Expeditious, God of Efficiency
Table of Contents Chapter 1—Self Reliant Chapter 2—Philodendron Chapter 3—Acorna, My Love Chapter 4—Pants, Will They Ever Catch On ? Chapter 5—The Guys and Me Epilogue Chapter 1—Self Reliant Although I’m on good terms with my dad, Hermes, more often I’ll see my mom, Mariah, especially when I call upon her by name. My mom’s a wind elemental so I have many of her abilities, just as well as my dad’s. That makes me more of a demigod than a god but that’s unimportant. From the time I was brought into this world by my dad’s infinite horniness, I learned that he was going to fraternize with other gods and keep up appearances with them. I didn’t have to work too hard for fame, glory, or populari...