Living and Dying Well in the 27th Century
Synopsis: A cyberpunk tale told from the POV of Rue Ellen Reeve, who is in hospice with incurable neuroblastoma. ‘Two roads diverged in a wood And I—I took the road less travelled by And that has made all the difference.’—from the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Chapter 1—Only So Much a Woman Can Aspire To Many scholars debate the meaning of Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken. I ascribe to the ‘regret’ the poem speaks of. Granted, in my multitude of years in the 27th century seeing the rise and fall of myriads of elements, situations, people, places and things, I have witnessed paradigm shifts and the pendulum swinging for the better or the worst of humanity. Lots of youngsters say, ‘Rue Ellen, what was it like back in the 1990’s ? Is it neon glory, spandex, fanny packs and stirrup pants ?’, to which I respond, ‘Yes, that, and fantastic television. Lots of ...