The Bizaare Bazaar
Synopsis: A pop up market with unusual gifts. A curious collector of antiquities, Hakim Afriz, is searching for the rare and unusual. You may wonder exactly who I am and how long I have been traveling. Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. I am Hakim Afriz. I am what many would call a ‘gypsy’. A free spirit, a traveler. I go wherever the bazaar takes me and indulge in its exotic mysteries. I have been able to procure many unusual things, particularly treasures of the orient. My favorites come from Morocco but as an Egyptian, I have found something that piques my curiosity. As an architect and curator, I find myself at many digs and leading tours. The other capital I have I make in trades and buying and selling oil stock which I inherited from my papa, Mostafi. Mostafi since died and I am by myself on this side of the veil, but the tour groups, the stray animals and the mysticism of this place always remind me I am never alone. ...