Pricklebush Empire
Synopsis: On the planet Arinia, there are gangs that rule over certain lands. There are giants or Collusa, who rule over air and are typically non-violent and non-confrontational. That doesn’t mean they won’t defend their territory if the need arises. Then there are the Bellicosia, who’s main element is fire. Magic creatures are also part of this faction. Arinia humans magic and non, rule over earth and also include Darksiders (vampires, werewolves, zombies, ghosts). Then there are water elementals, like mermaids, sea serpents and Blessie the pletasaur, who is a relic of another time entirely. Our Players
Humans, including royalty. Our fifth element enters in the Keensight family. The royals have subjugated the less fortunate for eons, but Abel is not one interested in ruling with an iron fist as many Keensights before him have done. His younger sister, Violentia,...