The Thingies
Synopsis: They came from another world, Negavo, Tiny Energy vampires appear on our planet and find a smorgasbord of things to feast upon. Of course, they find Silicon Valley and begin to siphon the power. The tech geeks soon find themselves up a creek without a paddle until the fellow stoner at Intel Corp explains he has been seeing mysterious ‘thingies’ eating energy during the Witching Hour… ~&~CAST~*~ Buddy Kierney: (Intel Corp’s Local Stoner) Ivor Gretsky: (the Boss) Natalia Gretzky: (his wife) Yacov Gretzky: (his son) Devorah Gretzky: (His daughter, the youngest) Amarah Patel: Samarah Patel: (Twin Sister) Jared King: Malachi Creed: Ophelia Rogers: Xavier Duval: And a Hoard/drove of Thingies Doctor Darius Harcourt: Doctor Otto Cantor: Scene 1--The Lights Go Dim in Silicon Valley (The scene begins normally enough in the e...