aunty Changa, stop fighting with mom.
Conchita: Ah, thank you miho.
Bruno: So, when you met papa, you fell in love immediately ?
Conchita: (hugging him close) Si, pequeno. That I did. Head over proverbial heels.
Ferdinand: (coming in) Hey ! I didn’t know we had company !
Changa: We were just reviewing memories.
Ferdinand: What a long strange trip it has been.
Bruno: Ain’t that the truth, papa !
(They all laugh.)
Li: Come on guys, we all made a tremendous feast made !
Bluebell: It’s fusion night !
Kabe/Fiona: My favorite !
Chimi: As our families typically do, we had a massive feast to celebrate coming together and being a unit even though we weren’t related. Bruno got the chance to taste ethnic foods from all around the globe and got to enjoy flavors he typically wouldn’t. Matters are more even keel now, and I’m happy they are quiet. With Changa though, life is an adventure. She always manages to talk me into situations I wouldn’t find myself in otherwise, but friends stick together, no matter what. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.
(‘Love’ by Psy plays as the credits roll. We are treated to bloopers and gaffes. ‘You’re My Best Friend’ by Queen follows as well as ‘To My Lovelies by Bruno Mars. The following is dedicated to everyone who has held through with me, buoyed me, encouraged me in my most difficult moments. Thanks to you, I have been able to come this far. I know my goals are in sight and you were the reason I achieved them.)
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