
Expeditious, God of Efficiency

  Table of Contents Chapter 1—Self Reliant Chapter 2—Philodendron Chapter 3—Acorna, My Love Chapter 4—Pants, Will They Ever Catch On ?    Chapter 5—The Guys and Me Epilogue       Chapter 1—Self Reliant                 Although I’m on good terms with my dad, Hermes, more often I’ll see my mom, Mariah, especially when I call upon her by name.     My mom’s a wind elemental so I have many of her abilities, just as well as my dad’s.     That makes me more of a demigod than a god but that’s unimportant.                    From the time I was brought into this world by my dad’s infinite horniness, I learned that he was going to fraternize with other gods and keep up appearances with them.   I didn’t have to work too hard for fame, glory, or populari...

Summoning A Friend

  Table of Contents Chapter 1—Parents Just Don’t Understand Chapter 2—Just Call Me Your New Imaginary Friend Chapter 3—I’ve Been Meaning To Talk to You Chapter 4—Now That I’m a Man, I’ve Put Away Childish Things Epilogue     Chapter 1—Parents Just Don’t Understand                 Stanley found himself bored once again.    Marvin was out late at Jinko’s, and mama Harmony was out doing goodness knows what in the forest with her bear family, which left Stanley by himself in the house with his action figures.     He didn’t have any friends he could call and most of his classmates found him ‘weird and awkward’ although he tried his utmost to make new friends.      He laid one of his Power Rangers supine while the others tumbled into a tangled dogpile.     He sighed.    Then he remembered that one goth kid at school t...


  Table of Contents Chapter 1—Someone’s Gunning for Jigen Again Chapter 2—Gun For Hire Chapter 3—An Old Score Chapter 4—Never to Return Chapter 5—Nice Sounds Nice this Time of Year Epilogue   ‘I know nobody knows where it comes, where it goes.   I know it’s everybody’s sin, you’ve got to know how to lose to win.’—lyrics from Aerosmith’s ‘Dream On’ ‘Lean on me when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend.   I’ll help you carry on.    For, it   won’t be long ‘til I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.’—lyrics from ‘Lean on Me’ as sung by Bill Withers ‘We’re good men, but we’re not Saints.’—Michael to Elizabeth, Among Wolves   A/N :   I do realize that this fanfiction is an awful lot like Jigen’s Gravestone, which was the source of inspiration from it.    With that being said, I hope you’ll enjoy this little fanfic.   Chapter 1—Someone’s Gunning for Jigen Again       ...

My Journey to Iowa and Back

 I just experienced one of the best vacations I have ever had in dog's years.   I had always wanted to travel to Iowa, but mainly it was because of Riverside and Dyersville.   If you know me, the first destination shouldn't be a surprise because I have always been a Trekkie at heart and seeing the birthplace (fictional or no) of one James Tyberius Kirk is beyond extraordinary.   The second place is where Field of Dreams was filmed.  I have already seen where Bull Durham was filmed and I will never forget how incredible it was.  I can still taste and smell tobacco whenever I think of it.  I wouldn't mind going back because it was absolutely beautiful, despite the acrid taste.    Anyways, my roommate and I had decided to finally travel to Britt, Iowa because a beloved friend of ours, Hobo Shoestring (aka Mark Nichols) had sadly, died.   It's true that the traveler life is perilous, full of pitfalls and dangers, but some...

The Obliteration of Chaos

  Table of Contents Chapter 1—The Blurring of Spacetime Chapter 2—Diedre’s Vendetta Chapter 3—Outnumbered but Unable to Flee Chapter 4—One for the History Books Chapter 5—Belle Finds a New Home Chapter 6—A Fond Farewell Epilogue     Chapter 1—The Blurring of Spacetime                 The Shatterverse crystal had been put back together, piece by piece, each shard holding together its own universe.    Nothing had gone awry, save for the fact that Sonic and his friends in Green Hill were facing down a remarkably familiar enemy that simply would not give up, no matter how many times they lost their battle against them.                 ‘A mech ?   How unoriginal.’, Sonic scoffed as he and the others faced off against the Chaos Council, each member had their own body part to command of the G...

The 'End' of Sonic Underground

 I have just penned my final fanfic for the SU multiverse.   Granted, I do realize it states 'The End' at its conclusion.   I am moving on to other hobbies and franchises.   Life goes on and although I still adore Sonic, I am simply no longer writing Sonic related fanfics.   I am hopeful everyone understands because it is true all good things come to an end, but we all know there are plenty of other writers who will gladly blaze the trail and keep the torch burning long after interest in it ebbs.    

Christmas in Grimsburg

  Table of Contents Chapter 1—Getting Ready for the Gala Chapter 2—Caught Under the Mistletoe Chapter 3—Secret Santa Chapter 4—Isn’t it Ironic, Don’t You Think ? Chapter 5—Christmas Trivia Chapter 6—A Toast Epilogue       Chapter 1—Getting Ready for the Gala                 Rubi was unexpectedly cheerful.    She was like everyone else even if she was monitored constantly through her anklet, so courteously provided to her by her ultimate nemesis, Mavin Flute.     Mavin and Harvey had remarried and were still ardent lovers, preparing to welcome another life into the world.    Neither of them had prepared for a second baby, but Harvey thought Mavin looked spectacularly sultry in maternity wear.                    ‘Don’t get to used to this honey bear.’,...