Synopsis: The darker, brooding, more visceral side of Yogi Bear and his uprising in Jellystone Park. All rights to Yogi are due Hanna Barbera and its intellectual property. Any similarities to persons or entities to living people, places or things is purely coincidental. ‘ Rise up, rise up Time to take a shot, time to take a shot...’--Some lyrics from ‘My Shot’ as sung by Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton the musical ‘There can be only one.’--Quote from Highlander, the movie as well as TV show/series ‘They can take our lives but they can never take our FREEDOM !’--William Wallace, Braveheart ‘Nature is both red in tooth and claw.’--Blake Chapter 1—Hunting Season Begins Yogi had lived a relatively quiet life. His friend, Boo Boo, was by far, the more relaxed and amiable type of bear. Boo Boo didn’t want any beef with anyone. He didn’t bother other bears and stuck by Yogi’s side, figuring since Yogi was the bigger, ...