A Friend From the Future
Synopsis: A crossover between two Power Rangers seasons, Zeo and Time Force, with the Saturday morning CBS show from the 1980s, Pee-wee's Playhouse. Dedicated to Barbara Goodson, Paul Reubens, Kevin Carlson (Conky, seasons 2 through 5) and Gregory Harrison (season 1). Notacon has been thawed and is running away from Ransik; many people are afraid of him and are running away. Conky 2000, who wishes to have a newer and more humanoid version of his body, calls the Zeo Rangers, Alpha 5, Delta 4, Beta 1, Somnibot and Zordon on the Picture Phone and they spring into action.
Chapter 1--The More Things Change…
Notacon had recently been thawed. Yawning and stretching, he mused,
‘What am I doing here ? I was asleep for so long, I must’ve lost track of time.’
Notacon wasn’t familiar with his location. So many things had changed but he felt intrinsically threatened. He knew he had to hide because there had been another tracking device and Ransik was following him. Desperate for help, he tried getting directions to someplace he felt would help him, but people continued to run away in fear.
‘I’m not going to hurt you !’, he stated, gently, trying to assuage the horror in others. Like the first time he was brought to life, humans generally wanted to do nothing with him due his monstrous appearance.
‘Boy, the more things change the more they stay the same.’, he thought, sighing. He found an overpass where he could stay. There was food nearby, but someone had thrown it out. Starving, he didn’t care if it weeks old or merely a botched drive through order. Eagerly, he munched down on his newly acquired meal.
Meanwhile, Conky 2000 was pensive. Thoughts of becoming more human ran through his mind. Pee-Wee wasn’t at home. He had gone out buying groceries and seeds for his garden. Instead of getting produce from the store, he grew his own. Organic food was so much healthier and far tastier than anything bought at the grocer. Bored, Conky sat down on Cherrie for a moment and watched TV. SICO was being featured, and she was by far the most streamlined piece of tech he had ever witnessed.
SICO was wondering what it would be like to have legs rather than rolling around much like a tank or Segway. It wasn’t at all efficient. Her creator, Doctor Nidori, updated her look with fully articulated legs, complete with rollers that could glide across any surface. Feeling sensational, she decided to try her new legs out and go for a stroll in the nearby park.
Conky 2000 happened to be ambling along in the park as well, but he couldn’t even keep up with SICO.
‘How am I supposed to approach her when I can’t even accelerate ?’, he thought, becoming irritated, but then he realized that he had been updated with speed. Kicking the new program in high gear, he finally got the velocity he needed to keep pace with SICO. The two of them started talking and laughing and found they had so much in common. It was almost as if they were made for each other.
‘This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.’, he said to SICO, extending his manacle for SICO to clasp in return, which she did.
Chapter 2--Just Another ‘Ordinary’ Day
Suddenly, Conky heard someone scream as loudly as anyone in the Playhouse did when they said a Secret Word. Mrs. Steve was running away from some sea-blue monster with four eyes and a maw with sharp teeth. Conky held onto her as she was catching her breath.
'What's wrong, Mrs. Steve ?', he asked her.
'M...m...monster!', she stammered.
'Better get back to the Playhouse and call for help on the Picture Phone, sweet gears !", SICO stated.
Putting his new programming to excellent use, he propelled himself forward as if his life depended upon it.
‘No ! Don’t run away ! I’m not going to hurt you ! I thought you could help me out, Mr. Steve.’, Notocon said, in a plaintive voice. Mr. Steve had long since fled the scene, though, leaving no trace behind.
‘I’m sure he’s gone to the Playhouse where he can be safe.’, Conky said, not really trusting Noticon from just a first glance at him. He was extremely intimidating and his presence alone made him feel uncomfortable. He hadn’t heard what the poor monster had wailed earlier.
‘We shouldn’t judge based on appearances.’, SICO reproved. Conky felt slightly remiss but made up for his blunder by stopping by to talk to the beleaguered amphibian.
‘What seems to be the matter ?’, Conky began.
‘I’m being chased. I think it’s because of this tracker under my skin. I can’t remove it. It’s in a place I can’t reach…’, Notocon said, with some irritation, trying to itch his lower back. His hands were woefully short. Ransick was in hot pursuit, just waiting for the right time to attack.
‘I feel like he’s still after me.’, Notocon stated, shaking violently. All of a sudden, laser beams came out of nowhere.
‘Let’s get you back to the Playhouse, immediately. Whoever is after you won’t be able to find it.’, Conky said. With that, the trio dashed off to the Playhouse completely undetected, evading the violent grasp of Ransick for the moment.
Chapter 3--Hailing the Power Rangers
Quickly, Conky asked the Picture Phone for its help and it was all too eager to assist.
Hey, everyone ! Here comes Conky ! And it looks like he's in quite the hurry to come back inside !', Mr. Window explained. Conky, SICO and Notacon zoomed past Magic Screen and Globey, knocking the latter over.
'Conky, where are you heading ?", she asked.
'To the Picture Phone ! I have to call for help !', he replied.
Quickly, Conky asked the Picture Phone operator, Rhonda, for her help and she was all too eager to assist.
'Very well, Conky.', she said in her sultry voice. 'I'll patch you right through. Who are you wanting to call ?'.
The Power Rangers were in Ranger HQ when suddenly they heard their communications console. 'Rangers, we are receiving a call from someone.', explained Zordon. The Time Force Rangers, who had been called into action, were already briefed on the situation as well as who the original Rangers were. The original posse didn’t really know about the Time Force but they knew there were other Rangers elsewhere guarding the Earth and the galaxy from all sorts of evil. They got along swimmingly without question. It seemed that something was wrong with the Space Time Continuum. Ransik had followed Notacon to the present day and ended in Angel Grove to obliterate him. Notacon had a family he adored immensely back on his home planet Gran Mar but there was no way of transporting him back there, or so he thought. He would give anything to see them again. Only trouble was, if he returned, he might end back in prison. All he had done was steal food for his family to survive but the other amphibious dwellers of Gran Mar didn’t see it that way. He tried not to weep for fear he was going to be destroyed, but his new friends put him at ease. Pee-Wee, Miss Yvonne (who had been informed about the attack), and the Playhouse denizens were acquainted to Ranger HQ, also known as the Power Chamber.
‘Don’t worry, Notacon. Whatever your problem is, I know we can solve it. We have a lot of up-to-date technology, even though it looks like some of us come from different eras.’, Conky said, merrily. Notacon began to settle down enough and started to fall asleep on Chairry thanks to Somnibot's lullaby and her twinkle dust that she emitted from her hands.
Chairry didn’t seem to mind. ‘Poor thing is exhausted from so much running around.’, she empathized.
‘I know that little dude anywhere. That’s my friend, Notacon. He was from our timeline. If he’s here too much longer, it could really jack everything up.’, Trip mentioned, now in a whisper since Notacon was fast asleep. ‘We’ll do whatever we can to help !’, Kim chimed in. ‘Yeah, you can count on us !’, Rocky added. Without further ado, the teams headed out, following Conky’s very detailed directions and proceeded to morph while in transit just in case someone was lying in wait to do something devious.
Chapter 4--A Battle Across Space and Time
'I can't believe Notacon slipped away ! Stupid little...where is he ?!', Nadira whined. She pouted.
‘Seems like dear ol’ daddy is having his own issues. I suppose I should intervene and help pops out.’, she thought. Phasing out of her throne room, she re-appeared on earth, right next to her dad, who was having a fit. It wasn’t at all professional and he was simply embarrassing herself.
‘Dad ! Hey, quit your little temper tantrum !’, she said, snapping him back to reality.
‘I let my anger get the best of me. Forgive me, Nadira.’, Ranslick bemoaned.
‘I inherited my hot head from you, so no worries. Let’s just focus on the task at hand. That little twerp Notocon couldn’t have gone far. Knowing that his tracker would lead them straight to him, they just had to follow the ping on their tablet. Soon, they’d have Notocon back in their clutches. All his intelligence about Gran Mar technology would benefit their malicious plot.
At Pee Wee’s Playhouse…
‘We’ll keep you safe. Just stay inside.’, Jason stated to Noticon. Noticon was already sound asleep, but a soft ‘Hmm-hmm’ was enough to indicate he understood Jason’s command. The Time Force Rangers, Zeos and original Ranger troops began to venture outside the Playhouse to a vastly open field, far from danger.
Chapter 5--Shifting History
Nadira and Ransik had tracked the weak ping to Pee Wee’s but were stopped before they could reach him. The Time Force Rangers were about to battle them when they realized doing so would alter history but ultimately, it would save the Marian race.
'Hey, leave it to us. We can beat these creeps !', said Kimberly. Jen, understanding nodded and motions for the others to back off.
'You want Notacon ? You're gonna have to plow through us too !", Conky 2000, Magic Screen and Roger said in unison, getting into their stances. Ransik roared in laughter.
'You ?! Two machines and a mutant with a giant eye ?! Don't make me laugh !", Ransik scoffed. Conky morphed his right manacle into a giant hammer.
'Scream real loud, wacko ! Hyah !', Conky stated, that gave Ransik a high kick to his face.
'Don't forget, I have TWO feet now !', said Roger, and started fighting some Cyclobots.
Ransick was getting his tuches handed to him by a robot. Conky had been updated with the latest martial arts programming and he was like a metal Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee. Magic Screen and Roger cornered Nadira and sent her flying with a double drill kick.
‘Algebraic.’, Trip said in an awed tone. Ranslick looked around, panicked and pulled out a device he had in his pocket.
‘Nadira ! Wait ! Don’t leave daddy behind ! I can’t fight this battle alone !’, he said.
Before the Rangers could fight the cowardly megalomaniac, he had phased completely out of existence once he had pressed the red button on his remote.
‘Blast. Must’ve been a teleportation device. Oh well. We’ll handle those two clowns from here.’, another Time Ranger said.
‘Thanks for your help. Pity we didn’t get to see you fight. That would’ve been epic.’, Aisha complimented.
‘We will, soon enough.’ Another Ranger said.
‘Hey, maybe you can help us with something before you return to your time. Noticon was running away from Ranslick when he first arrived and never really told us why.’, Andy explained.
‘That one’s easy. He had a tracking device in his epidermis.’, SICO remembered.
‘We’ll help him get it out. It shouldn’t hurt at all. It’ll be our pleasure. Then we can send him back to Gran Mar.’, Another Time Force Ranger replied. With that said, the whole lot of them returned to the Playhouse before Pee-Wee arrived and did the necessary removal, said their farewells and wished Notocon the best as he was teleported back to his world at the right moment in history to exonerate himself.
Chapter 6--Should You Need the Time Force Rangers…
'Hey, where's Notacon ?', Pee-Wee asked, noticing that he wasn't sleeping on Chairry anymore.
'He returned to his own time, Pee-Wee, but he'll...", Rocky started to say, but the Picture Phone started ringing, interrupting him.
'Picture Phone !', Pee-Wee called.
'No, Pee-Wee, I'LL answer it this time !', Conky stated.
'Okay then, go right ahead.'. the excitable man-child conceded.
Conky walked over to the Picture Phone, walked inside, and closed the curtain. Once inside he sat down, pulled down a background (this one being of a sensuous red satin pattern with shiny red pillows, a background that he created himself (due to the fact that he is a romantic robot) and pulled up the red handle that flashed the booth's lights on. Conky then put a headset where his ears would be and picked up the veggie can that served as the phone itself.
'Pee-Wee's Playhouse. Conky 2000 speaking.', Conky said.
'Conky, hi ! It's me Notacon !', the Marian exclaimed cheerfully.
'Hold on a second.', said the robot. He then turned to call to the others.
'Hey, guys ! It's Notacon ! He wants to say hi !', he said cheerfully. The Rangers and the others ran up to the booth. As always, Billy was impressed.
'Whoa, prodigious ! We could use something like this in Ranger HQ !', he said.
'Hi, Notacon ! How are you feeling ?', Kimberly asked.
'I wanna come back ! I miss you guys so much !', the Marian said almost tearing up.
'My birthday's coming up in September ! Maybe you can visit us then ! We'll have great food for you.', Somnibot said.
'Yay !', Notacon exclaimed.
They knew it wasn’t the last time they’d be seeing their friend, but some of the Rangers did have tears in their eyes before saying their final farewells. With all their goodbyes spoken or felt in the form of warm hugs, everyone went their own way.
‘You are always welcome to fight with us. We could always use some spare warriors.’, Rocky said.
‘Oh, mos def. I mean, Conky was out there just conking guys out !’, Zack said, eliciting laughs from his friends.
At the end of the day, the Time Force Rangers had returned to their own time but sent a communique to HQ just to let their newfound friends know that the transition back home had been successful. Somnibot noticed that Conky and SICO had now become an item. At first Pee-Wee was saddened that Conky was remiss about telling him he had found his special somebot but forgave him quickly. The two were to be married the following summer on the day when they first met. All was euphoria, especially since Pepper was starting to really show signs of bringing her newest baby, Bella into the world.
Quickly, and calmly as they could, everyone got Pepper to the nearest robot hospital and she had a nearly painless delivery. Bella was little but loud ! ASIMO quickly calmed her by singing and rocking her gently. She fell in love with her brother and sister, who were eager to hold and kiss her and pamper her to no end.
‘Guess this means we’re aunts and uncles again !’, Jason said with a huge grin upon his face. Conky and SICO watched from afar and smiled at each other.
‘One day, dearest, that will be us.’, he promised. SICO was patient for that moment to arrive and thanked her lucky gears that Conky had found her at such an opportune time.
In Ranger HQ...
Everything began to calm down after ASIMO and Pepper kissed their babies goodnight for the evening. They settled down into their recuperation chambers and dreamed gorgeous dreams that night, wondering what Paprika Bella would become as she grew.
The End
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