Gypsy Feet
Synopsis: A script about two children, Terri and Jerry, who were abandoned by their addict mother, Thea, who overdosed on a bad batch of heroin. One night, roaming the streets after dancing at a club with some friends, they find their forever parents by chance one Christmas season.
Arnold Saxon:
Opal Saxon:
Reginald: (their dog)
Tate Albright:
Stella Albright:
Kyle Albright:
Katie Albright:
Michael Gilbert:
DJ McSquared (aka 'Ron Pendleton'):
Trish Wilson:
Owen Wilson:
Stan Bragg:
(Stan's small group of jerky friends)
Scene 1--Nowhere Else to Turn
Thea: (wandering the streets for her next high, her toddler children are by her side, begging her for food)
Terry: We're hungry. When are we going to get food ?
Thea: (flippant and angry, dismissive) I don't know, but I've had about all I can take from the both of you. All you do is cling on me and slow me down.
Jerry: (a little scared) Wait. Where are you taking us ?
Thea: Somewhere you can get help. I need my medicine.
Terry: Are you sick, mom ?
Thea: (derisive laugh, self-deprecating) You could say that...(she knocks at an adoption agency's door and leaves them there)
Trish: Come in, both of you. Come out of the cold.
Terry: (narrating) Neither Jerry or myself really remember much from that fateful, awful January day. We both had hypothermia and were near the brink of starvation. Our so called 'mother' disappeared and we never saw her again, but Trish and Owen, owners of the Wilson Orphange, accepted us and we forgot whatever heartache had transcended that brutal winter evening.
Jerry: (narrating) Yeah, that is until we started attending public school and it was invite your parents to school day...
(Scene shift)
Scene 2--Kids Can be Cruel
Trish: Here are your lunches, dearies !
Jerry: Oh, yeah ! Thanks mom ! This looks delicious !
Terry: Thanks, mom !
Owen: Give 'em everything you've got, guys. We're rootin' for ya ! Oh, by the way, mom and I left you notes in your lunch bags.
Terry: You shouldn't have.
(Owen brings them in close for a hug and Trish gives them a kiss on the forehead. The bus driver picks them up and they head to school, easily making a bunch of friends. Only one snotty kid during lunch singles them out, pointing out the obvious they never knew.)
Brat: If it isn't the two new kids who think they're all that and a bag of chips.
(scoffs) Don't make me laugh.
Terry: We're just ordinary kids, like yourself.
Brat: No, Terry. You're not.
Jerry: Where do you get off saying all those mean and hurtful things to us ?
Brat: (sits down and tsks, acting high and mighty and frankly, like a huge jerk) Because I am Stanley Bragg. I have more money than I know what to do with, and not only that, I'm awesome. By the way, did you know that tonight's parents' night ?
Terry: (looking at Jerry who seems just as surprised as she is) No, we didn't know.
Jerry: We hadn't heard anything about it.
Stan: I'm sure you'll be inviting your parents to come and see what Honeycomb Elementary's all about.
Jerry: I don't see why we wouldn't. Mom and dad'd be happy to come ! (huge smile)
Stan: You see, that's where you're both blind. Those people, they aren't your real parents. That place is an orphanage, morons ! That's a place for kids who are abandoned, left behind, second pickin's. (even darker and more cruel tone) Leftovers.
Terry: They are our parents, though.
Stan: (slaps his forehead) Did you ever look at the sign of the place where you're staying, Terry ? Are you that naive ?
Terry: (a bit upset but keeping back her tears) what if I am ?
Jerry: Leave her alone, Stan. Hang out with your loser friends.
Stan: Oh, we'll see who the real losers are once they bring in their foster parents.
What rejects ! (directing his pals to follow him, they just snicker and go wherever he leads) Come on, guys.
(Once Stan and his buddies are gone, Terry starts sobbing morosely.)
Jerry: (comforting her, hugging her and stroking her hair, drying her eyes) Terry, no...stop. Don't cry. They aren't worth your tears.
Terry: (slightly angry, snivelling) What Stan said though, it can't be true !
Jerry: It isn't. They'll see how dumb he and his buddies really are tonight.
(Scene flash to tonight, each parent introduces themself whether mom, dad, mom and dad or surrogate parent/grandparent.)
Trish: Hi, Honeycomb Elementary ! We're the Owens. We're Terry and Jerry's guardians.
Terry: (narrating) This word actually perplexed us both. We always thought Trish and Owen were our blood parents but they explained it to us later. Stan, of course, had the last laugh that night and was a constant source of irritation until we grew older and attended Orchid Junior High. It was better than elementary but kids, alas, can still be cruel. We had gotten used to being mocked for our lack of parents,but we hadn't given up on finding the correct family, yet.
Scene 3--Never Letting Go of Hope
Terry: (narrating) Every Christmas season, Jerry and I wrote to Santa about finding people who would love and care for us as their own. I was the more optimistic of the two. I still believed in Saint Nick even if Jerry didn't and had subsuquently 'outgrown' his belief. Somewhere inside him, I knew he was a kid at heart. After all, he was my twin brother and that magic was still flickering about within his heart.
Kyle: Hey, Terry ! Hey, Jer ! Did you guys know about the yule party Club 42 is hosting ?
Terry: Do we ? (laughs) Sure we do, Kyle. Everyone'll be going. It's a festively themed night.
Jerry: I can't believe they're letting teenagers in. Isn't it usually a club for adults ?
Katie: You're thinking of Club Voltaire down the way. 42's been known for activities and such and after-school mentoring sessions. I go there on my days off. The DJ is waaaay smokin'.
Kyle: (pretends to gag) Whatever puts a shimmy in your shake, cupcake.
Katie: DJ McSquared is the cherry on my sundae. He is the air I breathe and the sunlight that gives me vitamin D.
Kyle: (puts up finger to comment laciviously to that, but thinks better of it)
Katie: Sometimes, brother, I don't really understand your dirty mind and why it delves into the gutter.
Kyle: I'm a teenage boy full of male hormones. Where else would I delve ?
(They laugh)
Katie: Anyways, we're going. You don't even have to have a permit from your folks. They close at a reasonable hour. They only stay open until midnight on New Year's Eve. Come on, say you'll go with us ! It'll be so much more fun.
Terry: Sure ! Why not, it'll be a blast !
Jerry: Can't hurt. Won't be doing anything at the orphanage.
Kyle: That's the spirit. We'll be seeing you later on tonight. Our cousin, Michael will be coming to pick us up. Apparently, he's friends with McSquared.
(Shift to Terry and Jerry getting all gussied up for the dance and the Owens kissing and hugging them goodbye)
Trish: You two be careful, ok ? Be back at a reasonable hour !
Owen: Don't make us worry ourselves to death !
(The two of them laugh, knowing that although the comment was made in jest, has immense serious overtones.)
Terry: We'll be fine, alright mom ?
Jerry: Yeah, dad. You both worry far too much !
Both: We wouldn't be your parents if we didn't do so otherwise.
Trish: (playfully shooing them to join their friends) Now go on, git ! Have a blast.
Terry: You know we will !
(We can see Kyle and Katie being driven by Michael who is waving excitedly and eagerly for Terry and Jerry to join them. They drive off to 'Good Times' being played over the radio and make their way inside Club 42.)
Scene 4--Lost and Found
Micheal: My man, my man ! Hey, hey, Ron !
Ron: (hushed) Mike, I told you, dude. Never, ever use my real name in public, especially in the earshot of those who don't know my true identity ! JEEZ !
Katie: Touchy much, MCSquared ?
Ron: (smooths back his hair) Aw, nah. Ain't nothin' but a thing, sweetness. I can get a bit emotional at times. I'd better get to scratchin' though. (over the mike) Party people in the houuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse ! Who wants to make some noise ?
(plays a Christmas version of 'Jungle Love', 'Jungle Boogie' and 'Hey What's Goin' On', as well as 'Rapper's Delight')
Kyle: I keep forgetting how talented Squared is with those dope mixes !
(A lost dog runs through the club and no one knows how he got in)
Ron: Someone lost a dog ? Does anyone know who that pooch belongs to ?
Katie: (tries to catch him) Ack ! Lost him ! Fast little snot !
Terry: I can catch him ! Come on, Jerry ! We have to get this dog back to its owners ! Especially on Christmas Eve !
Katie: Don't be gone too long, you two !
(They chase mercilessly after the dog until they literally run into his owners)
Terry: Sorry !
Jerry: Excuse us !
Opal: No need, you found Reginald !
Arnold: Reginald seemed to have gotten away from us on our evening constitutional.
Terry: Whew, what a relief. He doesn't do this often, does he ?
Opal: Not at all. He's very well behaved.
Jerry: Come on, we have to go back to the party.
Arnold: Not until we can thank you personally. What are your names ?
Terry: I'm Terry, he's Jerry. (shakes their hands) Nice to meet you. Sorry we have to leave on such short accounts though.
Arnold: Think nothing of it.
Opal: (lighthearted snicker)
(They leave without the two of them noticing)
Opal: Wait ! Oh, shoot. They're already gone.
Arnold: We should follow them.
Opal: Arnie, are you nuts ? We'll be reported as pedophiles.
Arnold: We'll let whoever's responsible for them know we're not. I know you want to adopt some children and those two seem perfect.
Opal: You're being too optimistic, Arnie.
Arnold: Come on, Op. We won't know unless we try. Come on, let's follow them.
(takes her hand and rushes back to the club with her, and no one is left in sight, only the DJ is left behind, starting to shut things down)
Ron: Hey, party's being shut down, guys. Time for everyone to go back home.
Opal: Please, just hear us out. There were two really sweet kids who brought our dog back to us.
Arnold: Do you know where they went to ? Or if they have parents ?
Ron: Firstly, I know they are orphans, and I can clearly see your interested in them.
(The two look relieved at learning this important information, and they hug each other, excitedly.)
Ron: There is an orphanage not far from here. Just follow Granger Road down to Park Street and you'll find it caddycorner to Wilson's Orphanage. Best of luck to you. Peace !
(Walking away, scene shift)
Scene 5--A Christmas Unlike Any Other
Opal: That young man was very curteous !
Arnold: Indeed, which is very refreshing to see. Ah, Wilson's. Here we are !
(They stop in and ask where Terry and Jerry are.)
Terry: (narrating) It was the same nice couple we had helped before. Of course, the Wilsons were a bit reluctant to let us go, but they knew that these two kind people really wanted children in their lives.
Jerry: (narrating) It was Christmas Eve, too. Tomorrow would be Christmas. Terry and I could barely believe it. Before we knew it, we were crying tears of joy and being embraced by our new family. Not only did we have an actual mom and dad, but a dog and a whole new extended family to belong to. It was the most memorable Christmas ever.
Terry: (narrating) Even after the tinsel had been taken down and Christmas was a memory, we weren't made fun of any longer. We had graduated from junior high and were moving on up into high school. Our former bully, Stan Bragg, had been transferred to home schooling due to the fact that he had been considered a troublemaker and had even gotten suspended one too many times for picking fights. One time he even got into a verbal argument with his friends that escalated into a fist fight. That was the final straw for the counselors, principals and other faculty at our middle school. We're only sophomores at Cloverleaf High but I think I want to be a social worker. I want to help kids like myself be placed in families like the one Jerry and I have now.
Jerry: (narrating) I want to intiate reform programs for people in prison who feel lost, abandoned and passed over. They truly never are and tragically, Terry or I could've ended like one of them. They all need a Christmas miracle, no matter what time of the year it is. It's the miracle of love, faith and hope. These elements are powerful and hold no expiration date. Also that, along with the gift of a song, are the languages anyone of any age can understand.
(There are pictures of Terry and Jerry acclimating to their new family situation, being a part of a family reunion in South Dakota, going to Arizona and many other fascinating locales of interest and history. We see them playing with Reginald and romping around the backyard. We see Stan getting into trouble and being kicked out once and for all. Basically, he gets his comeuppance and karma catches up with him. In the end, Terry and Jerry are seen watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy on the couch with their parents before falling asleep.)
('Home' is played during the credits, followed by bloopers, gaffs, and some behind the scenes buffoonery. An upbeat jazzy version of 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' plays as well as 'Make Someone Happy', and 'Wonderful Christmas Time'. Credits attributed to friends, family and everyone who believed in me growing up and through the rough and tumble times of adulthood. Blessings to you all. Most of all, to God who created everything and still creates infinitely.)
Arnold Saxon:
Opal Saxon:
Reginald: (their dog)
Tate Albright:
Stella Albright:
Kyle Albright:
Katie Albright:
Michael Gilbert:
DJ McSquared (aka 'Ron Pendleton'):
Trish Wilson:
Owen Wilson:
Stan Bragg:
(Stan's small group of jerky friends)
Scene 1--Nowhere Else to Turn
Thea: (wandering the streets for her next high, her toddler children are by her side, begging her for food)
Terry: We're hungry. When are we going to get food ?
Thea: (flippant and angry, dismissive) I don't know, but I've had about all I can take from the both of you. All you do is cling on me and slow me down.
Jerry: (a little scared) Wait. Where are you taking us ?
Thea: Somewhere you can get help. I need my medicine.
Terry: Are you sick, mom ?
Thea: (derisive laugh, self-deprecating) You could say that...(she knocks at an adoption agency's door and leaves them there)
Trish: Come in, both of you. Come out of the cold.
Terry: (narrating) Neither Jerry or myself really remember much from that fateful, awful January day. We both had hypothermia and were near the brink of starvation. Our so called 'mother' disappeared and we never saw her again, but Trish and Owen, owners of the Wilson Orphange, accepted us and we forgot whatever heartache had transcended that brutal winter evening.
Jerry: (narrating) Yeah, that is until we started attending public school and it was invite your parents to school day...
(Scene shift)
Scene 2--Kids Can be Cruel
Trish: Here are your lunches, dearies !
Jerry: Oh, yeah ! Thanks mom ! This looks delicious !
Terry: Thanks, mom !
Owen: Give 'em everything you've got, guys. We're rootin' for ya ! Oh, by the way, mom and I left you notes in your lunch bags.
Terry: You shouldn't have.
(Owen brings them in close for a hug and Trish gives them a kiss on the forehead. The bus driver picks them up and they head to school, easily making a bunch of friends. Only one snotty kid during lunch singles them out, pointing out the obvious they never knew.)
Brat: If it isn't the two new kids who think they're all that and a bag of chips.
(scoffs) Don't make me laugh.
Terry: We're just ordinary kids, like yourself.
Brat: No, Terry. You're not.
Jerry: Where do you get off saying all those mean and hurtful things to us ?
Brat: (sits down and tsks, acting high and mighty and frankly, like a huge jerk) Because I am Stanley Bragg. I have more money than I know what to do with, and not only that, I'm awesome. By the way, did you know that tonight's parents' night ?
Terry: (looking at Jerry who seems just as surprised as she is) No, we didn't know.
Jerry: We hadn't heard anything about it.
Stan: I'm sure you'll be inviting your parents to come and see what Honeycomb Elementary's all about.
Jerry: I don't see why we wouldn't. Mom and dad'd be happy to come ! (huge smile)
Stan: You see, that's where you're both blind. Those people, they aren't your real parents. That place is an orphanage, morons ! That's a place for kids who are abandoned, left behind, second pickin's. (even darker and more cruel tone) Leftovers.
Terry: They are our parents, though.
Stan: (slaps his forehead) Did you ever look at the sign of the place where you're staying, Terry ? Are you that naive ?
Terry: (a bit upset but keeping back her tears) what if I am ?
Jerry: Leave her alone, Stan. Hang out with your loser friends.
Stan: Oh, we'll see who the real losers are once they bring in their foster parents.
What rejects ! (directing his pals to follow him, they just snicker and go wherever he leads) Come on, guys.
(Once Stan and his buddies are gone, Terry starts sobbing morosely.)
Jerry: (comforting her, hugging her and stroking her hair, drying her eyes) Terry, no...stop. Don't cry. They aren't worth your tears.
Terry: (slightly angry, snivelling) What Stan said though, it can't be true !
Jerry: It isn't. They'll see how dumb he and his buddies really are tonight.
(Scene flash to tonight, each parent introduces themself whether mom, dad, mom and dad or surrogate parent/grandparent.)
Trish: Hi, Honeycomb Elementary ! We're the Owens. We're Terry and Jerry's guardians.
Terry: (narrating) This word actually perplexed us both. We always thought Trish and Owen were our blood parents but they explained it to us later. Stan, of course, had the last laugh that night and was a constant source of irritation until we grew older and attended Orchid Junior High. It was better than elementary but kids, alas, can still be cruel. We had gotten used to being mocked for our lack of parents,but we hadn't given up on finding the correct family, yet.
Scene 3--Never Letting Go of Hope
Terry: (narrating) Every Christmas season, Jerry and I wrote to Santa about finding people who would love and care for us as their own. I was the more optimistic of the two. I still believed in Saint Nick even if Jerry didn't and had subsuquently 'outgrown' his belief. Somewhere inside him, I knew he was a kid at heart. After all, he was my twin brother and that magic was still flickering about within his heart.
Kyle: Hey, Terry ! Hey, Jer ! Did you guys know about the yule party Club 42 is hosting ?
Terry: Do we ? (laughs) Sure we do, Kyle. Everyone'll be going. It's a festively themed night.
Jerry: I can't believe they're letting teenagers in. Isn't it usually a club for adults ?
Katie: You're thinking of Club Voltaire down the way. 42's been known for activities and such and after-school mentoring sessions. I go there on my days off. The DJ is waaaay smokin'.
Kyle: (pretends to gag) Whatever puts a shimmy in your shake, cupcake.
Katie: DJ McSquared is the cherry on my sundae. He is the air I breathe and the sunlight that gives me vitamin D.
Kyle: (puts up finger to comment laciviously to that, but thinks better of it)
Katie: Sometimes, brother, I don't really understand your dirty mind and why it delves into the gutter.
Kyle: I'm a teenage boy full of male hormones. Where else would I delve ?
(They laugh)
Katie: Anyways, we're going. You don't even have to have a permit from your folks. They close at a reasonable hour. They only stay open until midnight on New Year's Eve. Come on, say you'll go with us ! It'll be so much more fun.
Terry: Sure ! Why not, it'll be a blast !
Jerry: Can't hurt. Won't be doing anything at the orphanage.
Kyle: That's the spirit. We'll be seeing you later on tonight. Our cousin, Michael will be coming to pick us up. Apparently, he's friends with McSquared.
(Shift to Terry and Jerry getting all gussied up for the dance and the Owens kissing and hugging them goodbye)
Trish: You two be careful, ok ? Be back at a reasonable hour !
Owen: Don't make us worry ourselves to death !
(The two of them laugh, knowing that although the comment was made in jest, has immense serious overtones.)
Terry: We'll be fine, alright mom ?
Jerry: Yeah, dad. You both worry far too much !
Both: We wouldn't be your parents if we didn't do so otherwise.
Trish: (playfully shooing them to join their friends) Now go on, git ! Have a blast.
Terry: You know we will !
(We can see Kyle and Katie being driven by Michael who is waving excitedly and eagerly for Terry and Jerry to join them. They drive off to 'Good Times' being played over the radio and make their way inside Club 42.)
Scene 4--Lost and Found
Micheal: My man, my man ! Hey, hey, Ron !
Ron: (hushed) Mike, I told you, dude. Never, ever use my real name in public, especially in the earshot of those who don't know my true identity ! JEEZ !
Katie: Touchy much, MCSquared ?
Ron: (smooths back his hair) Aw, nah. Ain't nothin' but a thing, sweetness. I can get a bit emotional at times. I'd better get to scratchin' though. (over the mike) Party people in the houuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse ! Who wants to make some noise ?
(plays a Christmas version of 'Jungle Love', 'Jungle Boogie' and 'Hey What's Goin' On', as well as 'Rapper's Delight')
Kyle: I keep forgetting how talented Squared is with those dope mixes !
(A lost dog runs through the club and no one knows how he got in)
Ron: Someone lost a dog ? Does anyone know who that pooch belongs to ?
Katie: (tries to catch him) Ack ! Lost him ! Fast little snot !
Terry: I can catch him ! Come on, Jerry ! We have to get this dog back to its owners ! Especially on Christmas Eve !
Katie: Don't be gone too long, you two !
(They chase mercilessly after the dog until they literally run into his owners)
Terry: Sorry !
Jerry: Excuse us !
Opal: No need, you found Reginald !
Arnold: Reginald seemed to have gotten away from us on our evening constitutional.
Terry: Whew, what a relief. He doesn't do this often, does he ?
Opal: Not at all. He's very well behaved.
Jerry: Come on, we have to go back to the party.
Arnold: Not until we can thank you personally. What are your names ?
Terry: I'm Terry, he's Jerry. (shakes their hands) Nice to meet you. Sorry we have to leave on such short accounts though.
Arnold: Think nothing of it.
Opal: (lighthearted snicker)
(They leave without the two of them noticing)
Opal: Wait ! Oh, shoot. They're already gone.
Arnold: We should follow them.
Opal: Arnie, are you nuts ? We'll be reported as pedophiles.
Arnold: We'll let whoever's responsible for them know we're not. I know you want to adopt some children and those two seem perfect.
Opal: You're being too optimistic, Arnie.
Arnold: Come on, Op. We won't know unless we try. Come on, let's follow them.
(takes her hand and rushes back to the club with her, and no one is left in sight, only the DJ is left behind, starting to shut things down)
Ron: Hey, party's being shut down, guys. Time for everyone to go back home.
Opal: Please, just hear us out. There were two really sweet kids who brought our dog back to us.
Arnold: Do you know where they went to ? Or if they have parents ?
Ron: Firstly, I know they are orphans, and I can clearly see your interested in them.
(The two look relieved at learning this important information, and they hug each other, excitedly.)
Ron: There is an orphanage not far from here. Just follow Granger Road down to Park Street and you'll find it caddycorner to Wilson's Orphanage. Best of luck to you. Peace !
(Walking away, scene shift)
Scene 5--A Christmas Unlike Any Other
Opal: That young man was very curteous !
Arnold: Indeed, which is very refreshing to see. Ah, Wilson's. Here we are !
(They stop in and ask where Terry and Jerry are.)
Terry: (narrating) It was the same nice couple we had helped before. Of course, the Wilsons were a bit reluctant to let us go, but they knew that these two kind people really wanted children in their lives.
Jerry: (narrating) It was Christmas Eve, too. Tomorrow would be Christmas. Terry and I could barely believe it. Before we knew it, we were crying tears of joy and being embraced by our new family. Not only did we have an actual mom and dad, but a dog and a whole new extended family to belong to. It was the most memorable Christmas ever.
Terry: (narrating) Even after the tinsel had been taken down and Christmas was a memory, we weren't made fun of any longer. We had graduated from junior high and were moving on up into high school. Our former bully, Stan Bragg, had been transferred to home schooling due to the fact that he had been considered a troublemaker and had even gotten suspended one too many times for picking fights. One time he even got into a verbal argument with his friends that escalated into a fist fight. That was the final straw for the counselors, principals and other faculty at our middle school. We're only sophomores at Cloverleaf High but I think I want to be a social worker. I want to help kids like myself be placed in families like the one Jerry and I have now.
Jerry: (narrating) I want to intiate reform programs for people in prison who feel lost, abandoned and passed over. They truly never are and tragically, Terry or I could've ended like one of them. They all need a Christmas miracle, no matter what time of the year it is. It's the miracle of love, faith and hope. These elements are powerful and hold no expiration date. Also that, along with the gift of a song, are the languages anyone of any age can understand.
(There are pictures of Terry and Jerry acclimating to their new family situation, being a part of a family reunion in South Dakota, going to Arizona and many other fascinating locales of interest and history. We see them playing with Reginald and romping around the backyard. We see Stan getting into trouble and being kicked out once and for all. Basically, he gets his comeuppance and karma catches up with him. In the end, Terry and Jerry are seen watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy on the couch with their parents before falling asleep.)
('Home' is played during the credits, followed by bloopers, gaffs, and some behind the scenes buffoonery. An upbeat jazzy version of 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' plays as well as 'Make Someone Happy', and 'Wonderful Christmas Time'. Credits attributed to friends, family and everyone who believed in me growing up and through the rough and tumble times of adulthood. Blessings to you all. Most of all, to God who created everything and still creates infinitely.)
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