Junkyard Dogs
Synopsis: Three brothers, Milo, Rico and Chico Ortez come across a Cadillac Seville in their scrapyard. They discover it’s part of a missing persons investigation. Strangely enough, they discover the person who was running from the law and his seedy lifestyle, their deadbeat dad, Carlos. Can Carlos be changed or is he a lost cause ?
Milo Ortez:
Rico Ortez:
Chico Ortez:
Cameron Ortez: (Milo’s son)
Luna Ortez: (Milo’s daughter)
Henrietta ‘Hetty’ Ortez: (his wife)
Juana Ortez: (mother of the Ortezes)
Carlos Ortez:
Chief Rob ‘Bob’ Valdez:
Lieutenant Amanda ‘Mandy’ Mendel:
Lieutenant Rowan Avery:
Cadet Lily Locke:
Cadet Rose Wilson:
Georgia Ortez: (Rico’s wife)
Francesca ‘Frenchie’ Ortez: (their daughter)
Dinah Morelle/Ortez: (Chico’s girlfriend)
Jorge Ortez: (their son)
Juan Ortez: (his twin)
“We were meant for greater things. We were meant to fly.”--Elphaba to Tip, Emerald City, Lions in Winter
Scene 1--Rummaging Through Rubbage
Milo: (breathes in and out after compacting yet another car) Man, it broke my heart to see that low rider go. Seemed to have had lived a pretty full life, too.
Rico: Milo, are you done crying over that low rider ?
Milo: (tries to hide his tears) Who said I was crying. I never cry, Rico.
Chico: Ey, vatos ! Suuuuuup !
(They all hug each other warmly as brothers often do)
Rico: Nothing much. Just another day in the junkyard.
Chico: You won’t believe what I found.
Milo: What is it, Chico ?
Chico: Come on, I gotta show you !
Rico/Milo: You tease ! (they mock punch him and follow him)
Chico: Check this out ! It’s a brand new Cadillac Deville. It has no place here, but I found paraphernalia in it. Looks like someone was making a drug run and they were busted.
Rico: Dang, I wouldn’t want to be that drug runner.
Milo: I think he might still be running. I mean, look at the inside of the car. It’s a mess.
(There are some red and blue lights flashing as police come onto the scene.)
Milo: Aw, come on man ! I was having such a good day.
Chico: If we explain ourselves well, they won’t pin this dirty car on us.
Rico: I sure hope you’re right Chico.
Bob: Hey, boys. I followed a lead straight to you. Looks like the car in our missing persons investigation is here.
Milo: Who are you looking for, Chief ?
Bob: A man that goes by the name of Carlos Ortega.
(The three look at each other, nearly flabbergasted.)
Rico: You’ve been looking for our dad ? Hell, we haven’t seen him or heard from him since we were born.
Mandy: He’s been involved in some pretty unseemly businesses.
Chico: We know that all too well.
Milo: I suppose you have to have the car for evidence. By all means.
(The police start containing every cup, bag of chips, paraphernalia, gambling chips, loose change, hair, etc.)
Lily: Thank you for cooperating. I just wish these were different circumstances.
Milo: So do we.
Chico: Good luck finding Carlos. He’s an expert when it comes to hiding.
Lily: We know where he’s been. Now to figure out where he is.
Bob: We’ll do everything we can. We’ve got the best force in the business on the case. I can guarantee you that. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I couldn’t carry out that promise.
(The police drive away as soon as they have towed the Cadillac with them.)
Rico: Man, I was sweating bullets. I know Bob is our best bud back from our school days but being around cops makes me nervous.
Chico: It’s natural, Rico. Our records are clean, but I’ll admit, I get shook up whenever the popo’s around.
Milo: Ay, what a wackadoodle day. (gets a call)
(Split screen)
Juana: I called as soon as I felt a shift in the Force.
Milo: You and your uncanny sixth sense.
Juana: I don’t even know why I care for that pendejo. I suppose I loved him once. A fool blinded by love.
Milo: Have the police interrogated you yet ?
Juana: No, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be knocking on my door pretty soon. Are you guys going to come and visit ? I’ll make your favorite tamales.
Milo: You had me at tamales. We’ll see you tonight, ma.
Juana: Te amo, miho.
Milo: Te amo tambien.
(Scene fade)
Scene 2--A Run In With Deadbeat Daddy
Cam: We need this, and this, and some of these.
Luna: Mom, will we have enough to get something expensive for dinner ?
Hetty: Actually, yes we will. I just got a bonus. Each of you pick out something you want from the freezer. Don’t get gelato though, it’s waaaaay too fancy.
Carlos: (accidentally running into Luna) Perdoname…
Luna: (raised eyebrow) No te preocupes. Wait a minute…
Carlos: Stop following me.
Luna: You look just like papa though. Papi, come here !
Carlos: (starts to make a beeline toward the checkout lane)
Milo: Watch where you’re goin’ mister !
Carlos: (stops dead in his tracks) Milo…
Milo: How do you know…(nearly starts bawling but is so angry it almost overtakes his rationale) Dad ?
Carlos: (puts his fingers to his lips) Keep your voice down. I’m on the run.
Milo: No shit.
Carlos: Language !
Milo: I have every right to be pissed off at you. As does mama ! You ran away. I don’t know why, but I don’t know if I can look at you…
Carlos: (heavy sigh) I know I have a lot of explaining to do.
Milo: Yes, and unfortunately, I have to turn you in.
Carlos: No...Don’t. Just...Keep me under the radar.
Milo: Pop, you know I can’t do that, and neither can my family.
Luna: Papa, what’s going on ?
Milo: Cameron, Luna, check out and go to the car. I need to talk to this individual alone.
Luna: (looks at Cameron) Sure dad.
Cam: (taking Luna’s hand) Whatever you want.
Milo: You know as soon as I take you back home, the police are picking you up, right ? You’ve run for far too long.
Carlos: (exhales harshly) I should’ve known I couldn’t escape. It’s time for me to man up.
Milo: (is so incensed he can’t even speak to his dad)
Rico: (seeing Carlos come out of the car. Carlos wants so badly to hug his sons but he is to ashamed) Is that who I think it is ?
Chico: It can’t be.
Georgia: (gasps)
Juana: Well, salt my hide and call me carne asada.
Carlos: Juana...I’m sorry.
Juana: Yeah. I bet. A sorry excuse for anything.
Carlos: Let me explain.
Juana: Why should I allow you to ? You’ve done nothing but avoid all of us, even alimony and child support. I’m surprised the fuzz didn’t find you years ago ! (seethes) I hate you so much, I can hardly see straight.
Carlos: (sadly) I deserve all that vitriol and more but I want to change. That’s why I came back. I’m going to be turning myself in. Milo, hand me the phone.
Milo: (narrating) My brothers and I were completely speechless when dad got picked up. He had been charged with drug trafficking, underground gambling and hustling. He owed some bookies quite a substantial amount of money. For all of his crimes, he would have to spend 5 years in prison, or until good behavior lessened his sentence. Nevertheless, we three brothers were still quite upset over what dad had done.
(Scene fade)
Scene 3--Dinner at Georgia’s House
Georgia: So much has happened in such a short amount of time. I still feel dizzy trying to take it all in.
Frenchie: Me too. I didn’t know I had a grandpa.
Chico: (subdued) We don’t talk about him much, cara. I’m surprised he wanted to turn himself in. Maybe he’s changed.
Juana: (scoffs) That lout ? Why would a deadbeat like that change ? It’s not the Carlos I know. (softens) But, oddly, and I don’t know why, I want to give him a second chance.
All 3 brothers: Why ?
Rico: After all that bastard has done to you...to us ?
Juana: I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt, mihos.
Dinah: It would be nice to have someone give me away at our wedding.
Chico: (strokes her hand) You’re right, Dinah. I’m sorry your own father can’t any longer. (he gets a little teary eyed, but blinks his tears away)
(The phone rings)
Carlos: Hey, guys. It’s just me.
Milo: We ain’t bailing you out, old man.
Carlos: That’s not the reason I called. I don’t intend on any of you doing so. I’ve started attending AA, but it’s for gamblers. I’ve gotta overcome this bad habit. I realize I have to make my own luck and my destiny is in my own fingertips.
Rico: That’s a start, pop.
Juana: I’ll be damned.
Carlos: Juana, I swear. I’m going to be better.
Juana: (with some bitterness in her voice) You have a lot of catching up to do.
(We see a transition to ‘Gonna Get Out’ that I saw in a commercial. Sadly, I cannot think of the rapper but I like the song, it’s extremely meaningful. Scene fade.)
Scene 4--A Changed Man
(5 Years Later appears on screen. They almost don’t recognize how much their papa has transformed.)
Carlos: You won’t believe this but I have a degree now. I can either work for Rico as a mechanic, Chico as an IT repairman or a journeyman with you, but I’m working as a consultant in automobile insurance. I’ve already started out as an entry level employee and I’m working my way up.
Milo: I almost didn’t recognize you with a suit.
Carlos: I’m just sorry this couldn’t happen earlier. I was happy to get a pardon to walk my daughter in law down the aisle.
Chico: We’d like you to meet your two new grandchildren sometime.
Carlos: (beams a huge grin) I’ll be able to fully enjoy them. I’m off the sauce and totally free from gambling. The only shuffling I do is on the dance floor.
Rico: (he gives a hearty laugh and a pat on his dad’s shoulder) Good one, pop.
Milo: (hugging him, teary eyed) I’m sorry it took me this long to forgive you. Mom was the first one to convince us there was good in your heart.
Carlos: That was one of the many reasons I fell in love with her. Now if only I convince her to marry me again !
Chico: (drinking a soda but nearly spurts it out) It shouldn’t be hard for you, dad. You invented suave, charismatic, flawless and cool.
Carlos: Maybe but...I’m nervous. I only got to see her behind a glass panel in an orange jumpsuit…
(They all hug him)
Milo: Leave it to us.
(There’s a make-over montage to ‘Sharp Dressed Man’)
(The three of them a low wolf whistle at how snappy, snazzy and handsome their dad looks now.)
Chico: Que guapo eres !
Rico: Dang, dude. If I were a girl, I’d marry you in a heartbeat.
Milo: Go out there, make the best of it. We’re rooting for you no matter what you do. (narrating) 5 years does give a man a lot of room to transform. We all watched dad metamorphose into something incredible. The fact that his love for mom never died said something too. Love, ultimately wins in the end.
(We see Carlos taking Juanita out on a date to a rather expensive Italian restaurant and dancing to the end theme from episode 10 of Yuri on Ice. They then dance to ‘Wherever I Go’.)
Carlos: I know we’ve been dating for quite a while now (takes her hands into his) but I just wanted to ask you if you would mind giving our love story another chance ?
Juana: (she kisses him, eyes full of joyful tears) Of course I do, tonto ! Why wouldn’t I ? You don’t need to prove anything more to me. I was just waiting for you to ask !
Carlos: (as he puts the ring on her finger ‘Falling In Love With You’ plays in the background and we are whisked to their reception of the two slow dancing together.)
Scene 5--Full Circle
Juana: Another go around, hmm ?
Carlos: So it would seem. Hopefully I do better this time around.
Juanita: (Drawing him close for a kiss) I’m sure you will, carino.
(‘Serenade For Two’ plays as they dance together.)
Milo: (narrating) In a short amount of time I had learned more about my dad the human being than when we had been apart. He had made a 360 in the past 5 years. He was being more responsible than I had ever seen him be. I completely forgot about the ‘old’ Carlos. He was my mentor, my dad and my best friend, and the spoiler of my grandchildren. The past was totally gone and he was living better than he had ever done before.
(‘We Are Family’ starts playing)
Jose: Grandpa ! Dance with us !
Carlos: (laughing) Very well, Josito !
Juan: Hey, hey, catch me ! (Carlos throws him up and catches him)
(They all dance to ‘Bang’ and of course Carlos out showboats everyone.)
Carlos: Yeah, how do you like me now ! Check me out !
Frenchie: Woo, yeah ! You go, gramps !
Milo: (narrating) It had been a long, winding road, but we all made it back home. We had even formed a tighter friendship with the police, believe it or not. Our businesses were doing better than ever and we had even started side jobs that gave us more income. We weren’t living as kings but the work we were doing for the community to improve it and ourselves made us feel as though we were already royalty.
(A last song plays with everyone together ‘Comin’ Straight From the Heart’ as sung by Rush, not Bryan Adams, is played as we catch our newlywed lovers in a final, intimate dance together. Fade out, ‘The End’ appears on screen. I’d like to thank NCIS: LA for giving me the fuel to actually create this particular idea. The plan on crafting a scumbag individual into the ultimate redemption story is what I have always wanted to write. Adding the element of true love is one of the things I aspire to and trust in, knowing that it is out there just waiting for me. In the words of Gold Roger, ‘All I have to do is find it’. Thus I set sail, knowing I will find my treasure and once I do it will be far better than what I imagine.)
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