Busy Like a Beaver
Seems to me that things have picked up again once more. Unfortunately, my roommate lost a cat not long ago. Sadly, he had the same UTI issues as his brother, Butthead did. Just in case you were wondering, his name was Beavis, appropriately. Both of them were exquisitely affectionate little orange and white tiger boys that had no enemies or grudges, but I never met Butthead. Butthead had to be put to sleep due to squamous cell carcinoma, and no one, nothing needs to die in that sort of excruciating, crucifying pain. Beavis had it easier. His kidneys quit and he simply became weaker. Friday evening he expired and I dug the hole for the sweet little nipper. I already miss him and I've done a lot of crying over him, but I know he's up in Heaven running around with his brother and most likely all the other animals up there. Tomorrow, I'm uncertain whether we...