Diego and Luna
Synopsis: A modern day faery tale of two kingdoms--One of the day and the other of the night. The two opposites find themselves in love, woefully against their parents’ wishes, however the two get their parents to see they have more in common and the kingdoms are united. Chapter 1--Reigning the Day Hey ! My name’s Diego ! It’s a pleasure to meet you. You might ask ‘why such a sunny disposition ?’. I have always been this way, even when I was just a tyke. I rule over a world of light and what would generally be considered the creatures that reside in it. I am next in line to rule in my kingdom but honestly never really thought too much about every responsibility tied to the burden of ruling a whole kingdom. It is quite massive and is quite the undertaking for one man to spearhead on his own, but mom and dad have decided to set me on a date with the woman I will soon come to marr...